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研究生: 簡媛慧
Chien, Yuan-Hui
論文名稱: 探討消費者對於獨立平價火鍋餐廳之消費動機和態度
Exploring Consumers’ Motivations and Attitudes toward Budget Independent Hot Pot Restaurants
指導教授: 麥康妮
Athena H. N. Mak
口試委員: 麥康妮
Athena H. N. Mak
Lin, Xin-Hong
Gu, Zhi-Ming
口試日期: 2024/07/08
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 64
中文關鍵詞: 火鍋獨立餐廳平價消費動機態度食物選擇動機
英文關鍵詞: Hot Pot, Independent Budget Restaurants, Motivation, Attitude, Food Choice Questionnaire
研究方法: 半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401671
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:40下載:2
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  • 因臺灣人口社會結構改變、外食人口逐年增加,臺灣的餐飲市場,火鍋餐廳是最受消費者喜歡的餐廳種類之一,也是臺灣連鎖餐飲業中無論是品牌或是家數,都排名第一!在眾多火鍋餐廳種類及品牌的選擇下,消費者會從多方面考量後做出火鍋餐廳的選擇。獨立餐廳的店家數在餐飲市場佔有重要板塊,然而國內學術研究較少探討消費者對於選擇獨立火鍋餐廳的動機及態度,較多為其他主題餐廳,如:泰式料理、寵物主題餐廳或是綠色餐廳等等。火鍋在臺灣產值龐大,也因而發展出多樣化的火鍋種類餐廳,但在學術討論中,提及火鍋時,多為探討如知名火鍋品牌的頂級服務行銷策略或經營方式,較少研究探討人們習以為常的獨立平價火鍋,因此,本研究採用質性研究訪談法,旨在了解消費者如何在獨立平價火鍋餐廳與連鎖平價火鍋餐廳之間做出選擇,以及探討消費者對於獨立平價火鍋餐廳的動機與態度,以便利抽樣方式邀請消費者進行半結構式訪談,並參考過去文獻,運用刺激消費動機的運作模式和食物選擇動機量表 (Food Choice Questionnaire,FCQ) 設計訪談大綱。本研究運用主題分析法,將訪談逐字稿進行開放性編碼、主軸編碼及選擇性編碼的歸類分析,並結合參與觀察法及三角驗證法,確保研究的信度與效度。

    研究結果發現受訪消費者對於獨立平價火鍋餐廳之消費動機可分為六大類: 一、生理需求;二、外在環境影響;三、距離便利性;四、獨特餐點;五、價格親民;六、食材品質新鮮、餐點選擇多。受訪者對於獨立平價火鍋餐廳之態度可分為七大類:(一) 獨家特色餐點、(二) 價格實惠、(三) 服務有人情味、(四) 適合一人獨自前往用餐、(五) 較無知名度、(六) 服務品質好壞取決於經營者理念、(七) 餐廳環境較小、整潔度不穩定;受訪者對於獨立平價火鍋餐廳之態度與連鎖平價火鍋餐廳之差異可分為以下三點:1. 處理客訴問題方式不同、2. 連鎖平價火鍋餐廳即便是連鎖品牌仍會有差異、3. 獨立平價火鍋餐廳服務親切提升單獨用餐意願。由於獨立火鍋餐廳在學術中較少被為討論,期許本研究預期之結果可以提供獨立火鍋餐廳探討全方面的經營策略,也可為各領域的獨立餐廳做擬定制定行銷策略的參考依據。

    Due to changes in the social structure of Taiwan and the increasing number of people dining out each year, hot pot restaurants have become one of the most popular types of restaurants among Taiwanese consumers. They rank first in both brand recognition and the number of establishments within the Taiwanese chain restaurant industry. Given the numerous options in terms of types and brands of hot pot restaurants, consumers consider multiple factors when making their choices.

