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研究生: 陳月霞
Yueh-Hsia Chen
論文名稱: 職業傷害勞工之自覺健康與復工因素之研究
The study of self-perceived health and predictors of return-to-work in work-related workers
指導教授: 林幸台
Lin, Hsin-Tai
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 復健諮商研究所
Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 108
中文關鍵詞: 職業傷害手部外傷自覺健康手外傷嚴重指數復工
英文關鍵詞: work-related injury, hand injury, self-perceived health, hand injury severity score, return to work
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:132下載:18
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  • 我國約一半職業傷病之發生部位為肘、前臂、腕、手和指部外傷,不但造成手功能損傷,同時造成工作障礙。早期復工對勞工生、心理功能,家庭經濟、雇主的負擔和社會的勞動力都是正向助力,勞工可以參與社會活動和貢獻,同時增加自我價值和生活滿意度。本研究目的期以實證的角度,探討職業傷害造成前臂或手外傷之勞工,在醫療穩定準備復工前,自覺健康之看法,並且以生物心理社會模式預測自行復工之重要因素。本研究採橫斷式研究法,研究樣本分成二組各60人,分別為醫療穩定可以自行復工之勞工,以及無法自行復工需要職業重建服務之勞工,透過「台灣簡短36」量表(SF-36台灣版)調查受試者之自覺健康,以「修訂的手外傷嚴重指數」分析手外傷嚴重程度,以獨立樣本t檢定和卡方檢定分析二組在社會人口變項、自覺健康、手外傷嚴重程度和工作障礙期間的差異,以Pearson積差相關分析進行自覺健康與自行復工、社會人口變項、手外傷嚴重程度和工作障礙期間相關檢定,並以二元邏輯斯迴歸分析預測自行復工之重要因素。
    研究結果顯示可以自行復工或需要職業重建之勞工在社會人口變項、手外傷嚴重程度都沒有顯著不同,但二組在工作障礙期間達顯著水準(p=0.001),可以自行復工的勞工平均工作障礙期間151天,需要職業重建勞工平均工作障礙期間251天,自覺健康分量表在身體生理功能(p=0.020)、活力(p=0.045)及心理健康(p=0.042)三個分量表分數達顯著差異。本研究樣本以SF-36台灣版調查職業傷害致前臂或手外傷勞工自覺健康之分數都較我國一般國民差,性別和自覺身體生理功能 (r=.271, p<0.01)、身體疼痛(r=.180, p<0.05)、一般健康(r=.217, p<0.05)、活力(r=.338, p<0.01)和心理健康(r=.243, p<0.01)有關。年長者自覺因生理功能角色受限(r=-.257, p<0.01)、因情緒角色受限(r=-.415, p<0.01)和身體疼痛(r=-.277, p<0.01)較差;身心障礙者只感到身體生理功能較非障礙者差(r=-.236, p<0.01);工作障礙期間(r=-.339, p<0.01)和修訂的手外傷嚴重指數(r=-.196, p<0.05)與身體生理功能有關;低教育程度者感到因情緒角色受限(rs=.257, p<0.01)明顯比高教育者差;薪資補償與心理健康有關(rs=.196, p<0.01);而已婚勞工自覺因生理功能角色受限、身體疼痛、活力、因情緒角色受限和心理健康都比未婚勞工差。經過二元邏輯斯迴歸分析,職業傷害致前臂或手外傷勞工,工作障礙期間和自覺心理健康是準備復工階段預測自行復工的重要因素,每增加工作障礙期間一天,自行復工之可能性即減少0.5%,以SF-36台灣版自評心理健康的分數每增加1分,可以自行復工的機會增加5%,手外傷嚴重程度、性別、婚姻狀況、薪資補償狀況可能經由工作障礙期間及自覺心理健康間接與自行復工產生相關。

