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研究生: 欉珊慈
Tsung, Shan-tzu
論文名稱: 探討高職學生社經地位、英語學習動機、後設認知單字學習策略,及英語單字學習之關係
The Relationship Among Socio-economic Status, Learning Motivation, Use of Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategies, and English Vocabulary Acquisition
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 社經地位英語學習動機後設認知單字學習策略單字學習成就
英文關鍵詞: socio-economic status, English learning motivation, metacognitive vocabulary learning strategy, vocabulary achievement
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:434下載:51
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  • 本研究探討家庭社經地位對於高職生英語學習動機(包含動機強度及種類)、後設認知單字學習策略運用、及單字成就的影響,並且探究在排除社經地位的影響之下,英語學習動機及後設認知單字學習策略使用對單字成就的解釋力何者較高。本研究共邀請224位來自彰化一所高職一年級的受訪者參與,請受訪者填寫三份問卷—基本資料問卷(包含社經地位項目)、學習動機問卷(包含動機強度及種類)、後設認知單字學習策略使用問卷—及一份單字成就測驗。收集到的資料運用多因子變異數分析、單因子變異數分析、及階層廻歸做統計分析以回應上述兩項研究目的。分析結果顯示社經地位對英語學習動機(包含動機強度及種類)、後設認知單字學習策略運用、及單字成就的影響皆不顯著,亦即不同社經地位的學生在這三個變項上的表現並沒有顯著差異。此外,當控制了社經地位對單字成就的影響時,英語學習動機強度是唯一能顯著地預測單字成就的自變項,其他的自變項如學習動機種類及後設認知單字學習策略運用則皆無法顯著預測高職學生的英語單字成就。由此可知,對高職學生來說,學習動機強度對英文單字成就的影響力遠勝於動機種類以及運用後設認知學習策略與否,因此,文末提出了和提升學生學習動機強度相關的教學建議給高職英語教師們參考。本研究盼能增進高職英語教師對學生英語學習的了解:(1)社經地位對英語學習的影響微乎其微,(2)學習動機強度對於單字學習有顯著的預測力。

    The present study intends to reveal the role of socio-economic status (SES) in English learning motivation (including intensity and types), metacognitive vocabulary learning strategy use, and lexical achievement. It also explores the explanatory power of motivation and metacognitive strategy use for second language vocabulary acquisition, with the effect of SES controlled. A total of 224 participants were recruited and asked to complete four research instruments: a background information questionnaire that probed into parents’ socio-economic status, a motivational questionnaire, a metacognitive strategy use questionnaire, and a vocabulary test. Inferential statistics such as MANOVA, one-way ANOVA, and hierarchical regression were employed. The results uncovered an insignificant effect of SES on English learning motivation, metacognitive vocabulary learning strategy use, and lexical achievement. In addition, motivational intensity was found to be the only predictor that significantly explained vocabulary achievement while metacognitive strategy use and motive types did not account for lexical learning to a significant level. Some pedagogical suggestions for language teachers on how to enhance learners’ motivational intensity are provided at the end of the study.

    中文摘要 2 ABSTRACT 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 LIST OF TABLES 8 LIST OF FIGURES 9 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 10 Background 10 Socioeconomic Status and Language Learning 11 Motivation and Language Achievement 14 Metacognitive Strategies and Language Achievement 15 Purpose of the Present Study 17 Significance of the Study 17 Definition of Terms 18 Socio-economic Status 18 Motivation 18 Metacognitive Vocabulary Learning Strategies 19 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 20 Socioeconomic Status 20 SES and Learning Achievement 20 SES and Learning Motivation 23 SES and Use of Learning Strategy 24 Motivation 27 Definition of Motivation 27 Empirical Studies on Motivation and Language Achievement 34 Metacognitive Strategies 35 Definition of Metacognition 35 Importance of Metacognitive Strategies 38 Metacognitive Strategies and Vocabulary Learning 38 CHAPTER THREE METHODS 46 Participants 46 Instruments 47 Background Information Questionnaire 47 Motivational Questionnaire 48 Metacognitive Strategy Questionnaire 50 Vocabulary Knowledge Test 52 Procedure 53 Data Collection Procedure 53 Data Analysis Procedure 54 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 56 Reliabilities of the Instruments 56 Participants’ Overall Performance on Instruments 57 Effects of SES on Motivation, Metacognitive Strategy Use, and Vocabulary Acquisition 59 Explanatory Power of SES, Motivation, and Metacognitive Strategy in Vocabulary Acquisition 63 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 67 The Effect of Socio-economic Status 67 Socio-economic Status and Motivation 67 Socio-economic Status and Metacognitive Vocabulary Strategy 71 Socio-economic Status and Vocabulary Achievement 72 Explanatory Factors in Vocabulary Achievement 75 Metacognitive Strategies and Vocabulary Achievement 75 Motivation and Vocabulary Achievement 77 Pedagogical Implications 79 Suggestions for Future Research 81 Limitations 83 Conclusion 83 REFERENCES 85 APPENDICES 97 Appendix A: Background Information Questionnaire 97 Appendix B: Questionnaire on Motivation 99 Appendix C: Questionnaire on Metacognitive Vocabulary Strategies 101 Appendix D: Vocabulary Knowledge Test 102

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