Author: |
魏靜雯 Ching-wen Wei |
Thesis Title: |
心智繪圖與摘要教學對國小五年級學生閱讀理解與摘要能力之影響 The Effects of ”Mind Mapping and Summary Instruction” on Reading Comprehension and Summarizing Ability of Fifth Graders in Elementary School |
Advisor: |
Su, Yi-Fen |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2004 |
Academic Year: | 92 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 236 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 心智繪圖 、摘要教學 、閱讀理解 、摘要能力 |
Keywords (in English): | mind mapping, summary instruction, reading comprehension, summarizing ability |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 583 Downloads: 105 |
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研究中的摘要教學主要依據Brown與Day(1983)所提六項摘要策略,輔以Hare 與Borchardt(1984)的潤飾策略,再加上Cook與Mayer(1988)的文章結構策略為「摘要組」教學的主要內容。「摘要加心智繪圖教學」則除了摘要教學外,另加上心智繪圖(Buzan,1989)的教學。
The main purpose of this research was to explore the effects of “summary instruction”,“summary and mind mapping instruction”and “free reading” on mind mapping performance, summary ability, reading comprehension and the utilization of reading strategies of fifth graders with different reading abilities.
The subjects were 104 fifth graders from the Jeemei elementary school in Taipei County. A quasi-experimental design was adopted. There were two experimental groups and one control group. The experimental group one received the“summary instruction”, and the experimental group two received the“summary and mind mapping instruction”, while the control group received free reading.
The findings were as follows:
1.With regard to the performance of mind mapping, there was no interaction effect between instructional groups and reading abilities. However the main effects of instructional groups and reading abilities were significant.
2.In regard to the performance of summary ability, there was no interaction effect between instructional groups and reading abilities. However the main effects of instructional groups and reading abilities were significant.
3.With regard to the performance of reading comprehension, there was no interaction effect between instructional groups and reading abilities. However the main effects of instructional groups and reading abilities were significant.
4.In regard to the performance of the use of reading strategies, there was no interaction effect between instructional groups and reading abilities. However the main effect of instructional groups was nonsignificant while the main effect of reading abilities was significant.
The results were discussed and some recommendations were made for elementary school curriculum practice and future research.
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孫易新(民90)。心智圖基礎篇Mind Mapping:多元知識管理系統。臺北:耶魯。
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羅玲妃譯(Tony Buzan原著)(民86)。心智繪圖-思想整合利器。台北:一智。
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