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研究生: 鍾亞諭
Chung, Ya-Yu
論文名稱: 我是百萬主播:台灣女性娛樂社交直播主的圈粉經營與打賞文化
I am a Millionaire Live Streamer: Taiwanese Female Social Live Streamer's Skills of Appealing to Fans and Virtual Gift Culture
指導教授: 胡綺珍
Hu, Kelly
口試委員: 林怡潔 方念萱
口試日期: 2021/07/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 147
中文關鍵詞: 娛樂社交直播女性直播主打賞圈粉情緒勞動
英文關鍵詞: Entertainment Social Live Streamer, Female Live Streamer, Gift Culture, Appealing to Fans, Emotional Labor
研究方法: 民族誌法深度訪談法半結構式訪談法田野調查法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101082
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:368下載:45
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  • 「在未來,人人都可成名15分鐘」—美國藝術家安迪.沃荷





    "In the future, everyone can become famous for 15 minutes." American artist Andy.

    Entertainment Social live stream has moved forward from the Chinese market to Taiwan, creating a new form of "gift economy". The majority of entertainment social live streamers are women, which leads to the research motivation of female and live streamers, focusing on their "appealing to fans" and "gift". In the past, there were few qualitative studies on the "live streamers" among the researches on entertainment social live streamers. If we only use in-depth interviews, the research results are still subject to many limitations. Considering the estrangement and cultural differences of researchers in different places, we adopt " autoethnography " to study female live broadcast hosts.

    Through "aesthetic labor" and "performance labor", female live streamers appealing to fans and deeply attract fans through "emotional labor" and induce them to "reward". Platforms and brokers are Female live streamers intermediary. Female live streamers must conform to the business logic of the live stream market, consciously make themselves the object of "male gaze", and encourage men to reward through the performance of "femininity", so as to make entertainment social live streamers a kind of "sexualized" labor.

    "I am a live streamer, and I am conducting field investigation and Research on stream at the same time." From my experience as a live streamer, I can see that the live stream market is a kind of "lonely economy" which is empty and thirsty. Fans' imagination and interaction with the live streamer is not only limited to the distance from the screen, but also the demand for making friends and even love. Through their own experience and in-depth interviews, this paper explores women's self-identity and reflection in engaging in entertainment social live broadcast, as well as the "labor exploitation" under the screen.

    "Million of live streamer" is a milestone that novice live streamers are eager to achieve, but the road is extremely bumpy and difficult. A successful live streamers, is rich in self-performance and self-empowerment proposed by "post feminism", including available Internet traffic and beloved self-confidence. In the culture of Asia, Taiwaness female entertainment social live stream has become a unique cultural and successfully created a media landscape of gender labor.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 一、直播產業的蓬勃發展 4 二、直播產業歷程與類型 6 三、女性直播主的再現 11 第二節 研究目的與動機 14 一、 研究者的研究定位 14 二、研究問題與意識 15 第貳章 文獻回顧 18 第一節 脈絡化女性與直播產業 18 一、性別化的勞動剝削 20 二、性別化的自我賦權 22 第二節 性/別化勞動研究 27 一、美學身體勞動 28 二、情緒表演勞動 30 第三節 數位親密關係與虛擬送禮行為 34 一、數位親密關係 34 二、 打賞送禮與商品化的親密關係 39 第參章 研究方法 46 第一節 自我民族誌 46 一、透過自我民族誌「說故事」 46 二、研究步驟 49 三、從「我」說起…… 50 第二節 深度訪談法 53 第三節 參與式觀察法 54 第肆章 女性直播主的圈粉經營 56 第一節 從陌生開發說起 56 一、螢光幕前的美麗與哀愁 57 二、直播主不為人知的人設祕密 66 第二節 圈粉與顧粉 71 一、粉絲的類型與互動 71 二、顧粉經營與管理 88 第伍章 娛樂社交直播的打賞文化 94 第一節 直播平台機制 94 一、介面設計與數據誘導 94 二、視覺刺激誘導 98 三、 粉絲活動 103 第二節 經紀公司/經紀人中介角色 104 一、舉辦活動 105 二、主播培訓課程 107 三、協助粉絲管理 109 第三節 女主播的打賞誘導 113 一、開播中的話術 113 二、下播後的套路 122 第陸章 結論 127 第一節 研究發現 127 第二節 研究限制與反思 132 參考文獻 137 附錄一 訪談綱要 147

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