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研究生: 陳京里
Chen, Jing Li
論文名稱: 探究角色扮演遊戲中先備知識對學習成就、動機及眼動歷程的影響
Exploring the influences of prior knowledge in role-playing games on learning achievement, motivation and eye movement
指導教授: 陳志洪
Chen, Zhi Hong
口試委員: 陳志洪
Chen, Zhi-Hong
Zheng, Nian-Heng
Liao, Chang-Yan
口試日期: 2021/06/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 角色扮演遊戲遊戲式學習眼動歷程
英文關鍵詞: role-playing game, game based learning, eye movement
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100773
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:116下載:27
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  • 角色扮演遊戲是遊戲式學習領域中最常被應用的遊戲類型,其中共同的三個可運用場景是:環境、對話和任務。然而,目前研究很少針對這些共同的場景,做進一步探究。此外,目前遊戲式學習的研究趨勢,大多將焦點著重於「遊戲後」的提升學習成效及動機,較少研究針對學習者在「遊戲中」的專注力、注意力分配等學習歷程做進一步的分析。近年來,隨著眼動技術的發展,透過眼動儀追蹤學習者的眼動歷程來分析注意力分配的情形,開始被應用在遊戲式學習的領域。因此,本研究目的希望分析角色扮演遊戲系統對於學習者在學習成就及學習動機的幫助,並透過眼動技術進一步了解學習者在遊戲中的眼動歷程,以提供未來教育遊戲設計上的建議。研究問題共有三個,分別是:(1)角色扮演遊戲是否有助於提升學習者在教材內容上的學習成就?(2)角色扮演遊戲是否有助於提升學習者在教材內容上的學習動機?(3)先備知識的差異如何影響在遊戲式學習中的眼動歷程?
    本研究的研究對象為22位有角色扮演遊戲經驗的大學生,透過前測將學習者分為高、低先備知識能力兩個組別,接著進行60分鐘的遊戲系統介入,並使用眼動儀同步追蹤學習者在遊戲中的眼動歷程,偵測率為60Hz/sec。遊戲結束後進行後測,包含成就測驗、動機問卷、學習者訪談。資料分析上,研究透過t檢定及描述性統計分析學習者在系統介入後學習成效及學習動機的表現,並將先備知識與眼動軟體(Tobii Studio)所蒐集的眼動資料進行t檢定,最後將分析結果配合眼動熱像圖及學習者訪談進行統整,了解先備知識對於學習者眼動歷程的影響。

    Role-playing games are the most commonly used game type in the field of game based learning. The three common applicable scenarios are: environment, dialogue, and task. However, the current research rarely focuses on these common scenarios and does further exploration. In addition, game based learning mostly focuses on the improvement of learning effectiveness and motivation after the game, while less research focuses on the learning process of learners in the game such as their concentration and attention distribution for further analysis. Recently, with the development of eye movement technology, tracking learners’ eye movements to analyze the distribution of attention has begun to be used in the field of game based learning. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to analyze the help of role-playing game system's for learners in learning achievement and learning motivation, and to further understand learners' eye movement process in games through eye tracking technology, so as to provide suggestions on the design of future educational games. There are three research questions: (1) Will role-playing games help improve learners' learning achievements in the content of textbooks? (2) Will role-playing games help improve learners' motivation in the content of textbooks? (3) How do differences in prior knowledge affect the eye movement process in game based learning?
    The participants of this research are 22 college students with experience in playing role-playing games. Through pre-testing, learners are divided into two groups, high and low prior knowledge, then tested by a 60-minute game system intervention and with eye trackers simultaneously tracking the learner's eye movement in the game, with a detection rate of 60Hz/sec. After the system intervention, post-tests are conducted, including achievement tests, motivation questionnaires, and learner interviews. In terms of data analysis, the study adopts t-tests and descriptive statistics to analyze learners' learning effectiveness and learning motivation performance after system intervention, and it uses t-tests to analyze the relationship between learners’ prior knowledge and eye movement data which is collected by eye tracking software (Tobii Studio). The statistic results will be integrated with the eye movement heatmap and learner interviews to understand the influence of the prior knowledge on the learner's eye movement process.
    The research results show that: (1) In the part of learning achievement, as a whole, learners have made significant progress in learning achievement after the intervention of the role playing game system; as for further analysis in high and low prior knowledge learners, it is found that the two groups have a significant improvement in learning achievement. (2) In the part of learning motivation, as a whole, learners believe that the role-playing game system is helpful for learning motivation; as for further analysis in high and low prior knowledge learners, both groups also have high learning motivation. (3) In the part of the eye movement process, in the "Environmental Scene", from the overall ratio of fixation counts, it can be found that learners devote higher attention in the operation of the game character, and they will pay attention to the area of the map from time to time while pay less attention to the task prompt. The map is also the key difference in the ratio of fixation counts. Secondly, in the "Dialogue Scene", from the overall ratio of fixation counts, it can be found that learners can focus on reading the text content in the dialog area and less attention to other areas of the screen. In the background area of the screen is high and low prior knowledge learners’ key difference in the ratio of fixation counts. Finally, in the "task scene", from the overall ratio of fixation counts, it can be found that learners will mainly focus on the puzzle (operate) area, and the proportion of attention to translation (reference content) is lower; The ratio of fixation counts in the puzzle area is the key difference between the high and low prior knowledge learners.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 一、數位遊戲式學習潮流 1 二、測量工具及方法的差異 2 三、角色扮演遊戲介面的深入探討 3 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第三節 名詞釋義 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 數位遊戲式學習 5 一、數位遊戲式學習的定義及特色 5 第二節 角色扮演遊戲在教育上的應用 7 一、角色扮演遊戲的特色 7 二、國內角色扮演遊戲的研究趨勢 9 第三節 眼動追蹤在教育上的應用 11 第三章 系統發展 16 第一節 系統介面 17 (1)環境場景 18 (2)對話場景 19 (3)任務場景 20 第二節 情境設計 21 第四章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究設計與架構 23 第二節 研究對象 23 第三節 實驗流程 24 第四節 研究工具 25 一、孔子無雙遊戲系統 25 二、先備知識測驗(前測)/學習成就測驗(後測) 25 三、學習動機問卷 26 四、Tobii眼動儀 26 第五節 資料分析 27 第五章 結果與討論 29 第一節 先備知識測驗結果 29 第二節 學習成就測驗結果 29 第三節 學習動機結果 30 第四節 先備知識對遊戲眼動歷程的影響 35 一、先備知識能力對AOI凝視次數比例之影響 36 (1)環境場景 36 (2)對話場景 39 (3)任務場景 42 第五節 小節 46 第六章 結論與建議 48 第一節 研究結論 48 一、角色扮演遊戲情境對學習成就的影響: 48 二、角色扮演遊戲情境對學習動機的影響: 48 三、先備知識的差異對遊戲中的眼動歷程的影響: 49 第二節 研究限制 49 一、樣本限制 49 二、研究時間 50 第三節 未來工作 50 一、遊戲設計 50 (1)增加故事支線 50 (2)加入戰鬥系統 51 (3)加入鷹架輔助學習 51 二、研究設計 51 (1)增加實驗對象人數 51 (2)延長實驗時間 51 參考文獻 52 附錄一 先備知識測驗 56 附錄二 學習動機問卷 59 附錄三 學習成就測驗 62 附錄四 100–109年碩博士論文網「RPG遊戲式數位學習」回顧整理 65 附錄五 論語拼圖小遊戲互動系統題目 72

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