    Hot pot restaurant operations can be broadly categorized into two main types: independent restaurants and chain restaurants. While independent restaurants hold a significant portion of the dining market, academic research in Taiwan has rarely explored consumer motivations and attitudes towards choosing independent hot pot restaurants. More studies have focused on other themed restaurants such as Thai cuisine, pet-themed, or green restaurants. Despite the substantial market value of hot pot in Taiwan and the resulting diversification of hot pot restaurant types, academic discussions on hot pot often center around well-known brands and their premium service marketing strategies or business models. There is a lack of research on the more commonplace independent budget hot pot restaurants. Therefore, this study aims to understand how consumers choose between independent budget hot pot restaurants and chain budget hot pot restaurants, and to explore the consumption motivations and attitudes of consumers towards independent budget hot pot restaurants.

    Semi-structured interviews were conducted with consumers recruited using a convenience sampling method. The interview guide was designed based on a review of existing literature, incorporating the food choice motives in the Food Questionnaire (FCQ) as the theoretical framework to explore consumption motivations. The interviews were transcribed verbatim, and the transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis, which included open coding, axial coding, and selective coding, to categorize and interpret the data. To enhance the trustworthiness of the findings, participant observation and triangulation methods were employed.

    The research findings indicate that consumers' motivations for choosing independent budget hot pot restaurants can be categorized into six major types: (1) physiological needs, (2) external environmental influences, (3) convenience of location, (4) unique menu offerings, (5) inexpensive, and (6) fresh ingredients and diverse menu choices. Consumers' attitudes towards independent budget hot pot restaurants can be categorized into seven major types: (1) unique menu items, (2) budget-friendliness, (3) friendly service, (4) suitability for solo dining, (5) lower brand recognition, (6) service quality dependent on the owner's philosophy, and (7) smaller and less consistently clean dining environments. The main differences in consumer attitudes towards independent budget hot pot restaurants and chain budget hot pot restaurants are identified in three main areas: (1) different approaches to handling customer complaints, (2) variability in service even within chain brands, and (3) the friendly service in independent budget hot pot restaurants enhancing the willingness to dine alone.

    Given the limited discussion of independent hot pot restaurants in the hospitality literature, the findings of this study are believed to provide insights for the management of independent hot pot restaurants and serve as a reference for developing marketing strategies within the sector.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 3 第三節 研究目的 4 第四節 名詞釋義 5 第貳章 文獻回顧 8 第一節 臺灣餐飲業的發展 8 第二節 餐飲業的特性 9 第三節 獨立餐廳與連鎖餐廳之差異 11 第四節 臺灣火鍋餐廳發展及演變 12 第五節 臺灣火鍋餐廳的經營模式 16 第六節 消費者行為:動機、決策過程與影響因素 16 第七節 平價火鍋餐廳的消費者行為相關研究 17 第八節 動機 18 第九節 食物選擇動機 21 第十節 態度 24 第十一節 影響消費價值 25 第十二節 小結 26 第參章 研究方法 27 第一節 研究設計 27 第二節 研究架構 28 第三節 研究流程 29 第四節 研究訪談大綱設計 30 第五節 研究場域與研究對象 30 第六節 研究倫理 32 第七節 資料處理與分析 33 第肆章 研究結果與討論 35 第一節 受訪者背景資料 35 第二節 獨立平價火鍋餐廳之消費動機 36 第三節 消費者對於獨立平價火鍋餐廳之態度 39 第四節 獨立平價火鍋餐廳與連鎖平價火鍋餐廳之消費動機比較 44 第五節 獨立平價火鍋餐廳與連鎖平價火鍋餐廳之態度差異 46 第六節 小結 49 第伍章 結論與建議 51 第一節 結論 51 第二節 建議 51 第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 53 第四節 研究貢獻 54 參考文獻 56 附錄 62 附錄一 受訪者知情同意書 62 附錄二 受訪者基本資料收集表 63 附錄三 訪談大綱—對於獨立火鍋餐廳之動機和看法 64

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