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研究生: 蔡桂霖
Chua, Bea Selina
論文名稱: 影響正念消費行為的前置因素:心理所有權的觀點
A Study of the Antecedents of Mindful Consumption Behavior: A Psychological Ownership Perspective
指導教授: 沈永正
Shen, Yung-Cheng
口試委員: 沈永正
Shen, Yung-Cheng
Hsu, Ta-Kuang
Chen, Yen-Chun
口試日期: 2024/06/04
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 67
中文關鍵詞: 永續性自然心理所有權正念消費支付更多的意願
英文關鍵詞: sustainability, theory of psychological ownership of nature, mindful consumption, willingness to pay more
研究方法: 調查研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400883
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:37下載:2
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  • 永續發展在現代社會中成為日益重要的議題,消費者對可持續消費的關注也日益增加。本研究旨在從正念消費和支付意願這兩個維度探討永續消費的相關問題。通過自然心理所有權理論以及SmartPLS4結構方程模型,研究和分析永續消費行為,並以環保自我認同、環境效能以及與自然的連結作為理論的前置因素。本研究通過台灣塔拓公司的調查服務收集數據,共獲得423名來自台灣合格受訪者的反饋。問卷調查中的資格篩選是基於包含在問卷中的注意力檢查問題進行的。

    As sustainability becomes an increasingly pivotal discourse in modern society, attention on sustainable consumption becomes more and more important. This paper aims to add to this discussion by relating the concepts of mindful consumption and willingness to pay more as dimensions of sustainable behavior. Moreover, this paper aims to analyze and discuss sustainable consumption through the perspective of psychological ownership of nature, and introduce pro-environmental self-identity, environmental efficacy, and connectedness to nature as antecedents to this theory. The data for this research was collected through the survey service of the Taiwanese Tatoh company, and this study received a total of 423 qualified respondents from Taiwan. Qualification filtering for respondents was based on the attention check questions included in the survey questionnaire. For data analysis, this research used SmartPLS4 to conduct structural equation modeling. The results of the study show that the feeling of psychological ownership of nature positively influences mindful consumption behavior. Similarly, pro-environmental self-identity, environmental efficacy, and connectedness to nature also positively influences mindful consumption behavior. Environmental efficacy and connectedness to nature positively influences psychological ownership of nature and willingness to pay more. Furthermore, psychological ownership of nature positively mediates both the relationships between environmental efficacy and mindful consumption and connectedness to nature and mindful consumption. Lastly, subjective knowledge and environmental concerns both moderate the relationship between psychological ownership of nature and mindful consumption.
    This research aims to contribute empirical data and additional literature to further solidify the conceptual definition of the theory of psychological ownership of nature. Additionally, the findings of this research aim to offer insights to guide future marketing strategies and approaches to sustainability.

    Acknowledgements 致謝辭 i Chinese Abstract 中文摘要 ii English Abstract 英文摘要 iii Table of Contents iv List of Tables vi List of Figures vii Chapter I Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Motivation 3 1.3 Research Objectives 4 Chapter II Literature Review 5 2.1 Sustainability Concepts 5 2.1.1 Mindful Consumption 5 2.1.2 Willingness to Pay More 6 2.2 Theory of Psychological Ownership of Nature 7 2.3 Pro-Environmental Self Identity 11 2.4 Environmental Efficacy 12 2.5 Connectedness to Nature 14 2.6 Subjective Knowledge 15 2.7 Environmental Concerns 16 2.8 Responsibility Feelings 18 Chapter III Methodology 20 3.1 Conceptual Framework 20 3.2 Measures and Questionnaire Design 22 3.2.1 Questionnaire Design 22 3.2.2 Development of Measures 22 3.3 Sample and Data Collection 26 3.4 Research Method 26 Chapter Four: Results and Analysis 27 4.1 Descriptive Analysis 27 4.2 Assessment of Structural Model 29 4.3 Measurement Model and Hypothesis Testing 35 Chapter Five: Conclusion 40 5.1 General Discussion 40 5.2 Theoretical Contribution 41 5.3 Managerial Implications 43 5.4 Limitations and Future Research 44 References 45 Appendix 54

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