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Author: 馮于真
Feng, Yu-Chen
Thesis Title: 以核磁共振研究來理解轉運蛋白之野生型和突變型A97S的結構及動力學差異
NMR Study Reveals the Structural and Dynamic Differences between Wild-Type and A97S Transthyretin
Advisor: 李以仁
Lee, I-Ren
Committee: 李以仁
Lee, I-Ren
Yu, Tsyr-Yan
Jeng, U-Ser
Approval Date: 2023/06/01
Degree: 碩士
Department: 化學系
Department of Chemistry
Thesis Publication Year: 2023
Academic Year: 111
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 46
Keywords (in Chinese): 家族性類澱粉多發性神經病變轉運蛋白液態核磁共振蛋白質構型蛋白質動態突變型
Keywords (in English): Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy, Transthyretin, solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance, mutant, protein structural change, protein dynamic
Research Methods: 實驗設計法比較研究
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 家族性類澱粉多發性神經病變,是一種具遺傳性的罕見疾病。它是類澱粉沉積症的一種,類澱粉蛋白會影響人體的器官與組織,尤其是心臟及神經病變。嚴重時會導致器官衰竭終至死亡,而對於此疾病目前沒有完全有效的治療方法。轉運蛋白是一種負責運輸甲狀腺素及視黃醇結合蛋白的同源四聚體蛋白,也是家族性類澱粉多發性神經病變的代表性蛋白之一。主要的途徑為此蛋白質的突變型因四聚體結構解離而形成單體,其三級結構會因錯誤折疊而形成類澱粉蛋白。

    Familial amyloid polyneuropathy, a rare hereditary disease, is an amyloidosis associated with the formation of protein amyloid. Currently, there is no fully effective treatment available. Protein amyloid deposits could occur in the organs and tissues of the human body, especially the heart and neuropathy. In severe cases, it leads to organ failure and death. Transthyretin is a homotetramer protein responsible for transporting thyroxine and retinol-binding protein, causing 70% of the familial amyloid polyneuropathy cases. The key process for transthyretin to form amyloid is the dissociation of the tetrameric transthyretin into monomers. The monomers can undergo misfolding process, leading to amyloid formation.
    In this study, I selected the wild-type and the A97S mutant which is a unique phenotype for Taiwanese TTR-FAP patients for comparison. Through the analysis of the solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance HSQC spectra and relaxation data, we can understand the structural and dynamic differences between WT and mutant transthyretin. I discovered obvious structural differences and flexible dynamic effects around the position where the mutated amino acid occurs. In conclusion, I deduce that the differences in the structure and internal dynamics of TTR protein may play an important role in determining its pathogenic factor.

    1. 實驗背景介紹1 1.1 家族性類澱粉多發性神經病變, FAP1 1.2 轉運蛋白Transthyretin, TTR5 1.3 突變型 (Ala97Ser)7 1.4 機制8 1.5 治療方法10 1.6 研究動機12 2. 核磁共振原理13 2.1 液態核磁共振Solution-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)13 2.2 異核核磁共振光譜Heteronuclear Single Quantum Correlation (HSQC)16 2.3 核磁共振弛緩NMR relaxation17 2.3.1 T1 18 2.3.2 T2 18 2.3.3 NOE20 2.3.4 S2 20 3. 實驗方法21 3.1 轉型作用Transform21 3.2 蛋白質表達Protein Expression22 3.3 蛋白質純化Protein Purification23 3.4 核磁共振樣品製備25 4. 結果與討論28 4.1 蛋白質純化鑑定28 4.2 HSQC光譜分析30 4.3 蛋白質動力學分析33 5. 討論36 6. 結論38 7. 參考資料39

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