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研究生: 蔡昀澤
論文名稱: 線上學習網站使用者經驗量表之建構與評估-以英語學習網站為例
The Construction and Evaluation of User Experience Scale on Learning Website: A Case Study of English Learning Website.
指導教授: 簡佑宏
Chien, Yu-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 使用者經驗量表建構實用性唯樂性網站吸引力
英文關鍵詞: user experience, scale construction, ergonomic quality, hedonic quality, website appeal
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:739下載:32
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  • 資訊科技進步引領數位學習發展。因應國人提升國際競爭力的需求,英語學習網站如雨後春筍般出現。使用者選擇英語學習網站的首要條件除了客觀的實用性外,近來發現主觀感受-唯樂性及網站吸引力亦是重要因素。目前國內並沒有一套線上學習網站的評估標準,本研究從英語學習網站功能介面設計的主觀感受切入,旨在建構一份適用於國內的線上學習網站使用者經驗形容詞語意量表並加以驗證。

    Advances in information technology continue to lead the development of digital learning. Many English learning websites were established for satisfying individuals’ needs of improving international competitiveness. Generally, users choose English websites based on the objective feelings - ergonomic quality. However, recent research found the subjective feelings - hedonic quality and website appeal might be also an important factor. Currently, we don't have standard for evaluate domestic learning website, the subjective feelings of English learning website interface design is an incision point, this study concentrate on construct and evaluate a user experience scale for domestic learning website.
    By discussion and compilation with user experience consultant, website designer, English teacher and linguist, experiment on 60 university students (from 21 to 26 years old) and analyze data through SPSS and AMOS. This study findings is a 7 point semantic differential scale have three factors (ergonomic quality, hedonic quality and website appeal) include 31 questions. This scale not only evaluated ergonomic quality of learning website service but also subjective feelings of user, which can assess domestic learning website user experience effectively and be consultation for learning website construction in the future.

    中文摘要.........................................................................................................i 英文摘要........................................................................................................ ii 目  錄.......................................................................................................iii 表  次........................................................................................................v 圖  次.......................................................................................................vi 第一章 緒論...............................................................................................01 第一節 研究背景與動機...................................................01 第二節 研究目的......................................................................04 第三節 研究問題......................................................................04 第四節 研究範圍與限制...........................................................04 第二章 文獻探討.......................................................................................06 第一節 國內英語數位學習現況.........................................................06 第二節 使用者經驗.............................................................................08 第三節 使用者經驗評估量表...........................................................15 第四節 本章小節...............................................................................18 第三章 實驗研究流程...............................................................................19 第四章 線上學習網站使用者經驗形容詞語意量表建構………….…..20 第一節 量表題項蒐集............................................ ..... ......................20 第二節 量表題項篩檢....................................... ..... ..... .....................25 第五章 線上學習網站使用者經驗形容詞語意量表驗證………..32 第一節 線上學習網站使用者經驗形容詞語意量表驗證實驗........32 第二節 資料分析............................................................................... 34 第六章 討論與結論…............................................ .................................44 第一節 實驗結果分析與討論......................................................44 第二節 結論與建議…............................................ ... …...................49 參考文獻.......................................................................................................52 一、中文部分...........................................................................................52 二、外文部分...........................................................................................53 附錄...............................................................................................................57 附錄一 文獻蒐集形容詞對表............................................................58 附錄二 語言專家編修形容詞對表....................................................68 附錄三 各領域專家勾選刪除形容詞對表........................................70 附錄四 受測者基本資料表............ ........ ........ ......... ........................76 附錄五 翻譯AttrakDiff語意量表............ ........ .......... ......................77 附錄六 實驗測驗問卷............ ......................... .......... .......................78 附錄七 受測者任務表........... ......................... ... ............. .................79

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