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研究生: 吳昭緯
Chou-Wei Wu
論文名稱: 由微孔珊瑚骨骼穩定碳氧同位素組成與鍶/鈣比分析探討 台灣西北部全新世中期之古氣候
Mid-Holocene paleoclimate of NW Taiwan inferred from d18O, d13C and Sr/Ca ratio of coral Porites skeleton
指導教授: 米泓生
Mii, Horng-Sheng
Wang, Shih-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 75
中文關鍵詞: 珊瑚穩定碳氧同位素古氣候鍶/鈣比全新世中期
英文關鍵詞: coral, stable isotope, paleoclimate, Sr/Ca ratio, Mid-Holocene
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:156下載:27
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  • 本研究挑選台灣西北部桃園海岸珊瑚礁岩芯(TY-05),選取其中微孔珊瑚(Porites)生長較為連續之區段進行穩定碳氧同位素及Sr/Ca比值成分分析,並且同時分析本地區海水的氧同位素組成,以重建中全新世時期台灣西北部沿海地區之古環境。
    根據鈾釷定年結果,本研究所選取珊瑚之初始生長年代為5,845±55 yr BP;其氧同位素數值則顯示18年的週期震盪,其中第4-7年生長速率緩慢(平均3.2mm/yr);因為生長緩慢的珊瑚骨骼之鍶/鈣比值與碳氧同位素組成,可能會受到動態分異效應變化的影響,而無法反映真實的環境訊號,因此分析數值須扣除此段生長速率過慢的部分。鍶/鈣比值的平均最高值和最低值分別為9.66 mmol/mol和8.59 mmol/mol (N=11),且在第7年的夏季之後有數值明顯變大的現象。氧同位素數值最高值與平均最低值平均分別為-3.64‰和-5.15‰,而碳同位素數值最高值平均與最低值平均分別為-0.26‰和-2.82‰ (N=13)。
    根據Porites珊瑚之Sr/Ca-SST轉換公式可得到5848 yr BP時平均冬夏季溫度分別為20.4°C與28.3°C。將所得溫度代入Abe at al.(1998)之18O-SST轉換公式,便可推得該時期之冬夏季平均水體氧同位素分別為0.15‰與0.10‰。其夏季海溫與現今實測值差異不大,冬季則較現今為高,冬夏溫差較現今為小,冬夏季平均海水氧同位素亦較現今為高。顯示在全新世中期台灣西北部沿海地區與整個東亞沿海地區相同,較現今為溫暖且蒸發作用較強。

    A drilling core (TY-05) was choosen from NW Taiwan and anaylzed the stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition and Sr/Ca ratio of the coral Porites inside. And analyzing the oxygen isotope composition of the seawater in the same study area, together this study will reconstruct the Mid-Holocene paleoclimate of NW Taiwan.
    Coral samples were examined by XRD to make sure the coral is pristine. X-ray radiographs were taken to identify the main growth axis. Carbonate powders of coral were micro drilled for U-Th dating, stable carbon and oxygen isotope and Sr/Ca ratio analyses using an electric dental drill along the main growth axis.
    Based on the U-Th dating result, our sample grew around 5,845±55 yr BP. δ18O data of the sample showed 18 year seasonal cycles. Annual growth rate between the 4th and the 7th years was abnormally low and less than 4mm/yr. Because the kinetic isotope effect may influence both δ13C and δ18O values of coral skeleton precipitated at < 4mm/yr growth rate (McConnaughey, 1989), the 4th -7th year records were eliminated.
    The Average of the maximum (winter) and minimum (summer) Sr/Ca ratio values are 9.66mmol/mol and 8.59 mmol/mol (N= 11), respectively. An abrupt change of Sr/Ca ratio was found in the summer of the 7th year. The average of δ18O values winter and summer are-3.64‰ and -5.15‰ (N=13) , respectively. The d13C values of the maximum and minimum are -0.26‰ and -2.82‰ (N=13), respectively.
    Sea surface temperature (SST) in 5845 yr BP inferred by Sr/Ca ratio are 20.4℃ and 28.3℃ in winter and summer, respectively. By coupling both SST and coral’s d18O record, the calculated d18Osw in 5845 yr BP, was 0.15‰ and 0.10‰ in winter and summer, respectively. A warmer and stronger evaporation condition was shown in this data in mid-Holocene, which consist with other record in East Asia.
    The abrupt change of Sr/Ca ratio in the summer of the 7th year is truly a change in SST, which represent a 3℃ change in SST. The 18Osw also show a +0.46‰ change in summer, synchronously. It’s possible that the transport of Kuroshio Branch Water was increased in Taiwan Strait during summer, and may cause by a stronger East Asian Summer Monsoon.
    Mean seasonal cycle of carbon and oxygen isotope values and the insolation at 30°N in 6000 yr BP are compared together. The maximum and minimum values of the oxygen isotope are defined as January and August, respectively. The maximum value of carbon isotope was found in spring, which preceded the seasonal insolation cycle. This result may due to the effect of both higher insolation and greater nutrient concentration. Winter stable carbon isotope show an increase trend was in this 11-year record. The increase trend in winter SST could cause a stronger photosynthesis that will increase the d13C data in coral skeletons.

    中文摘要........................................................II 英文摘要.............................................. III 目錄.................................................. V 圖目................................................. VII 表目................................................. XI 誌謝.................................................. XII 一、緒論................................................ 1 1.1前言....................................... 1 1.2全新世中期的古環境研究........................ 2 1.3造礁珊瑚之同位素與元素分析...................... 5 1.3.1珊瑚骨骼18O之環境應用..................... 8 1.3.2珊瑚骨骼13C之環境應用.................... 8 1.3.3珊瑚骨骼Sr/Ca比之環境應用.................. 9 1.4研究目的....................................... 10 二、研究地點、材料與研究方法 ............................... 11 2.1研究地點與材料 ................................ 11 2.2實驗方法....................................... 15 2.2.1前處理................................... 15 2.2.2 U-Th定年分析............................. 15 2.2.3穩定碳氧同位素分析......................... 15 2.2.4 Sr/Ca比值分析............................ 17 2.2.5水樣氧同位素分析........................... 17 三、研究結果............................................. 18 3.1 XRD分析結果 .................................. 18 3.2 U-Th定年分析結果.............................. 18 3.3海水氧同位素分析結果 ........................... 19 3.4 Sr/Ca與穩定碳氧同位素分析結果 ............... 23 四、討論.................................................. 32 4.1 Porites珊瑚年際間Sr/Ca比變化................... 32 4.2 5845 yr BP 桃園地區海水溫度.................... 33 4.3 5845 yr BP 桃園地區海水穩定氧同位素............. 34 4.4海水穩定氧同位素的年際間變化 ................... 37 4.5 SST與18Osw年際間變化的原因.................... 41 4.6 Porites珊瑚13C季節間與年際間的變化............. 42 五、結論 ..................................................46 參考文獻資料.............................................. 47 附錄 附錄一、TY-05岩芯 Porites珊瑚之U-Th定年結果............. 70 附錄二、TY-05岩芯分析區間之 Porites珊瑚18O、13C與Sr/Ca 比值.................................................... 71


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