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研究生: 江嘉玲
Chiang, Chia-Ling
論文名稱: 探討母語字幕與英語字幕呈現對英語學習者觀看線上網路影片聽力理解成效研究
Evaluating the Effects of Subtitles and Captions on EFL Learners’ Listening Comprehension of Online Videos
指導教授: 劉宇挺
Liu, Yeu-Ting
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 52
中文關鍵詞: subtitlescaptionsEFLlistening comprehensiononline videos
英文關鍵詞: subtitles, captions, EFL, listening comprehension, online videos
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DE.040.2018.A07
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:445下載:69
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  • This study aims to investigate the effects of subtitles and captions on the English listening comprehension of EFL learners at the beginning level. The participants were 84 students of grade 9 from 3 intact classes at a public junior high school in Taiwan. Each class watched 9 video materials with a pre-designated caption mode over 3 weeks. To explore the variable of the learners’ proficiency level in defining the effectiveness of the two caption modes, the participants in each group were implicitly divided into 2 sub-groups according to their language proficiency level. All participants took a listening comprehension test and a cloze test after each viewing. After the last test was conducted, a questionnaire was conducted to all participants followed by a post-study interview administered by the researcher. The results of the study reveal that the use of captioning is more effective than the use of subtitling in promoting the English listening comprehension of EFL learners. Another finding of the study also suggests that there is selective effect of the captions on the learners of different linguistic profiles. The use of captioning poses more positive effect on the English listening comprehension of the more proficient learners than on that of the less proficient learners. Based on these findings, some pedagogical implications for employing authentic video materials to enhance the English listening comprehension of EFL middle school students are discussed.

    1 Introduction…………………………1 2 Literature Review……………………6 2.1 The effects of subtitles on second language acquisition……………6 2.2 The effects of captions on foreign language acquisition……………8 2.3 The effects of subtitles versus captions on foreign language acquisition…………………11 2.4 The influence of learners’ language proficiency on the efficacy of L1 and L2 captions ……………………………………………………12 2.4.1 Advanced learners………………………………………13 2.4.2 Learners of the intermediate level………………14 2.4.3 Learners of the beginning level……………………15 3 Methodology…………………………………17 3.1 Participants…………………………………17 3.2 Research design……………………………17 3.2.1 Participant grouping………………… 17 3.2.2 Treatment…………………………………19 3.3 Materials……………………………………20 3.4 Instruments…………………………………22 3.4.1 Listening comprehension test.…………………22 3.4.2 Cloze test………………………………22 3.4.3 Questionnaire…………………………23 3.4.4 Post-study interview…………………23 3.5 Procedures…………………………………24 3.6 Data collection…………………………24 4 Results……………………………………26 4.1 Descriptive results…………………………26 4.2 Discussions………………………………………33 4.2.1 Caption modes and listening comprehension……………………34 4.2.2 Effect of learner’s linguistic proficiency on English listening Comprehension………………35 4.2.3 The perceptions of the learners toward learning English through watching authentic online videos………………………37 5 Conclusion……………………………………………38 5.1 Pedagogical implications……………………………38 5.2 Limitations to the present study…………………40 5.3 Suggestions for the future research………………41 References……………………………………43 Appendices Appendix I: Consent form……………………50 Appendix II: Questionnaire………………………51 Appendix III: Sample of the questions of listening comprehension test………………52

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