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研究生: 劉彥妤
Liu, Yen-Yu
論文名稱: 國際文憑課程教師之教師信念與教學實踐
Teacher Beliefs and Teaching Practices in the International Baccalaureate Program
指導教授: 陳秋蘭
Chern, Chiou-Lan
口試委員: 李郁緻
Li, Yu-Chih
Lo, Mei-Lan
Chern, Chiou-Lan
口試日期: 2023/08/18
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 130
中文關鍵詞: 教師信念和教學實踐IB教育探究式教學
英文關鍵詞: teacher beliefs and teaching practices, International Baccalaureate (IB), inquiry-based instruction
研究方法: 主題分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301802
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:0
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  • 隨著國際教育的推廣和實踐,台灣越來越多學校申請授權為IB學校。由於IB的理念和教學方式和台灣本土課程不同,因此,了解從一般體制轉任至IB教育的老師的轉變和所面臨的挑戰極為重要。本研究採用質性研究,以台灣中部某一所私立學校的教職員作為研究對象,包含一位行政人員和六位學科老師,透過背景資料調查、半結構式訪談和課室觀察蒐集資料,探討從一般教育體制轉任IB教育的教職員,對於IB教育的看法和實踐探究式教學所面臨的挑戰。

    With the development and promotion of international education, more and more schools in Taiwan have been authorized as IB World Schools. As the mission statement and teaching methods of IB education are different from the local government curriculum, it is essential to understand what changes and challenges teachers would face when transitioning from the local government curriculum to IB education. The present study adopted a qualitative research method to investigate how one administrator and six participating teachers perceived IB education, and what challenges they encountered when implementing the inquiry-based instruction after they transitioned from the local government curriculum to IB education. The background information survey, one semi-structured interview and one to two classroom observations were used to collect the data for this study.
    According to the results of the present study, teachers’ perceptions could be identified into five themes, including (1) teacher beliefs and teaching practices, (2) teachers’ perceived changes in IB teaching, (3) teachers’ perception about IB education, (4) teachers’ perceived challenges faced by IB schools in teaching and promotion of IB education, and (5) teachers’ suggestions for new IB teachers. As for the challenges encountered when implementing the inquiry-based instruction, it was discussed through challenges in terms of teaching.
    The major findings of the present study are listed as follows:
    1.The factors that supported the relationship between teacher beliefs and teaching practices included the flexibility of IB curriculum design and frequent interaction among teachers and students, while the hindering factors included the fact that teachers lacked inquiry-based learning experience and students lacked life experience.
    2.As the nature of IB education was different from that of the local government curriculum, teachers experienced some changes during their teaching in the IB World School. The changes involved teachers’ role changed from lecturers to facilitators, teachers’ expectations for students changed from getting higher grades to skill cultivation as well as goal achievement, and teachers’ willingness to give new things a try.
    3.The ability and skills that students cultivated in the IB education could help them align with the study in university.
    4.Since most teachers did not have the experience of learning through the inquiry-based approach, they are uncertain about how they could design good inquiry questions to guide in-depth discussion and how much time they should spend on inquiry-based learning. To help teachers overcome these challenges, it is essential that schools assign teachers to attend workshops every academic year and have more efficient co-planning.
    5.To promote IB World Schools in Taiwan, high tuition, different enrollment system, and public mindset would be the biggest challenges and should be overcome.
    Finally, this study offered policymakers, schools, and teachers with suggestions and hopes that those who transition from the local government curriculum to the IB program have a clearer picture about what IB education is.

    Chapter One Introduction 1 Purpose of the Study and the Research Questions 6 Significance of the Study 7 Chapter Two Literature Review 8 Teacher Beliefs 8 The Development of Studies on Teacher Beliefs 9 Nature of Teacher Beliefs 11 Teaching Practice 13 Relationship Between Teacher Beliefs and Teaching Practices 14 Factors that Support or Hinder the Adoption of Teacher Beliefs and Teaching Practices 16 International Baccalaureate Organization 20 International Baccalaureate Program Model 21 The Features of IB Curriculum 22 Inquiry-based Instruction 22 The Role of Teachers in International Baccalaureate 27 Challenges for IB Teachers 28 Empirical Studies in Teacher Beliefs, Inquiry-Based Instruction, and IB Education 31 Research on Teacher Beliefs and Inquiry-Based Instruction 31 Research on Teacher Beliefs, Inquiry-Based Instruction, and IB Education 32 Summary of Chapter Two 34 Chapter Three Methodology 36 Research Setting 36 Participants 38 Data Collection 40 Background Information Survey 41 Classroom Observations 41 Semi-Structured Interviews 42 Data Collection Procedures 43 Data Analysis 45 Trustworthiness 45 Chapter Four Findings 47 Theme 1: Teacher Beliefs and Teaching Practices 49 Support 50 Hindrance 55 Theme 2: Teachers’ Perceived Changes in IB Teaching 57 Change in Teachers’ Role 58 Change in Mindset 60 Changes in Giving New Things a Try 65 Change in Teaching Philosophy 66 Theme 3: Teachers’ Perception About IB Education 68 The Emphasis on a Clear Educational Framework 68 The Emphasis on Holistic Development 69 The Emphasis on Local Culture 71 The Emphasis on the Alignment of Study in High School and University 73 Theme 4: Teachers’ Perceived Challenges Faced by IB Schools in Teaching and Promotion of IB Education 75 School 75 Teaching 80 IB Education in Taiwan 85 Theme 5: Teachers’ Suggestions for New IB Teachers 89 The Development of Language Abilities 89 The Habit of Continuous Learning 90 The Awareness of Changing Workplace 91 Summary 93 Chapter Five Discussion and Conclusion 95 Major Findings and Discussion 95 Research Question 1. How do IB teachers perceive IB education? 95 Research Question 2. What are some challenges IB teachers face when implementing inquiry-based instruction? 103 Implications of the Study 105 Policymakers 105 Schools 106 Teachers 107 Limitation of the Study and Suggestions for Future Research 108 Conclusion 109 References 112 Appendix A - IB World Schools in Taiwan 122 Appendix B – Background Information Survey Questions (Chinese Version) 124 Appendix B – Background Information Survey Questions (English Version) 125 Appendix C – Classroom Observation Form 127 Appendix D - Semi-Structured Interview Questions 128

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