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研究生: 張雅玟
Ya-Wen Chang
論文名稱: 企業併購下心理契約違反與工作投入度之關係:以組織公平為調節變數
The Relationship Between Psychological Contract Breach and Job Involvement Under Mergers and Acquisitions Circumstances:The Moderating Effect of Perceived Organizational Justice
指導教授: 林怡君
Lin, Yi-Chun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 心理契約違反工作投入感知組織公平併購
英文關鍵詞: psychological contract breach, job involvement, perceived organizational justice, mergers and acquisitions
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:155下載:30
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  • 本論文主旨為研究台灣企業併購下心理契約違反與工作投入度之間的關聯,並以組織公平為調節變數。首先研究併購下員工之心理契約違反與工作投入度間的關聯,再針對組織公平作為調節變相進行分析。本論文採用量化研究,作者以紙本問卷與網路問卷收集資訊。作者最終採計277份有效問卷,採計對象為經歷過被併購且繼續留任之員工。以驗證是因素分析(CFA)檢查模型配適度並以階層回歸分析驗證假設。結果顯示併購過程下員工心理契約違反與工作投入度呈負相關,而感知組織公平對其關係有顯著調節作用。由此研究發現公司在經歷併購時員工視感知組織公平視為比心理契約違反更為重要的因素。

    The purpose of the study aims to investigate the relationships among psychological contract breach (independent variable), job involvement (dependent variable) and perceived organizational justice (moderating variable) in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) enterprises in Taiwan. To be more specific, this study has two main objectives. First, the author explored the relationship between psychological contract breach and job involvement. Second, the author tested the moderating effect of perceived organizational justice on psychological contract breach and job involvement. This study utilized the quantitative approach and the data was collected by paper-based and online questionnaires. The valid samples were 277 employees who have experienced M&A process and still continued to work in the remained companies. CFA was conducted to assess the model fit and the hypotheses were tested by hierarchical regression analysis. The results showed that psychological contract breach was significantly negative correlated to job involvement. The organizational justice had a moderating effect on the relationship between psychological contract breach and job involvement. Therefore, when companies face M&A situations, employees perceived organizational justice as an important factor, which have impact on their job involvement; even if they feel that the company violated the psychological contract with them.

    ABSTRACT................................................I TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................II LIST OF TABLES..........................................IV LIST OF FIGURES.........................................V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................1 Background of study.....................................1 Statement of the problem................................4 Purpose of Study........................................5 Research Questions......................................6 Definition of Key Terms.................................6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW..........................9 Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)..........................9 Psychological Contract Breach...........................11 Job Involvement.........................................13 Psychological Contract Breach and Job Involvement.......18 Perceived Organizational Justice........................19 Moderating Effect of Perceived Organizational Justice...23 CHAPTER III RESEAECH METHOD...........................27 Research Framework......................................27 Hypotheses..............................................28 Samples and Data Collection.............................28 Measurement.............................................29 Questionnaire Design....................................31 Translation and Back Translation........................32 Pilot Test..............................................32 Data Analysis...........................................33 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION....................39 Descriptive statistics..................................39 Correlations............................................41 Test of the hypotheses..................................42 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............47 Conclusions.............................................47 Significance of the Study...............................48 Limitations.............................................49 Recommendations.........................................50 REFERENCES..............................................53 APPENDIX A: DISTRIBUTION OF PAPER-BASED QUESTIONNAIRE...59 APPENDIX B: TWO SAMPLE T- TEST RESULT...................61

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