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研究生: 林芳綺
Fang-Chi Lin
論文名稱: 六位數學實習教師教學身分內涵及發展的個案研究
指導教授: 金鈐
Chin, Chien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 276
中文關鍵詞: 教師專業發展教學身分教學價值實務社群實習教師
英文關鍵詞: professional development of teacher, pedagogical identity, pedagogical value, community of practice, probationary teacher
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:141下載:24
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  • 本研究以Wenger (1998)的學習理論為基礎,將學習的歷程視為成為某人的過程(learning as becoming),嘗試從身分的觀點剖析數學實習教師學習教學的歷程,瞭解教師如何建構及發展自己的教學身分。亦即,教師在教學中是個(或展現出)什麼樣的人?經由實習歷程又使她們成為什麼樣的教師?Ghaye & Ghaye (1998)亦建議,當教師欲回答「我是什麼樣的教師?」時,應該可以先反思自己的教學並瞭解其內含的價值。因此,本研究即以教師的數學教學價值作為預設性的研究主體,以進一步檢視教師教學身分的內涵及其發展的歷程。

    作者以6名數學實習教師為研究的對象,她們所屬實習學校為研究的場景,進行為期1年的個案研究。研究過程參考Chin & Lin (2000)探索與詮釋教師教學價值系統的架構,透過課堂教學觀察、半結構及遞迴性的訪談、撰寫問卷及省思報告來蒐集研究的實徵資料,經比較、分析及層層探索的過程精鍊出教師的教學價值及教學身分。


    Based on Wenger’s (1998) social theory of learning as becoming, the author tried to explore how six probationary teachers construct their pedagogical identities in the process of learning to teach mathematics, concerning ‘who she or he is in the teaching’ and ‘what kind of school mathematics teachers they want to become’ through one year internship. Ghaye & Ghaye (1998) proposed that we need to reflect on what we do before we answer the question ‘what kind of teacher am I?’ And our professional values therefore play a key role to provide us with reasons for teaching in the particular ways. Thus, teachers’ pedagogical values were the subject of this study used to investigate the content and development of pedagogical identities.

    Six mathematics probationary teachers were selected for this one year case studies. By using Chin & Lin’s (2000) framework for investigating and interpreting teachers’ pedagogical value systems, the author collected empirical data from classroom observations, interviews and reflective journals to refine these 6 teachers’ pedagogical values and identities.

    Research results indicated that each case entailed with different pedagogical identities, and some pedagogical qualities were different from traditional mathematics teachers. Besides, their pedagogical identities reflected three kinds of development states including identities consistent, identities separated and identities transformed. In addition, the perceptions of others in the different community of practice have different influence to the development of corresponding pedagogical identities, and the probationary teachers’ identities seemed also to limit the possibility of identities development. Although teachers may act multiple roles in teaching, their internal and in-depth identities are almost the same. When a teacher combines the multiple roles that she or he can play and teaches the core values in the classroom, then their pedagogical identities stand out. The study shows the multiplicity and importance of mathematics teachers’ pedagogical identities, the complexity and variation in the process of identity development. This seems to suggest that mathematics teacher educators should consider seriously the effect of pedagogical identity on the professional development of mathematics teachers.

    第一章 緒論............................................1 第一節 研究的背景和動機..............................1 第二節 研究的問題和目的..............................5 第二章 文獻探討........................................7 第一節 身分.........................................7 第二節 身分的內涵...................................18 第三章 研究方法........................................27 第一節 研究的場域和對象..............................27 第二節 質性取向的個案研究法...........................29 第三節 研究的設計...................................30 第四節 資料的整理和分析..............................35 第五節 研究的限制...................................38 第四章 研究結果........................................43 第一節 小寧的故事...................................43 第二節 小芝的故事...................................55 第三節 小翰的故事...................................64 第四節 小統的故事...................................76 第五節 小宇的故事...................................90 第六節 小瑩的故事..................................101 第七節 教學身分內涵和發展之跨個案分析.................113 第五章 討論和省思.....................................117 第一節 數學實習教師教學身分與教學實作.................117 第二節 數學實習教師教學身分的內涵....................117 第三節 數學實習教師教學身分的發展與實習環境的COP.......119 第四節 教學身分與角色扮演...........................123 第六章 結論和建議.....................................125 第一節 研究的結論和啟示.............................125 第二節 接續研究的建議...............................127 參考文獻.............................................129 附錄說明.............................................135 附錄一:訪談逐字稿.....................................136 附錄二:教學影片轉譯...................................222 附錄三:小寧的「我的輔導老師」問卷.......................251 附錄四:省思報告.......................................255 附錄五:教學教案與講義..................................261

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