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    A survey study of intention not to smoke among fifth and sixth graders


    Can Theory of Planned Behavior Explain the Intention to Use a Tesla Electric Vehicle by Taiwanese Consumers?


    Parents’ pseudoscience attitude and self-efficacy in science learning affect the attitude and intention to take children to revisit the science museum

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    Applying theory of planned behavior on the senior high school studnets specializing in athletics to explore the relationship between their learning behavior and career development


    Prosocial Behavior Affect the Intention to Energy Saving and Carbon Reduction Action: A Perspective of the Theory of Planned Behavior


    A Study of Regular Exercise Behavioral Intention among Pregnancy Women - Testing Theory of Planned Behavior


    Respecting Wildlife within the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace: A Case Study of the Visitors’ Behaviors in Yangmingshan National Park


    Applying Theory of Planned Behavior to understand intention not to use illicit drug and Gender Difference.-A Case of Elementary School Senior-grade Students.


    The Study of Sports Lottery Consumers’ Purchase Intention -The Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior


    The Perception and Intention of Eating at Exotic Restaurants