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研究生: 柯玉潔
Lahelakuupokii Cleveland
論文名稱: Influences of Customer Feedback, Work Motivation, and Supervisor Support on Job Satisfaction
Influences of Customer Feedback, Work Motivation, and Supervisor Support on Job Satisfaction
指導教授: 葉俶禎
Yeh, Chu-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: job satisfactionsupervisor supportcustomer feedbackwork motivation
英文關鍵詞: job satisfaction, supervisor support, customer feedback, work motivation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:90下載:33
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  • Employee job satisfaction is of dire concern to organizations utilizing human capital.
    Although numerous factors contribute to employee job satisfaction, researchers often
    dedicate their approach to this problem by focusing on internal organizational influences.
    However, this study proposed to examine the influences of customer feedback, work
    motivation and supervisor support on employees’ job satisfaction. The study collected 313
    valid questionnaires from Hawaii’s business, public and nonprofit service industry employees
    working face-to-face with customers and clients. Statistical methods used to answer and test
    research questions included Pearson’s correlation analysis and one-way ANOVA using SPSS
    21. Analysis of moment structures (AMOS) was used for structural equation modeling
    (SEM) to test the five hypotheses of this research. Statistical analysis results show support all
    five hypotheses. Customer feedback, work motivation and supervisor support were all found
    to positively influence job satisfaction. Additionally, customer feedback as well as supervisor
    support indicate to positively influence work motivation.

    Employee job satisfaction is of dire concern to organizations utilizing human capital.
    Although numerous factors contribute to employee job satisfaction, researchers often
    dedicate their approach to this problem by focusing on internal organizational influences.
    However, this study proposed to examine the influences of customer feedback, work
    motivation and supervisor support on employees’ job satisfaction. The study collected 313
    valid questionnaires from Hawaii’s business, public and nonprofit service industry employees
    working face-to-face with customers and clients. Statistical methods used to answer and test
    research questions included Pearson’s correlation analysis and one-way ANOVA using SPSS
    21. Analysis of moment structures (AMOS) was used for structural equation modeling
    (SEM) to test the five hypotheses of this research. Statistical analysis results show support all
    five hypotheses. Customer feedback, work motivation and supervisor support were all found
    to positively influence job satisfaction. Additionally, customer feedback as well as supervisor
    support indicate to positively influence work motivation.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... I TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... II LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................ IV LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1 Background of the Study ................................................................................................. 1 Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................. 2 Purpose of the Study ........................................................................................................ 4 Research Questions .......................................................................................................... 4 Limitations and Delimitations .......................................................................................... 5 Significance of the Study ................................................................................................. 5 Definition of Terms .......................................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ....................................................... 8 Perceived Customer Feedback ......................................................................................... 8 Perceived Supervisor Support ........................................................................................ 10 Work Motivation ............................................................................................................ 11 Employee Job Satisfaction ............................................................................................. 14 Relationships between and among Variables ................................................................ 15 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................ 20 Research Framework ..................................................................................................... 20 Hypotheses ..................................................................................................................... 20 Research Procedure ........................................................................................................ 21 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 24 Data Collection .............................................................................................................. 24 Sample ............................................................................................................................ 24 Method of Data Analysis ............................................................................................... 26 Measurements ................................................................................................................ 30 Validity and Reliability .................................................................................................. 33 CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ................................ 47 One-Way ANOVA ......................................................................................................... 47 Correlation Analysis ...................................................................................................... 48 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) ............................................................................ 51 Summary of Analyses Results ....................................................................................... 55 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................ 57 Conclusions .................................................................................................................... 57 Research Implications .................................................................................................... 58 Practical Implications ..................................................................................................... 59 Research Limitations ..................................................................................................... 59 Future Research Suggestions ......................................................................................... 60 REFERENCES ............................................................................................. 62 APPENDIX A: QUESTIONNAIRE ............................................................ 70

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