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研究生: 童瀞萱
Tung, Ching-Hsuan
論文名稱: 運用科技接受模式探討國小學童科技素養與數位學習行為之關係:以Google Classroom為例
Applying Technology Acceptance Model to Explore the Relationship between Elementary School Students' Technological Literacy and E-Learning Behavior by Using Google Classroom
指導教授: 李懿芳
Lee, Yi-Fang
口試委員: 葉興華 宋修德 李懿芳
口試日期: 2021/06/11
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系科技應用管理碩士在職專班
Department of Industrial Education_Continuing Education Master's Program of Technological Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 147
中文關鍵詞: 科技接受模式科技素養數位學習
英文關鍵詞: e-learning, technological literacy, technology acceptance model
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100759
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:822下載:78
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  • 本研究以科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM)為基礎,探討國小學童的科技素養與其在Google Classroom的數位學習行為之關係。首先透過分析不同背景變項之國小學童在科技素養的差異情形,再探究科技素養與數位學習的認知有趣性、認知易用性、認知有用性、行為意向及使用行為之間的相互關係。
    本研究以研究者在職之C國小三校區五年級學生為樣本,共341人,透過各科課程融入Google Classroom數位學習活動後,進行問卷調查,所得數據進行描述性統計、結構方程模式及路徑關係之分析與驗證。
    主要研究結論如下:一、C國小學童科技素養佳,對Google Classroom數位學習的有趣性、易用性、有用性、行為意向及使用行為的感知程度良好;二、C國小五年級男生、有數位學習環境支持、及較多數位學習經驗者,其科技素養較其他同學優;三、C國小學童科技素養愈高,愈認為數位學習平台是有趣、容易使用及有用的,且愈有助於提升使用數位學習平台的意向及行為;四、科技接受模式能有效預測國小學童科技素養與數位學習行為之關係。依據本研究結論,提出幾項建議:一、宜從國小階段加強學童數位學習環境,有助於建立個人的科技素養;二、國小宜於正式課程或非正式課程,規劃資訊科技融入學習機會和時間,增加學童數位學習經驗;三、教師宜於各科課程融入有趣的數位教學,提升國小學童對數位學習平台的使用意願及行為;四、教師宜由淺入深教學,增加國小學童對Google Classroom的認識與熟悉操作方式,提升數位平台的學習效用;五、Google Classroom數位學習平台宜擴充功能,有助提升國小學童對使用數位學習平台感到有趣的程度。最後,未來研究可擴大範圍與研究對象,進而提供教育單位於規劃國小學童資訊科技學習之參考。

    This study was mainly to explore the relationship between the technological literacy of elementary school students and their e-learning behavior through Google Classroom. Having the analysis of the differences in technological literacy among elementary school students with different backgrounds and variables, the technology acceptance model (TAM) was used as the theoretical basis to probe the effects of technological literacy on the perceived playfulness, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, behavioral intention to use, and actual usage of e-learning among elementary school students.
    After incorporating e-learning activities in Google Classroom through various subjects and conducting questionnaire surveys, the obtained data are analyzed and verified by descriptive statistics, structural equation models and path relationship analysis.
    This study came up with the following conclusions. First, the better technological literacy the elementary school students had, the greater perception of perceived playfulness, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, behavioral intention to use, and actual usage of e-learning they had. Second, different backgrounds and variables of the fifth grade students had influences on their technological literacy. Third, the technological literacy of the elementary school students had positive effect on e-learning. The technology acceptance model can effectively predict the relationship between elementary school students' technological literacy and e-learning behavior.
    Based on the above conclusions, the main recommendations are as follows. First, technological literacy is capable of being equipped through strengthening the e-learning environment from the elementary school stage. Second, elementary schools can plan for the integration of technology learning opportunities and time into formal or informal curriculum to increase students’ e-learning experience. Third, teachers should teach from the shallower to the deeper in order to lead elementary school students be familiar with Google Classroom and enhance the learning effectiveness of e-learning platform. Fourth, teachers can integrate interesting digital teaching into classes to enhance students’ willingness and behavior to use e-learning platforms. Fifth, Google can expand more functions to Google Classroom in order to enhance elementary school students’ perceived playfulness toward using the e-learning platform. Lastly, Future research can expand the study scope and objects, so that the further and deeper reference for planning elementary students’ technology learning can be provided to education units.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 第三節 研究流程 6 第四節 研究範圍與限制 7 第五節 名詞釋義 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 科技接受模式的概念、內涵與演進 11 第二節 科技素養的概念、內涵與相關研究 20 第三節 數位學習的概念、內涵與數位學習平台 30 第四節 各變項之間的相關研究 36 第三章 研究設計與實施 43 第一節 研究方法與架構 43 第二節 研究對象 47 第三節 研究工具 48 第四節 資料處理分析 77 第四章 研究結果與討論 81 第一節 國小學童科技素養與數位學習的認知有趣性、認知易用性、認知有用性、行為意向、使用行為之感知情形 81 第二節 不同背景變項的國小學童科技素養差異分析 87 第三節 一階驗證性因素之分析 95 第四節 結構方程模型之分析 102 第五節 路徑關係分析 107 第六節 驗證結果與討論 112 第五章 結論與建議 119 第一節 結論 119 第二節 建議 122 參考文獻 127 附錄 正式問卷 143

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