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研究生: 姚正容
Yao, Cheng-Jung
論文名稱: 北部某校大學生對於反毒機器人教材之使用及衝擊成效評價
Evaluation of the usability and effectiveness of anti-drug robot learning materials among college students in a northern university
指導教授: 郭鐘隆
Guo, Jong-Long
口試委員: 黃久美
Huang, Chiu-Mieh
Lu, Li-Ting
Guo, Jong-Long
口試日期: 2023/06/19
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系健康促進與衛生教育碩士在職專班
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education_Continuing Education Master's Program of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 73
中文關鍵詞: 人工智慧機器人藥物濫用大學生計畫行為理論
英文關鍵詞: Artificial intelligence, robot, drug abuse, university students, Theory of planned behavior
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301340
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:59下載:0
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  • 本研究的目的是以無藥物濫用經驗之大學生為對象,以計畫行為理論為基礎,運用反毒機器人教材探討大學生在藥物濫用的介入提升學生對於藥物濫用基本識能及拒絕技能成效與大學生對科技產品反毒機器人的使用評價。
    本研究共招募大學一至四年級140位學生為研究對象,有效樣本114位學生,實驗組學生接受反毒機器人教材介入,介入時間為5節課,共計250分鐘,對照組學生接受傳統講座式的教學課程,介入時間為1節課,共計50分鐘,二組學生在介入課程前進行前測問卷,於課程教材介入後給予後測問卷。統計方法使用SPSS for Windows version 23.0 進行分析,採用描述性統計、配對 t 檢定、廣義估計方程式及一般多元迴歸分析檢定介入前後之變化成效。

    The purpose of this study is to target university students without a history of drug abuse and to utilize the Theory of Planned Behavior as a basis. The study aims to examine the effectiveness of intervention using antidrug robot teaching materials in enhancing students' basic knowledge and refusal skills regarding drug abuse. Additionally, the study aims to evaluate the learning outcomes of university students in relation to the antidrug robot technology.
    A total of 140 university students from grades one to four were recruited as participants for this study, 114 students considered as valid samples. The experimental group received intervention using antidrug robot teaching materials for a total of 5 sessions, lasting 250 minutes. The control group received a traditional lecture-style teaching course for 1 session, lasting 50 minutes. Both groups completed pretest questionnaires before the intervention and post-test questionnaires after the intervention. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS for Windows version 23.0, employing descriptive statistics, paired-t tests, generalized estimating equations, and multiple regression analysis to examine the changes in effectiveness before and after the intervention.
    Research shows that students who were exposed to anti-drug robot instructional materials demonstrated significant improvement in their basic literacy. Additionally, college students exhibited significant changes in attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and behavioral intentions towards using anti-drug robots. The feedback received from college students regarding their experience and involvement with the anti-drug robots was overwhelmingly positive. This was especially true for those who had prior experience using educational robots, as their evaluation of the anti-drug robots' usage showed significant improvements in pre- and post-tests.
    The results indicate that the research tool, antidrug robot teaching materials, is applicable in practical settings. In the future, it can be extended beyond the use with university students. It is recommended to integrate this tool into campus drug abuse education to improve students' knowledge and skills in this area.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與重要性 1 第二節 研究目的 4 第三節 研究問題 4 第四節 名詞定義 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 大學生的藥物濫用現況及其危害 7 第二節 科技與反毒相關研究 11 第三節 人工智慧機器人之教育應用 15 第四節 計劃行為理論應用於介入之研究 19 第三章 研究方法 23 第一節 研究架構 23 第二節 研究設計 24 第三節 研究對象 25 第四節 研究工具 26 第五節 反毒機器人衛教課程設計 31 第六節 研究步驟與流程 35 第七節 資料處理 38 第四章 研究結果 39 第一節 社會人口學資料分析 39 第二節 實驗組科技產品變項分析 42 第三節 反毒機器人教材介入成效分析 45 第四節 反毒機器人教材使用評價分析 48 第五節 大學生使用反毒機器人教材行為意圖分析 54 第五章 結論與建議 56 第一節 討論 56 第二節 研究限制 60 第三節 結論 60 第四節 建議 61 參考文獻 65

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