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Author: 吳冠儒
Guan-Ju Wu
Thesis Title: 利用格林函數逼近法研究對光子晶體能帶結構的保結構倍增演算法
Structured Doubling Algorithm for the Band Structure of Photonics Crystals Using Green’s Function Approach
Advisor: 黃聰明
Huang, Tsung-Ming
Degree: 碩士
Department: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
Thesis Publication Year: 2012
Academic Year: 100
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 25
Keywords (in Chinese): 光子晶體橫向磁場模式格林函數逼近法保結構倍增演算法能帶結構
Keywords (in English): Photonic crystals, TM mode, Green’s function approach, structure-preserving doubling algorithm, band gap
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 210Downloads: 5
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Full band gap structure is the most distinguished feature of photonic crystal and attracts extensive studies in its properties and applications. Our basic goal in this paper is to use an efficient way to illustrate the band structure of our problem and find the band gap as we can. First, we have a 2-D photonic crystals model in TM mode. After discretization, we can reduce our problem into an infinite general eigenvalue problem (GEP). Using Green’ s function approach, we can transform the infinite GEP into a finite order non-linear matrix equation (NME), whose solution can be used to illustrate the band structure figure. Next, we apply the structure-preserving doubling algorithm to solve this NME and get the solution with a nice efficiency by the special form of our matrices. Finally, we can successfully get the band structure figure and present an advanced way in the research of photonic crystals.

Abstract.(p.1) Contents(p.2) 1. Introduction.(p.3) 2. Discrete Double-Curl Operator.(p.5) 3. Green's Function Approach.(p.9) 4. SDA for Solving NME-Ps.(p.11) 5. Algorithm Improvement.(p.15) 6. Numerical Result.(p.20) 7. Conclusion.(p.24) Reference.(p.25)

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