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研究生: 陳立書
Li-Shu Frank Chen
論文名稱: 跨文化溝通教學:以英中翻譯課程為例
Teaching Intercultural Communication With an English-Chinese Course Design
指導教授: 葉蓉慧
Yeh, Jung-Hui
Liao, Po-Sen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 358
中文關鍵詞: 跨文化溝通能力翻譯教學德國功能學派翻譯理論溝通民族誌博雅教育
英文關鍵詞: intercultural communication competence, translation teaching, German functionalist translation, ethnography of communication, liberal arts education
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000448
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:18
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  • 身處在多元文化的現今社會,每個人在日常生活中都有許多機會,面臨到不同的溝通語境,以及和自身文化背景相異的人溝通。為了避免人際間不必要的衝突,並且能達到預期的溝通效果,現代人具備跨文化溝通能力便顯得格外重要。跨文化溝通能力包含三項要素:知識、動機和技巧。跨文化傳播教育旨在提升學習者的跨文化溝通能力,而不同跨文化溝通教學課程,其焦點及教材內容也不盡相同。
    本教學研究以德國功能學派翻譯理論為教學理論基礎,溝通式翻譯教學為教學方法,討論如何循序漸進增進學習者之跨文化溝通能力。本研究執行場域為台灣北部某知名私立大學英文系四年級學生,兩個班級共計三十七人。本研究可能為台灣首篇實徵研究(empirical study)論文,以翻譯教學提升學習者之跨文化溝通能力。

    In a modern society characterized by diverse cultures, everyone has the opportunity to encounter different communicative contexts and people from different cultural backgrounds. To prevent interpersonal conflicts and reach expected communicative effects in a particular situation, it has become critical for people nowadays to enhance their intercultural communication competence (ICC), which includes three key elements: knowledge, motivation, and skills. To improve learners’ ICC, intercultural communication courses have been introduced with different focuses and teaching materials.
    In the present study, an undergraduate translation course was chosen with functionalism as the theoretical basis. Communicative translation teaching as a teaching method was implemented in two classes of a total 37 English majors in a private university in northern Taiwan. The present study is the first empirical study that adopted the translation approach in an intercultural communication course in Taiwan.
    The course primarily aimed to raise learners’ cultural awareness by introducing the concepts of translation register and text typology through translation drills. Learners observed the changes of verbal and non-verbal symbols from different translation contexts as a way to build the foundation for intercultural communication knowledge and skills. In the follow-up courses, the teaching focused on developing learners’ intercultural sensitivity by introducing the Skopos Theory and text analysis with a variety of translation practices and in-class discussions on intercultural communication variables, such as people, aims, scenarios, times, and media.
    Communicative translation teaching was also implemented in the course to provide simulated intercultural communication contexts that included in-class peer discussions, teacher-student interaction, and different translation missions with an aim to improving learners’ ICC.
    Multiple sources of research data, such as students’ translation assignments, final interviews, in-class records, lecturer’s in-class notes, and philology were gathered and used as ethnographic writing materials to reflect changes in learners’ ICC in the present study. The ethnography of communication in the study was divided into two parts: the lecturer’s perspectives and the learners’ viewpoints. The first part of the ethnography, from the lecturers’ perspectives, shed light on how translation teaching was incorporated into an intercultural communication course and improved learners’ ICC. The second part of the ethnography revealed learners’ viewpoints on how the course helped improve their ICC, the challenges they encountered during their learning, and suggestions for future course design.
    The present study concluded with three issues for discussion. The first topic for discussion focused on how the course could be improved for future teaching, for example by including more hours of subtitling translation practice and in-class discussions on the characteristics of communication media. The second discussion offered the suggestion that intralingual translation teaching also serve as a pedagogical approach to enhance learners’ ICC. The final discussion explained that the present study, which experimented with an integrated intercultural communication course, could be placed in liberal arts education curriculum at the undergraduate level to enhance students’ ICC.

    致謝詞 i 摘要 ii Abstract iv 目 次 vii 表 次 x 圖 次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的及研究問題 2 第三節 研究概述 5 第四節 研究價值 7 第五節 名詞定義 9 第二章 文獻回顧 11 第一節 跨文化溝通能力 11 第二節 培養跨文化溝通能力 21 第三節 翻譯研究與教學的理論與方法 30 第四節 本章小結 59 第三章 研究取徑 61 第一節 溝通民族誌研究取徑 61 第二節 資料蒐集 64 第三節 資料分析 66 第四節 研究倫理 69 第五節 本章小結 70 第四章 課程設計與實施 73 第一節 研究對象與場域 73 第二節 教學目標、流程與內容 75 第三節 本章小結 91 第五章 教學者的視野 93 第一節 教師初登場:研究田野背景介紹 93 第二節 翻譯教材融合於跨文化溝通課程 101 第三節 溝通式翻譯教學法融合於跨文化溝通課程 153 第四節 本章小結 192 第六章 學習者的觀點與反思 196 第一節 提升文化意識及跨文化敏感度 196 第二節 族群背景影響跨文化溝通 205 第三節 影片字幕翻譯:學習者觀點 217 第四節 溝通式翻譯教學法中的搭便車效應 226 第五節 跨文化溝通學習者的挑戰 230 第六節 本章小結 239 第七章 研究結論與討論 242 第一節 研究結論與限制 242 第二節 未來教學與研究建議 245 第三節 本課程的優勢與挑戰 254 第四節 創新的跨文化溝通教育課程及其位置 260 參考文獻 270 中文參考文獻 270 西文參考文獻 273 附錄 281

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