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研究生: 米佐嫚
Germaine Ann Mitchel
論文名稱: The Effect of Group Norms and Personal Work Values on Counterproductive Workplace Behaviors: An Empirical Study of St. Lucia’s Young Workers
The Effect of Group Norms and Personal Work Values on Counterproductive Workplace Behaviors: An Empirical Study of St. Lucia's Young Workers
指導教授: 葉俶禎
Yeh, Chu-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: CounterproductiveWorkBehaviorValues
英文關鍵詞: Counterproductive, Work, Behavior, Values
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:242下載:15
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  • This research examined the influence of personal (demographics and work values) and situational (group behavioral norms) factors on the propensity to engage in counterproductive work behaviors (misuse of resources and misuse of information) among Business Administration graduates. A quantitative vignette or factorial survey approach was used in the study. Three questionnaires, containing a subset of vignettes representing different factors of the situational variable, were administered to respondents. A range of statistical analysis methods namely Pearson’s correlation, hierarchical regression, T-tests and one-way ANOVA was used to test the sixteen (16) proposed hypotheses. Results indicate that none of the examined demographic variables had a significant influence on the propensity to engage in CWB. Of the five work values examined, only three had a significant influence on the propensity to engage in CWB. The hypothesized relationships between group behavioral norms and the propensity to engage in CWB received little overall support. In addition, post- hoc interviews found that the study was affected by social desirability bias, Hawthorne effect as well as limitations in design.

    This research examined the influence of personal (demographics and work values) and situational (group behavioral norms) factors on the propensity to engage in counterproductive work behaviors (misuse of resources and misuse of information) among Business Administration graduates. A quantitative vignette or factorial survey approach was used in the study. Three questionnaires, containing a subset of vignettes representing different factors of the situational variable, were administered to respondents. A range of statistical analysis methods namely Pearson’s correlation, hierarchical regression, T-tests and one-way ANOVA was used to test the sixteen (16) proposed hypotheses. Results indicate that none of the examined demographic variables had a significant influence on the propensity to engage in CWB. Of the five work values examined, only three had a significant influence on the propensity to engage in CWB. The hypothesized relationships between group behavioral norms and the propensity to engage in CWB received little overall support. In addition, post- hoc interviews found that the study was affected by social desirability bias, Hawthorne effect as well as limitations in design.

    Abstract I Table of Contents III List of Tables V List of Figures VII CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Problem Statement 2 Sample Setting 2 Purpose of Study 3 Research Questions 4 Contribution of Study 4 Limitations 6 Definition of Terms 6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 9 Counterproductive Work Behavior 9 Demographics and Counterproductive Work Behavior 18 Group Norms 20 Group Behavioral Norms and Counterproductive Work Behavior 26 Work Values 30 Work Values and Counterproductive Work Behavior 34 Social Desirability and Response Bias 38 CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY 41 Research Framework 41 Hypotheses 42 Research Method 43 Sample Setting 45 Instruments 45 Data Collection 48 Data Analysis 50 Research Procedure 51 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 53 Descriptive Statistics 53 Correlational Analysis 55 Hypotheses Testing 58 Post-Hoc Interviews 70 Findings 71 Discussions 76 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS 81 Conclusions 81 Practical Implications 82 Research Implications 82 Limitations 84 Suggestions for Future Research 85 REFERENCES 87 APPENDIX A: QUESTIONNAIRE A ...93 APPENDIX B: QUESTIONNAIRE B ...99 APPENDIX C: QUESTIONNAIRE C ...105 APPENDIX D: LETTER GRANTING PERMISSION ..111

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