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研究生: 葉璞之
Yeh, Pu-Chih
論文名稱: 國中生物科教師對十二年國教課綱之認知初探
A Preliminary Exploration on Junior High School Biology Teachers' Perceptions of the Twelve-Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines
指導教授: 劉湘瑤
Liu, Shiang-Yao
口試委員: 温媺純
Wen, Mei-Chun
Chang, Yung-Ta
Liu, Shiang-Yao
口試日期: 2022/08/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 108課綱國中生物科教師十二年國教教師信念教育改革
英文關鍵詞: Twelve-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines, biology teachers in junior high schools, teachers’ beliefs, educational reform
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201685
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:344下載:15
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  • 〈十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱〉於民國103年發佈。因應此教育改革而 生的各領域課程綱要,也於民國108年正式實施。在〈十二年國民基本教育課程綱 要——自然科學領域〉中,有許多和舊課綱不同之處。本研究探討國民中學生物 科教師對於新課綱學習表現和學習內容條目的看法,藉以瞭解新課綱實施的現況, 並探究現場生物教師是否能在此變化中落實新課綱理念。
    本研究邀請來自台灣各縣市65位國中生物科教師參與問卷調查,並聯繫其中 願意進行後續訪談的10位教師,進行深入討論。受測教師針對自然領域中20條學習 表現,在五點量表上,圈選其認為的重要性和可行性程度;同時,也針對與生物 科重點相關的42條學習內容條目,進行十點量表的投注心力評比。問卷後的訪談 題目,聚焦在教師問卷回覆中,認為相對不重要或不可行的學習表現以及學習內 容條目,進一步了解教師產生此想法的原因、實行上的困難處,以及他們對新課 綱的評論和建議。
    研究結果發現,教師普遍認同課綱中羅列之學習表現的重要性,但是對於可 行性的認同卻相對較低;同時也發現,部分教師以教科書編排角度看待課綱的學 習內容條目,而非從課綱角度出發。針對上述情形,研究者對於課綱理想的落實 層面,提出下列幾項建議:一、學習表現的落實需要更具體的作法;二、學習表 現與學習內容的連結性需要再加強;三、教科書內容不應成為箝制教師教學的枷 鎖;四、教師應從解讀課綱內容的角度判斷教科書的應用。

    The "Twelve-year National Basic Education Curriculum Outline" was promulgated in 2014, and new curriculum guidelines for various fields that were born in response to this educational reform were officially implemented in 2019. The "Twelve-year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines—Natural Science" differs from old curriculum guidelines in many aspects. This study explores the views of biology teachers on the learning performance and learning content items in the new curriculum so as to sketch the current status of their implementation in junior high schools and to examine how biology teachers realize the new curriculum.
    In this study, 65 junior high school biology teachers from around Taiwan participated in a questionnaire survey, and 10 of them took part in the follow-up interviews for in-depth discussion. The participants circled the degrees of importance and feasibility respectively on a five-point scale regarding the 20 items of learning performance in the curriculum. For the 42 items of learning content related to the key points in biology, a 10-point scale was used to show participants’ commitment to each individual item in their teaching. The follow-up interviews focused on the learning performance and learning content items that teachers circled “relatively unimportant” or “relatively unfeasible” in their questionnaire responses, to further explore the reasons why they thought this way, the difficulties in implementing the items, and even their questioning and suggestions for the new curriculum.
    The results of the study found that teachers in general agreed on the importance of
    learning performance items listed in the curriculum, but their agreement on the
    feasibility was relatively low. It was also found that some teachers viewed the learning content from the perspective of textbook arrangement, rather than from the perspective of the curriculum itself. Based on the findings, the researcher puts forward the following suggestions for the implementation of the new curriculum. First, the implementation of learning performance requires more specific practices. Second, the connection between learning performance and learning content needs to be strengthened. Third, the content of textbooks should not become a shackle to restrain teachers' teaching. Fourth, teachers should be aware of the impact of textbooks in their implementation of the new curricuilum.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機與背景1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題3 第三節 名詞釋義5 第四節 研究範圍與限制5 第二章 文獻探討7 第一節 課綱之修訂歷史7 第二節 十二年國教課綱之特色與內涵13 第三節 教師信念對課程實施的影響18 第四節 生物教育領域對教師信念研究19 第三章 研究方法21 第一節 研究對象21 第二節 研究工具22 第三節 資料處理與分析25 第四章 研究結果與討論27 第一節 教師背景資料與課綱看法分析28 第二節 學習表現重要性及可行性評估問卷回答情形分析43 第三節 學習內容之投注心力評比問卷回答情形分析65 第五章 結論與建議79 第一節 結論79 第二節 建議81 參考文獻82 附錄85 附錄一 85 附錄二 訪談大綱 97

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