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Author: 張文嘉
Chang, Christine Susan
Thesis Title: 應用語料庫工具改正英文錯誤之效能研究
The Effects of Corpus Tools on Assisting EFL Learners to Correct Errors
Advisor: 陳浩然
Chen, Hao-Jan
Degree: 碩士
Department: 英語學系
Department of English
Thesis Publication Year: 2016
Academic Year: 104
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 113
Keywords (in Chinese): 語料庫工具英文文法錯誤錯誤類型錯誤更正搜尋歷程大學生
Keywords (in English): corpus tools, grammatical error, error correction, error type, DDL, EFL
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 334Downloads: 45
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  • 由於科技進步,越來越多語料庫工具透過大數據分析,將語料以頻率高

    本研究目的為比較兩種符合上述兩大條件的語料庫工具,並研究其在十種英文文法錯誤類型上的改正效用。本研究之四名受試者為就讀大學且英文能力中級的英文學習者,其中兩名受試者會先使用語料庫工具 Netspeak 進行錯誤改正,並再以另一語料庫工具 Linggle 進行錯誤改正;另兩名會以相反的順序改正錯誤。研究工具包含錯誤例題試卷及答案、前後測態度問卷及學習者搜尋歷程之記錄。本研究分析英文學習者以兩種工具更正十種錯誤類型答案比例、學習者之搜尋歷程及學習者對語料庫工具之態度。


    Studies showed that learners could use corpus tools to correct different types of error; however, each corpus tool may have its strength and weakness based on the design purpose. Thus, an increasing number of scholars advocated the use of more than one corpus tool to facilitate learners to do data-driven learning (DDL). Among various corpus tools that were analyzed, it is found that corpus tools with two features that could be helpful for learners to correct errors, which are gigantic corpora and user-friendly interface similar to search engines.

    Netspeak and Linggle are two powerful corpus tools compass copious corpora and user-friendly interface similar to search engines that are suitable for DDL. The present study aims at analyzing the effects of Netspeak and Linggle on assisting learners to correct the ten types of error. Four intermediate college learners were recruited. Two of them used Netspeak and then used Linggle to correct errors; the other two learners used the two corpus tool in reverse orders. The instruments include the error correction tasks, leaners’ searching logs, and pre-and post-questionnaires. Three aspects were examined, which are types of error that learners could correct by using the two corpus tools, the error correction processes, and learners’ attitudes toward the two corpus tools.

    The results showed that two corpus tools were found to
    be useful for learners to correct the ten types of error. The two corpus tools were found to be more useful to correct some error types while others may not be corrected by using the corpus tools.Moreover, it is found that learners used operators with various strategies while correcting errors. Finally, learners held positive attitudes toward to two corpus tools and were willing to use them in the future.

    中文摘要..............................................i ABSTRCT............................................ ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT................................... iii TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................. iv LIST OF LIST OF FIGURES....................................vii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION..............................1 1.1 Background.......................................1 1.2 Motivation.......................................3 1.3 Purpose..........................................5 1.4 Research Questions...............................7 1.5 Significance.....................................7 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW........................10 2.1 Notions of Data-driven Learning (DDL)...........10 2.2 Studies of DDL..................................13 2.2.1 General Learning Abilities................... 13 2.2.2 Writing Accuracy..............................15 2.2.3 Different Types of Grammatical Error..........24 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY..............................28 3.1 Participants....................................28 3.2 Instrument......................................28 3.2.1 Two Corpus Tools..............................29 Netspeak....................................29 Linggle.....................................31 3.2.2 Inputlog......................................34 3.2.3 The Error Correction Task.....................35 3.2.4 Questionnaires and Interviews.................38 3.3 Procedures......................................40 3.4 Data Collection and Analysis....................41 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION....................43 4.1 The Type of Error Corrected by Learners.........43 4.1.1 Each Learner’ Correct Answers.................43 4.1.2 Correct Answers of Each Error Type ...........46 4.1.3 Three Types of Changes of Learners' Answers...51 4.2 Learners’ Searching Processes...................52 4.2.1 Operators and Average Queries of Each Item....53 4.2.2 Strategies for DDL............................57 4.3 Learners’ Attitudes.............................58 4.3.1 Learners’ Prior Experiences...................58 4.3.2 Learners’ Attitudes toward Netspeak and Linggle.60 4.3.3 Learner' Attitudes Changes after Using the Corpus Tools...............................................64 4.4 Discussion......................................65 4.4.1 Types of Error that Learners Corrected by Using Corpus Tools........................................66 Each Learner’s Correct Answers..............66 Correct Answers of Each Error Type..........67 Three Kinds of Changes of Learners' Correct Answers.............................................75 4.4.2 Learners’ Searching Processes with Netspeak and Linggle.............................................76 4.4.3 EFL Learners’ Attitudes toward the Two Corpus Tools ....................................................80 Target Users and Interfaces of the Two Corpus Tools...............................................80 The Operators of the Two Corpus Tools.......83 Using the Two Corpus Tools for English Learning ....................................................87 Attitudes Changes after Using the Two Corpus Tools...............................................89 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION................................93 5.1 Summery.........................................93 5.2 Pedagogical Implications........................96 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research.98 REFERENCES.........................................101 APPENDIXES.........................................104

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