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研究生: 傅惠筠
Fu, Hui-Yun
論文名稱: 大專校院學生節能減碳行為意圖及其影響因素之研究─計畫行為理論之應用
Prosocial Behavior Affect the Intention to Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Action: A Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behavior
指導教授: 馮丹白
Feng, Dan-Pai
Hong, Jon-Chao
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 196
中文關鍵詞: 行為意圖計畫行為理論節能減碳
英文關鍵詞: behavioral intention, theory of planned behavior, energy saving and carbon reduction
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:379下載:62
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  • 本研究利用計畫行為理論模式作為理論基礎,透過文獻分析,建立大專校院學生節能減碳行為意圖模式,探討大專校院學生的利社會行為、知識、價值、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及態度對於節能減碳行為意圖的影響,以及不同性別、年級及學門的大專校院學生,其節能減碳行為意圖的差異。本研究採用自編之「大專校院學生節能減碳行為意圖問卷」進行施測,共取得有效樣本800份。所得資料以描述性統計、模式適配度考驗、複迴歸分析、積差相關、徑路分析、Sobel考驗公式、單因子多變量變異數分析進行考驗。

    The aim of this study is the discussion of how environmental knowledge, value, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, attitude, and prosocial behavior affect the intention of energy saving and carbon reduction behaviors. It also attempted to analyze the difference in students’ behavioral intention in terms of different backgrounds. The proposed extension variables were based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and related literature. This study implemented a survey with an edited version of the “Questionnaire on the Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Behavioral Intention of Post-secondary School Students” was conducted and obtained a sample of 800 valid samples participants. The obtained data were analyzed with using descriptive statistics, structural equation modeling, multiple regression analysis, Pearson correlation, path analysis, and multivariate analysis of variance.
    The results indicate that the model possessed an ideal goodness of fit. The six conclusions are as follows: (1) Value, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and attitude, these variables were directly or indirectly correlated with behavior intentions. (2) the higher the perceived behavioral control is of an individual, the stronger his or her behavioral intentions; (3) the higher the subjective norm and perceived behavioral control are the more positive an individual’s attitude will have, and the stronger his or her behavioral intentions; (4) being more profound knowledge able about behaviors does not necessarily lead to a more positive attitude; (5) prosocial behavior can improve the attitudes, thereby enhancing their behavior intentions; (6) students consider that energy savings and carbon reduction are important issues; however, they are not willing to participate in relevant activities.
    Three differences in behavior intention among students with different background variables are as follows: (1) With regard to subjective norm and perceived behavior control, female students exhibited superior performance compared to male students, whereas male students performed better with respect to knowledge and attitude; (2) senior and sophomore students possessed superior cognitions regarding knowledge than that of junior students, and senior students excelled sophomores with respect to perceived behavior control; (3) the students of engineering, manufacturing, construction and education field possessed superior cognitions regarding knowledge than the students of social sciences, business and law field, the students of social sciences, business, law and science field excelled engineering, manufacturing and construction field with respect to values, the students of social sciences, business, law, science and education field excelled health and welfare field with respect to perceived behavior control, the students of science field excelled health and welfare field with respect to behavior intentions.
    Based on the findings, three suggestions were provided for the administration, five suggestions were provided for school. Finally, for those researchers who would be interested in this field, five recommendations were proposed for reference.

    摘要 i Abstract iii 總目錄 v 圖目錄 vii 表目錄 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 6 第三節 名詞解釋 8 第四節 研究方法與步驟 10 第五節 研究範圍與限制 15 第二章 文獻探討 19 第一節 節能減碳教育理論基礎 19 第二節 節能減碳教育推行現況與問題分析 25 第三節 節能減碳行為意圖之探討 42 第三章 研究設計與實施 61 第一節 研究架構 61 第二節 研究假設 63 第三節 研究對象 77 第四節 研究工具 79 第五節 資料處理與分析方法 101 第四章 研究結果分析與討論 105 第一節 受測者基本資料之分析 105 第二節 大專校院學生節能減碳行為意圖模型適配度 107 第三節 知識、利社會行為、價值、主觀規範、知覺行為控制及態度對行為意圖的影響 111 第四節 不同背景變項在知識、利社會行為、價值、主觀規範、知覺行為控制、態度及行為意圖的差異 126 第五章 結論與建議 161 第一節 結論 161 第二節 建議 167 參考文獻 173 附錄一 大專校院學生節能減碳行為意圖調查問卷(預試) 187 附錄二 大專校院學生節能減碳行為意圖調查問卷(正式問卷) 193

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