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論文名稱: A Dynamical Systems Approach to Complementarity Problems
A Dynamical Systems Approach to Complementarity Problems
指導教授: 陳界山
Chen, Jein-Shan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 167
英文關鍵詞: complementarity problems, NCP-functions, natural residual function, smoothing approach
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000519
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:126下載:14
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  • The nonlinear complementarity problem (NCP) is not only central in the study of constrained optimization but also provides an important framework in modelling equilibrium problems in several areas such as engineering, economics and operations research. We solve the NCP using systems of ordinary differential equations inspired by (i) a reformulation approach via complementarity functions and (ii) a special type of smoothing method for NCPs. First, a neural network model is constructed based on the discrete-type generalization of the natural residual (NR) function and its two symmetrizations. We establish several important properties of their induced merit functions which are necessary not only in neural network approach but also in most NCP functions-based algorithms. Using these results, we analyze the formulated dynamical systems with parameter $p\geq 3$, $p$ is odd. Numerical experiments suggest that lower values of $p$ provide optimal speed of convergence and are further recommended due to ill-conditioning problems encountered when $p$ is large. To provide better convergence results, we construct new NCP functions by proposing a continuous-type generalization of the NR function, together with two symmetrizations, which involve a continuous tunable parameter $p\in (1,\infty)$. The extension is meaningful as it offers more stable dynamical systems with faster convergence speeds. More importantly, we discovered one class of NCP functions which can outperform the traditionally used (generalized) Fischer-Burmeister function. Second, a novel smoothing approach for complementarity problems will also be utilized to construct alternative dynamical systems for solving the NCP. We use some family of functions to construct smooth perturbations of the zero-level curve of the NR function, and introduce two important subclasses which have significantly different theoretical and numerical properties. A simple framework for generating functions from these subclasses is proposed. We establish sufficient conditions to guarantee asymptotic and exponential stability. Comparisons between the NCP-based and the smoothing type neural networks are also presented.

    Acknowledgments (page iii) Abstract (page v) Contents (page vii) List of Notations (page xi) List of Tables (page xiii) List of Figures (page xv) Chapter 1 The Problem and its Background (page 1) Chapter 2 Preliminaries (page 9) Chapter 3 Properties of Gradient Dynamical Systems (page 17) Chapter 4 Neural Networks Based on Discrete Generalization and Symmetrizations of the Natural Residual Function (page 25) Chapter 5 Neural Networks based on Novel Generalization of the Natural Residual Function (page 51) Chapter 6 Neural Network based on Haddou-Maheux Smoothing Framework (page 79) Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Research (page 121) Bibliography (page 123) Appendix A: Collection of NCP Test Problems (page 131) Appendix B: Simulation Results for Chapter 5 (page 137)

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