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Author: 陳茹玲
Ju-Ling Chen
Thesis Title: 類比故事的表面特徵與結構特徵在不同年齡層對故事回想表現之影響
The Effects of Superficial and Structure Feature Matches on the Story Reminding Performance of Students at Different Ages
Advisor: 蘇宜芬
Su, Yi-Fen
Degree: 碩士
Department: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
Thesis Publication Year: 2004
Academic Year: 92
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 118
Keywords (in Chinese): 類比類比歷程表面特徵結構特徵表面相似性結構相似性故事回想表現
Keywords (in English): Analogy, the Process of Analgoy, Surface Feature, Structure Feature, Superficial Similarity, Structrue Similarity, Story Recall Performance
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 本研究的主要目的在探討類比故事的表面特徵與結構特徵對於故事回想表現的影響,以及不同年齡層的學生在類比故事的回想表現上,受故事表面特徵與結構特徵的影響是否有所不同。

    The main purpose of this research is to investigate the effects of superficial feature and structure feature matches of analogical stories on students’ story reminding performance, and whether the effects are different with age.
    The purpose of Experiment 1, is to examine if the findings of Catrambone's(2002) research will be found in Taiwan college students while they read Chinese analogical stories. The purpose of Experiment 2 is to investigate if the effects of superficial and structure feature matches on story reminding performance will change with different age groups. The data obtained are analyzed by ANOVA. The findings are as follows:
    1. The result suggested that both surface feature and structure feature may influence story reminding performance. The better the two features matched, the better the story reminding performance. There was no interaction between the two factors.
    2.The effects of surface feature and structural feature matches on story reminding performance changed with age. There was a significant difference between the performance of fourth graders in elementary school and that of other age groups. The performance of college students was better than that of other age groups in all conditions. The performance of story reminding improved with the increase of age.
    3. The reminding patterns of different age groups were different. College students showed the strongest response to entity match and structure match. College students and second graders in junior high school showed similar story reminding patterns, but the response differentiation of junior high school students were not as clear as that of college students. The sixth and fourth graders in elementary school showed much less clear differentiation of entity match and structure match response than college students and junior high school students did.

    目 錄 中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 緒論……………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………1 第二節 研究問題………………………………………6 第三節 重要名詞釋義…………………………………6 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………9 第一節 類比研究的發展現況與趨勢…………………9 第二節 認知取向的類比理論…………………………18 第三節 兒童類比推理能力的發展……………………31 第四節 類比歷程的相關研究…………………………41 第三章 前導研究…………………………………………52 第一節 研究對象……………………………………..52 第二節 研究材料及工具………………………………53 第三節 實施程序………………………………………56 第四節 資料處理與分析………………………………57 第四章 實驗一……………………………………………61 第一節 研究架構………………………………………62 第二節 研究對象………………………………………62 第三節 研究材料及工具………………………………63 第四節 研究設計………………………………………66 第五節 實施程序………………………………………69 第六節 資料處理………………………………………70 第七節 結果與討論..…………………………………71 第五章 實驗二……………………………………………76 第一節 預試……………………………………………76 第二節 研究架構………………………………………78 第三節 研究對象………………………………………79 第四節 研究材料及工具…..…………………………80 第五節 研究設計………..……………………………82 第六節 實施程序………………………………………86 第七節 資料處理………………………………………86 第八節 結果與討論……………………………………87 第六章 結論與建議………………………………………97 第一節 結論……..……………………………………97 第二節 未來研究方法上的建議………………………99 第三節 研究限制..…………….……………………101 參考文獻 中文文獻………………………………………………….103 西文文獻…………………………………………………105

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