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研究生: 吳智翔
Chih-Hsiang Wu
論文名稱: 訓練職能與組織承諾的關係:以人資部門角色為干擾變數
The Relationship between Training Competency and Organizational Commitment: The Perceived Role of HR Department as a Moderator
指導教授: 林怡君
Lin, Yi-Chun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 訓練職能組織承諾人資部門角色
英文關鍵詞: Training competency, organizational commitment, perceived role of HR department
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:167下載:29
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The study examined the relationship between training competency and organizational commitment while the perceived role of HR department served as a moderator. This study was assessed through hierarchical regression analysis. As for the samples of this study, small-medium organizations were conducted.
The analysis result showed that training competency was positively related to organizational commitment. Meanwhile, the perceived role of HR department was also positively related to training competency and organizational commitment. In addition, the perceived role of HR department had an impact on the relationship between training competency and organizational commitment.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract..................................................I Table of Contents.........................................II List of Tables............................................IV List of Figures...........................................VI CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION....................................1 Background of the Study....................................1 Statement of the Problems..................................2 Research Purpose...........................................3 Research Questions.........................................3 Significance of the Study..................................3 Research Limitations.......................................4 Definition of Terms........................................5 Research Procedure.........................................6 CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW.....................................................7 HR Training Quality Measurement............................7 Organizational Commitment.................................17 The Perceived Role of HR Department.......................21 Training Competency and Organizational Commitment.........23 The Perceived Role of HR Department and Training Competency................................................25 The Perceived Role of HR Department and Organizational Commitment................................................26 The Perceived Role of HR Department as a Moderator.................................................28 CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY...............................................29 Research Framework........................................29 Research Hypotheses.......................................30 Research Methods..........................................30 Research Design...........................................30 Instrumentation...........................................32 Data Collection...........................................44 Data Analysis.............................................45 CHAPTER IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS......................47 Descriptive Statistics Analysis of Sample.................47 Correlation Analysis......................................52 Regression of Analysis of Variables.......................58 CHAPTER V. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................81 Conclusions...............................................81 Recommendations...........................................86 REFERENCES................................................88 APPENDIX A. QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH VERSION)...............91 APPENDIX B. QUESTIONNAIRE (CHINESE VERSION)...............97 LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. TTQS Definitions...............................14 Table 3.1. Items of the OSU Training Management System....32 Table 3.2. Items of the Perceived Role of HR Department...35 Table 3.3. Items of Affective Commitment..................36 Table 3.4. Items of Continuance Commitment................36 Table 3.5. Items of Normative Commitment..................36 Table 3.6. Result of KMO and Barlett’s Test of Sphericity................................................37 Table 3.7. Item Analysis of Training Competency...........37 Table 3.8. Result of Factor Analysis on Training Competency................................................39 Table 3.9. Dimension Reduction............................41 Table 3.10. Reliability of Scales.........................43 Table 4.1. Organizational Information of Demographic Characteristics of Sample.................................49 Table 4.2. Individual Information of Demographic Characteristics of Sample.................................50 Table 4.3. Mean, Standard Deviation, Correlations and Reliabilities.............................................56 Table 4.4. Four Hypotheses................................................58 Table 4.5. Results of Regression Analysis for Training Competency and Organizational Commitment..................59 Table 4.6. Results of Regression Analysis for Quality Management System and Three Components of Organizational Commitment................................................63 Table 4.7. Results of Regression Analysis for Performance Problem Analysis and Three Components of Organizational Commitment................................................64 Table 4.8. Results of Regression Analysis for Training Needs Definition and Three Components of Organizational Commitment................................................65 Table 4.9. Results of Regression Analysis for Training Design and Plan and Three Components of Organizational Commitment................................................66 Table 4.10. Results of Regression Analysis for Training Quality Control and Three Components of Organizational Commitment................................................67 Table 4.11. Results of Regression Analysis for the Perceived Role of HR Department and Training Competency...68 Table 4.12. Results of Regression Analysis for the Perceived Role of HR Department and quality management system....................................................69 Table 4.13. Results of Regression Analysis for the Perceived Role of HR Department and Performance Problem Analysis..................................................70 Table 4.14. Results of Regression Analysis for the Perceived Role of HR Department and Training Needs Definition................................................71 Table 4.15. Results of Regression Analysis for the Perceived Role of HR Department and Training Design and Plan......................................................72 Table 4.16. Results of Regression Analysis for the Perceived Role of HR Department and Training Quality Control...................................................73 Table 4.17. Results of Regression Analysis for the Perceived Role of HR Department and Organizational Commitment................................................74 Table 4.18. Results of Regression Analysis for the Perceived Role of HR Department and Three Components of Organizational Commitment.................................76 Table 4.19. Result of Regression Analysis of Moderating Effect of the Perceived Role of HRDepartment..............78 Table 4.20. Summary of Hypotheses Testing Results.........80 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Research Procedure.............................6 Figure 2.1. The OSU Training Management System............16 Figure 3.1. Research Framework............................29 Figure 3.2. Data Collection Procedure.....................44 Figure 4.1. Moderating Effect of the Perceived Role of HR Department................................................79

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