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研究生: 黃乃文
Nai-wen Huang
論文名稱: 一個以函數觀點發展國中生代數思維的行動研究
指導教授: 金鈐
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 256
中文關鍵詞: 行動研究函數觀點算術-代數思維反思教學概念教學功力
英文關鍵詞: Action research, Functional aspect, Arithmetic-algebraic thinking, Reflection, Pedagogical concept, Pedagogical power
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:221下載:51
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  • 本研究描述一位新手國中數學教師,於在職進修期間,透過反思重新檢視自己代數相關單元的教學,而展開一段教學行動研究的歷程。作者想探討:如何透過函數觀點,幫助國中生發展算術-代數思維?並評估其對學生數學學習的影響。據此,本研究的目的包括:設計相應的單元教學活動,幫助七年級生發展算術-代數的思維;評估學生代數與函數概念及態度的學習成效;以及,透過學生對教學的回饋和教師的教學-學理反思,再次檢視和重構教學概念與信念的內涵,以提升作者的代數教學知能。



    This study describes the story of a novice mathematics teacher's action research on re-examining her classroom teaching of junior high school algebra, during master of mathematics education courses. The major research question for her is: How to develop arithmetic-algebraic thinking in terms of the functional aspect? Moreover, the study assesses its effects via that way. Thus, there are three aims. First is to design teaching activities in order to develop 7th graders' arithmetic-algebraic thinking; second, to assess teaching effects concerning the students' algebraic/functional concepts and attitudes toward learning; at last, to examine the possibility of re-conceptualizing the author's pedagogical/mathematical powers of teaching school algebra in terms of students' feedbacks and self-reflection.

    The results of this study showed that the functional aspect could be acted as a kind of learning media in transition of arithmetic to algebraic thinking for those 7th graders. By being embedded in an experientially real problem situation, observing and understanding quantitative relationships, the students were able to understand the fundamental algebraic concepts while obtaining the relevant symbol skills. Through challenging (test), clarifying (intervention), and changing (extension) phases, the author examined constantly the teaching effects in three orientations related to cognitive, affective, and social-interactive aspects, trying to re-construct her own mathematical/pedagogical powers and instruction practice. The re-construction consisted of developing teaching tactics/content of arithmetic-algebraic thinking; understanding student pre-requisites, generic concepts, cooperative learning approaches, Martin Simon's ideas of HLT-HTT, and learning how to build the experientially real arithmetic-algebraic learning situation. Based on the results, the author proposed “a 3-phases-3-aspcts model of teacher-student learning”, which included processes and content of changing concepts of teaching (teacher) and learning (students). Among the above, the transition of the teacher's mathematical/pedagogical concepts/practice and the development of the students' arithmetic-algebraic thinking were represented as a dynamic/interactive “doubled cycle of learning” informed each other. In this dynamically interactive process, not only students learned cooperatively the algebraic concepts with the functional aspect in the more or less real situation, the author also realized more deeply the underlying mathematical structures of algebra, relevant pedagogical concepts, and her students' algebraic thought processes.

    It seemed that the functional aspect could partly overcome the cognitive gaps of learning between arithmetic and algebraic thinking, and thus resolved partially the problems of teaching and learning algebra in the junior high level. It could also accomplish the implicit goal of school algebra, i.e. the concept of variables, through concrete operation with and classroom discussion on the meaning of symbols and equivalences in terms of variables concept. In addition, the author's abilities of algebraic teaching were improved in the process of re-conceptualizing or re-constructing mathematical/pedagogical/reflective powers. Hopefully, this phased research approaches and results can contribute references about teaching of algebra and the professional development to other mathematics teachers of junior high school, in resolving his or her problems of classroom mathematics teaching.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究的背景和動機....................................1 第二節 研究的問題和目的....................................7 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 算術-代數思維的發展.................................9 第二節 發展國中生的算術-代數思維............ .............29 第三節 數學教師的教學專業發展.............................40 第四節 數學教師教學概念的重構.............................46 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究的場域.........................................55 第二節 行動研究法.........................................55 第三節 研究的設計.........................................58 第四節 研究的對象.........................................65 第五節 研究的工具.........................................66 第六節 研究資料的蒐集和分析...............................74 第七節 研究的限制.........................................76 第四章 研究的結果 第一節 準備階段研究的結果................................79 第二節 試探階段研究的結果................................84 第三節 整合階段研究的結果...............................108 第四節 教學行動研究的持續循環...........................136 第五章 回顧和省思 第一節 教師的教學轉變...................................139 第二節 教師教學轉變和學生代數(函數)學習的關係...........144 第三節 教師教學轉變和專業發展的關係.....................151 第六章 結論和建議 第一節 階段性研究的結論.................................155 第二節 下階段研究的建議.................................157 附 錄 附錄一:學生問卷.........................................163 附錄二:學生晤談資料.....................................180 附錄三:教學活動設計資料.................................198 附錄四:其他相關資料.....................................236

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