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研究生: 黃安生
Huang, An-Sheng
論文名稱: 富含三萜類之苦瓜葉萃取物預防性保護葡聚醣硫酸鈉引致小鼠慢性腸炎
Preventive Treatment of Triterpenoid-Enriched Extract from Bitter Melon Leaf Attenuates Chronic Colitis in Dextran Sulfate Sodium-Treated Mice
指導教授: 蔡帛蓉
Tsai, Po-Jung
口試委員: 劉俊仁
Liu, Jun-Jen
Hou, Yu-Chen
Tsai, Po-Jung
口試日期: 2021/07/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 營養科學碩士學位學程
Graduate Program of Nutrition Science
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 113
中文關鍵詞: 腸炎山苦瓜葉含三萜類區分萃取物葡聚醣硫酸鈉
英文關鍵詞: chronic colitis, bitter melon leaf, triterpenoid-enriched extract, dextran sodium sulfate
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101464
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:82下載:0
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  • 發炎性腸道疾病 (inflammatory bowel disease, IBD)是一種慢性、反覆性的腸道發炎性疾病。先前研究發現,自山苦瓜 (學名: Momordica charantia Linn. var. abbreviata
    Ser.)葉片乙醇萃取物中,分離得到的富含三萜類區分萃取物 (triterpenoid-enriched extract, TEE),可藉由調控輔助型T細胞 (helper T cells)和調節型T細胞 (regulatory T cells),預防性緩解葡聚糖硫酸鈉 (dextran sulfate sodium, DSS)誘導小鼠急性腸炎的發炎反應,因此本研究欲進一步探討TEE是否具有治療或預防慢性腸炎的功用。本研究共進行兩次動物實驗,分述於下:
    實驗一為模擬治療模式,先連續7天給予C57BL/6J小鼠含有3% DSS飲水誘導腸炎後,於飼料中添加TEE (攝取劑量為100 mg/kg BW)或苦瓜葉粉末 (bitter melon leaf powder, BMLP;攝取劑量為1g/kg)持續餵食14天後犧牲,實驗期間每日紀錄體重變化,並於實驗結束後記錄器官重量,以及分析脾臟中免疫細胞與腸炎相關基因表現。實驗結果發現給予TEE或BMLP組與單獨給予DSS誘導組比較,給予TEE或BMLP並未顯著影響小鼠體重與器官重量變化、脾臟T細胞分化、腸炎相關基因和組織發炎評分,因此推斷TEE和BMLP在此劑量與實驗模式下,並無治療慢性腸炎的功效。
    實驗二為模擬預防模式先投與TEE,觀察TEE對於DSS誘導腸炎的急性後期與慢性期的影響。將C57BL/6J小鼠分為一般控制組 (NC組)、DSS誘導組 (DC組)、DSS+低劑量TEE (攝取劑量為100 mg/kg BW;DL組)與DSS+高劑量TEE (攝取劑量為150 mg/kg BW;DH組)。在DSS誘導腸炎前,先給予一周TEE,並分別於3% DSS誘導腸炎後第14天(急性後期)與第21天(慢性期)犧牲動物,從大腸組織切片觀察發現,與DC組比較,TEE組的組織發炎評分較低、腸道上皮結構較完整、以及嗜中性白血球的浸潤程度較低,且分杯狀細胞數量與分泌的黏液較多。由qPCR分析結果發現於誘導腸炎急性後期,給予TEE能提高大腸組織的MUC (mucin)2、ZO-1 (zonula occludens-1)、Occludin與Claudin-2 mRNA表現量,而大腸組織的MUC1、MUC4、TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α)、IL (interleukin)-1β與CXCL1 (chemokine (CXC motif) ligand) mRNA表現量也被TEE所抑制。於誘導腸炎慢性期時,TEE能降低大腸組織的TFF (trefoil factors)3、MUC4、TNF-α、IL-1β與CXCL1 mRNA表現量,並增加杯狀細胞數量與MUC2 mRNA的表現量。以上證據顯示TEE在大腸組織微環境具有預防性保護腸炎的效果。由流式細胞儀分析,結果發現TEE對於血液與脾臟之單核球、嗜中性球與T細胞分布並沒有顯著影響。綜合上述結果,推論TEE於大腸微環境中透過減少嗜中性白血球浸潤、減少促發炎因子、增加黏液與維持腸道屏障完整,而具有預防性保護慢性腸炎的作用。