    Forearm, wrist and hand injuries were the most common work-related injuries, and resulted in different severities of hand function impairments. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate work-related forearm or hand injured workers’ self-perceived health before return-to-work, and predict factors of early return-to-work. A total of 120 clients were recruited and divided into 2 groups depending on the ability to return-to-work (RTW). One group could self-RTW after medical rehabilitation (SR group), and the other was recruited from Vocational Evaluation Programs for Work-Related Injury (VR group). All clients were medical stable and motivated to return to work before exploration. Modified Hand Injury Severity Score (MHISS) was measured to quantify hand, wrist and forearm injuries. SF-36 Taiwan version was self-administered as health perception. The groups were compared with each other regard to sociodemographic factors, hand injury severity, health perception, and time off work. Independent t tests were used for continuous variables, and Chi-square tests were used to compare categorical variables. Pearson correlation coefficient was used to analysis the correlation between SF-36 and sociodemographic factors, MHISS, and time off work. Binary logistic regression was used to predict the factors of early return-to-work.
    The results indicated that there were no any significant differences in sociodemographic factors and the severity of hand injury between both groups. Self-perceived physical functioning (p=0.020), vital (p=0.045), mental health (p=0.042) and time off work (p=0.001) were significantly different between SR group and VR group. Besides, gender was associated with physical functioning (r=.271, p<0.01), bodily pain (r=.180, p<0.05), general health (r=.217, p<0.05), vital (r=.338, p<0.01), and mental health (r=.243, p<0.01). Elderly had poorer self-perceived health in role limitation due to physical problems (r=-.257, p<0.01), bodily pain (r=-.277, p<0.01), and role limitation due to emotional problems (r=-.415, p<0.01). Disabled clients only reported poorer physical functioning (r=-.236, p<0.01) than non-disabled. Time-off-work (r=-.339, p<0.01) and MHISS (r=-.196, p<0.05) were associated with physical functioning. Higher education reported better role limitation due to emotional problems (rs=.257, p<0.01). Finanal support was related to mental health perception (rs=.196, p<0.01). Married workers rated poorer self-perceived role limitation due to physical problems, bodily pain, vital, role limitation due to emotional problems, and mental health. After binary logistic regression analysis, time-off-work and self-perceived mental health were strongly predictive of self-RTW. Increase one day of time-off-work would reduce 0.5% to self-RTW. Increase one score of self-rated mental health in SF-36 would increase 5% to self-RTW.
    This evidence-based study showed that shorter time-off-work and better self-perceived mental health could predict self return-to-work for work-related forearm, wrist or hand injury. Health perception was a validated tool to investigate the thoughts that lead to return to work. Physician advices for readiness for return-to-work, work accommodation, supportive workplace disability management, and workers’ compensation for financial incentive policy were return-to-work strategies.

    中文摘要...................................................i 英文摘要.................................................iii 目 次.....................................................v 表 次...................................................vii 圖 次..................................................viii 第一章 緒論................................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.......................................1 第二節 研究目的............................................4 第三節 研究問題............................................5 第四節 名詞釋義............................................5 第二章 文獻探討...........................................10 第一節 自覺健康與階段性行為改變模式.........................10 第二節 影響職業傷害勞工復工因素.............................18 第三節 肌肉骨骼損傷之復工模式...............................26 第三章 研究方法與設計......................................32 第一節 研究架構...........................................32 第二節 研究對象與樣本......................................34 第三節 研究工具...........................................35 第四節 研究程序...........................................39 第五節 資料處理與分析......................................41 第四章 研究結果與討論......................................43 第一節 自行復工或需要職業重建之勞工特性......................43 第二節 自覺健康與復工相關變項之相關性........................51 第三節 職業傷害勞工自行復工之預測因素........................58 第四節 研究結果綜論........................................63 第五章 研究結論與建議......................................67 第一節 結論...............................................67 第二節 建議...............................................71 第三節 研究限制...........................................75 參考文獻..................................................76 附錄一 修訂的手外傷嚴重指數(MHISS).......................85 附錄二 台灣簡短36(SF-36)................................87 附錄三 問卷調查說明及同意書................................92 附錄四 人體試驗倫理委員會同意書............................94 表次 表 3- 1 全體樣本之社會人口統計資料.........................35 表 3- 2 SF-36各量表相關題目...............................38 表 3- 3 SF-36分量表之CRONBACH Α信度係數預試結果............39 表 4- 1 二組樣本基本資料之卡方分析表.......................44 表 4- 2 二組樣本之年齡獨立樣本T考驗分析差異表...............45 表 4- 3 二組樣本修訂的手外傷嚴重指數之差異分析表............48 表 4- 4 二組樣本工作障礙期間之差異分析表...................49 表 4- 5 二組樣本自覺健康之差異分析表.......................50 表 4- 6 自覺健康分量表分數與復工相關變項之PEARSON積差相關...52 表 4- 7 自覺健康分量表分數與復工相關變項之SPEARMAN等級相關..52 表 4- 8 自覺健康分量表分數與婚姻狀況之差異分析表............52 表 4- 9 二元邏輯斯迴歸完全模型分析預測自行復工之結果摘要表...59 表 4- 10 二元邏輯斯迴歸完全模型之預測自行復工正確率摘要表....60 表 4- 11 二元邏輯斯迴歸不完全模型分析預測自行復工之結果摘要表.62 圖次 圖 2- 1 自覺健康之認知過程................................12 圖 2- 2 階段性行為改變模式................................17 圖 2- 3 預防工作障礙.....................................28 圖 3- 1 研究架構.........................................33 圖 4- 1 預測職業傷害致前臂或手外傷準備復工模式..............64

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