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研究生: 陸亭亦
Lu Ting Yi
論文名稱: 英國茶文化觀光之歷史景點發展探究
The Development of Historical Sites of Tea Tourism in the UK
指導教授: 陳學毅
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 英國茶文化文化觀光歷史景點茶旅遊
英文關鍵詞: England, Tea Culture, Cultural Tourism, Historical Site, Tea Tourism
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:326下載:178
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  • 英國是一個氣候不適合產茶的國家,絕大部分的茶葉都是由國外進口。然而英國卻因為獨特的歷史與文化,發展出與東方截然不同的茶文化,成為一個以茶聞名的國家。西方世界對茶的認識比東方世界少了一千多年,十七世紀中期茶剛進入英國時,除了當作皇室的禮物之外,英國東印度公司並不認為茶值得從遙遠的中國進口;在十七世紀中後期茶也並不是個主要的貿易商品。然而到了十九世紀末,在短短的三個世紀之內,「茶」和「英國」幾乎等於同義詞。

    England is not a tea producing country, most of the tea leaves they have are imported. However, due to the unique history and culture, England has developed a totally different tea culture compared to those of the East, and it has become a country which is famous for its tea culture. The West has known tea less a thousand years than the East. In the mid-17th century, when tea first came to England, it was served only as a gift to the royals, and the East India Company didn’t consider it worthy to import from faraway China; even until the late-17th century, tea was still not a main trading commodity. However, in the end of the 19th century, ‘tea’ and ‘England’ have become synonyms in mere three centuries.
    We could say tea leads the development of British society; it changes the ways people work, women status, aesthetics, and the temperament of the country. Tea is an attitude, culture and affection for England, and the British from the nobles to civilians are all connected with their tea culture. However, British tea history is not all as romantic and pleasing as we may have thought; it also filled with the issues of the east and the west, fortune, trade, taxation, wars, revolutions, smugglers, social changes, men and women, etc. From the end of the 20th century, cultural tourism has been viewed as a new way of travel, and tea tourism emerged since then. Nowadays, tea has been in England for more than 350 years, and many tea cultural attractions have been developed. In all these tea attractions, what historical sites England has preserved and developed, and how they shape and interpret these historical sites are to be discussed.

    中文摘要...vi 英文摘要...vii 第一章 緒論...1 第一節 研究背景與目的...2 第二節 文獻回顧...5 一、英國茶文化與歷史研究...5 二、茶文化旅遊相關研究...8 三、文化與觀光研究...9 四、預期貢獻...11 第三節 研究方法與架構...12 一、研究方法...12 二、研究架構...15 三、研究限制...17 四、研究流程圖...18 第二章 英國茶文化與歷史:社會、政治與經濟發展...19 第一節 十七世紀:茶在英國...19 一、茶初至英國...19 二、英國東印度公司...21 第二節 十八世紀:階級與革命...24 一、茶在英國社會的普及與負面爭論...24 二、陶瓷產業發展...30 三、波士頓茶葉事件...33 第三節 十九世紀與之後:茶的日常生活化...36 一、茶葉普及後的需求與鴉片戰爭...36 二、帝國殖民...38 三、自由貿易競爭...41 四、茶與英國人民生活的融入...43 第三章 英國茶文化商業歷史景點...46 第一節 從Thomas到Thomas:茶交易的起點Twinings...46 第二節 海上自由貿易競賽:茶船Cutty Sark...54 第三節 海上霸權:Greenwich海事博物館...62 第四章 英國茶文化工業歷史景點...70 第一節 茶與工業革命:英國陶瓷小鎮Stoke-on-Trent...70 一、觀光路線...78 二、工廠觀光...81 三、遊客中心與博物館...89 第二節 文化的保存:茶具主題展覽...93 第五章 英國茶文化傳統歷史景點...99 第一節 英式下午茶起源地:Bedford公爵夫人之家Woburn Abbey...99 第二節 御用三百年:英國傳統茶室Fortnum & Mason...107 第六章 結論...114 第一節 研究發現...114 第二節 研究反思...116 第三節 研究總結與未來研究方向...118 參考文獻...120 圖片參考文獻...128 附錄...130 附錄一...130 附錄二...132 附錄三...135 附錄四...137 附錄五...139  

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