    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronically recurrent inflammatory disturbance in gastrointestinal tract, clinically characterized as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Our previous study demonstrated that the protective effects of triterpenoid enriched-extract (TEE) of wild bitter melon (WBM; Momordica charantia L.var.abbreviata Seringe) leaf in mitigating dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced acute colitis by regulating Th/Treg-mediated immunity and inflammatory responses. In this study, we investigated the preventive and therapeutic effects of TEE on chronic colitis in DSS-treated mice. This study consisted of two independent experiments as follows.
    In Experiment I, C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into four groups: one normal control (NC) group and four DSS-treated groups, including DSS group (colitis model), DT group (DSS+ 82.4 mg/kg BW of TEE), and DP group (DSS + 804.7 mg/kg BW of bitter melon leaf powder (BMLP)). The DSS-treated groups drank distilled water containing 3.5% DSS for 7 d to induce colitis before TEE or BMLP administrations, while NC group drank distilled water. DT and DP groups was respectively administrated with AIN-93 diet containing TEE (100 mg/kg diet) and BMLP (1g/kg diet) for 14 days. Our results showed that either post-treatments of TEE or BMLP did not significantly affect body weight, colon shortening, organ weight, spleen T cell population, and inflammation-related factors. These data suggested that post-treatments of TEE or BMLP did not possess the beneficial effects on alleviating chronic colitis.
    In Experiment II, C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into four groups: one normal control (NC) group and four DSS-treated groups, including DSS group (colitis model), DL group (DSS+ 100 mg/kg BW of TEE), and DH group (DSS+150 mg/kg BW of TEE). The DSS-treated groups drank distilled water containing 3% DSS for 7 days to induce colitis, while NC group drank distilled water. DL and DH groups was administrated TEE supplemented to an AIN-93 diet for 7 days before DSS-induced colitis and subsequently received TEE supplemented to an AIN-93 diet after DSS-induced colitis for 14 days (late-acute phase) and 21 days (chronic phase). Results from H&E staining of colonic tissue disclosed the distinct pathological changes upon DSS treatment, including serious epithelial disruption, inflammatory cells infiltration, and obvious decreased goblet cell number, whereas TEE led to improvements of these pathological changes. These results suggested that TEE could protect the colonic tissue from the DSS-induced damage. Next, we evaluated the mRNA levels of colonic pro-inflammatory cytokines by qPCR analysis. We found that TEE administration up-regulated MUC (mucin)2, ZO-1 (zonula occludens-1), occludin and claudin-2 mRNA levels and down-regulated colonic MUC1, MUC4, TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-α), IL (interleukin)-1β and CXCL (chemokine (CXC motif) ligand)1 mRNA levels on Day-14. In addition, TEE administration inhibited DSS-induced TFF3 (trefoil factors), MUC4, TNF-α, IL-1β, and CXCL1 mRNA levels of colon tissue and elevated colonic goblet cells and MUC2 mRNA level on Day-21. The evidence suggested the pre-treatment of TEE exerted the protective role in attenuating chronic colitis. However, the results of flow cytometry assay showed that TEE had no influence on the proportions of monocytes, neutrophils, and Tregs in blood or spleen.
    IBD has been associated with mucus producing deficiency and decreased goblet cell number. These results revealed that TEE supplement may contribute to the management of colonic inflammation via regulation of neutrophils, decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine, upregulating mucin, and improving epithelial barrier defectsin in colonic microenvironment. In conclusion, our results suggested that the preventive treatment of TEE plays a protective role of the mucosal layer in maintaining intestinal health.

    第一章、文獻探討 1 第一節、腸道免疫 1 壹、腸道免疫屏障 1 貳、腸道先天性免疫反應 5 參、腸道適應性免疫反應 7 第二節、發炎性腸道疾病 10 壹、簡述 10 貳、發炎性腸道疾病之致病機轉 11 參、發炎性腸道疾病之治療方法 14 第三節、苦瓜葉的生理活性 15 壹、苦瓜 15 貳、活性成分與功效 16 第四節、腸炎誘導模式 18 第二章、研究動機與目的 20 第三章、材料與方法 21 第一節、實驗材料與設備 21 壹、實驗藥品試劑與樣品材料: 21 貳、實驗抗體: 22 參、實驗飼料: 23 肆、實驗分析套組: 23 伍、實驗設備: 24 第二節、苦瓜葉萃取物與飼料之製備 25 壹、苦瓜葉萃取物製備 25 貳、飼料配製 28 第三節、動物實驗設計與流程 29 壹、實驗一 (模擬治療模式) 29 貳、實驗二 (模擬預防模式) 30 參、樣品採集及處理 32 第四節、分析的項目和方法 33 壹、飼料中攝取的劑量 33 貳、體重與飲水變化 33 參、疾病活動指數 33 肆、血液與脾臟的免疫細胞 35 伍、測定血漿haptoglobin 41 陸、大腸組織的基因表現量 42 柒、組織的發炎評分、杯狀細胞與黏液評估 44 捌、統計分析軟體與方法 46 第四章、結果 47 第一節、實驗一結果 47 壹、飼料攝取量 47 貳、飲水與體重變化 48 參、TEE與BMLP實際攝取量變化 49 肆、疾病活動指數變化 50 伍、脾臟重量 51 陸、大腸組織 52 柒、大腸組織病理變化 53 捌、大腸組織的腸炎相關因子表現量 56 玖、脾臟T淋巴細胞分布 57 第二節、實驗二結果 59 壹、飼料攝取量變化 59 貳、飲水與體重變化 60 參、TEE實際攝取量變化 62 肆、疾病活動指數變化 63 伍、脾臟重量 64 陸、大腸組織 65 柒、大腸組織病理變化 67 捌、大腸組織杯狀細胞 75 玖、大腸組織黏液層 77 拾、腸道促發炎相關因子與Foxp3 mRNA表現量 79 拾壹、腸道屏障相關基因表現 81 拾貳、脾臟T淋巴細胞分布 83 拾參、血液先天性免疫細胞分布 85 拾肆、血液T淋巴細胞分布 87 拾伍、血液中調節T細胞 89 拾陸、血漿haptoglobin 90 第五章、討論 91 第一節、實驗一(模擬治療模式) 91 壹、TEE與BMLP對於DSS誘導急性腸炎的治療效果 91 第二節、實驗二(模擬預防模式) 93 壹、飼料攝取與TEE攝取量 93 貳、TEE對小鼠腸炎症狀之影響 93 參、TEE對於腸道免疫之影響 94 肆、TEE對於腸道屏障之影響 97 伍、TEE對於全身發炎反應之影響 100 第六章、總結 101 參考文獻 103 附錄 113

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