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研究生: 黃品閑
Huang, Pin-Xian
論文名稱: 從認知語義角度辨析漢語顏色詞詞義與教學建議—以「黑」與「白」為例
A Cognitive Semantics Study of The Color Term“Black ”and“White”in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授: 洪嘉馡
Hong, Jia-Fei
口試委員: 林振興
Lin, Zhen-Xing
Lin, Chien-Hung
Hong, Jia-Fei
口試日期: 2022/01/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 顏色詞原型理論隱喻轉喻語義網絡
英文關鍵詞: color terms, prototype theory, metaphor, metonymy, semantic network
研究方法: 內容分析法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200282
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:192下載:77
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  • 顏色與人們的生活緊密相關,語言中的顏色詞可觀察民族的文化特徵,更可從色彩與詞義的關係,了解人類的認知思考模式,因此本研究欲從認知語義角度辨析漢語顏色詞「黑」與「白」之詞義,觀察台灣地區漢語顏色詞「黑」與「白」的詞義發展。本研究以中央研究院平衡語料庫作為語料來源,根據原型理論、概念隱喻及轉喻以及語義網絡等分析架構,探討顏色詞「黑」與「白」的詞義,洞悉詞義範疇內的關聯性。
      本研究先以中央研究院平衡語料庫蒐集所有漢語顏色詞「黑」與「白」的詞彙組合,再根據中文詞彙網絡以及教育部重編國語辭典所列出的詞義條目,對照平衡語料庫的語料範圍,確立漢語顏色詞「黑」與「白」的詞義的類型。在探討漢語顏色詞「黑」與「白」的詞義時,首先觀察各項詞義在平衡語料庫的分布狀況,再以Evans (2005)界定原型語義的標準分析原型詞義,透過原型詞義推導出其他引申義以及隱喻義,其中引申義的詞義延伸機制為轉喻,隱喻義的詞義擴展機制為概念隱喻,本研究透過語料探究各項詞義發展的關聯性後,最終以輻射狀範疇結構(Lakoff , 1987)繪製漢語顏色詞「黑」與「白」的詞義網絡圖。

    This study aims to analyze the meanings of the Chinese color terms "black" and "white" from the perspective of cognitive semantics, and observe the development of the meanings of the Chinese color terms "black" and "white" in Taiwan. This research uses the Sinica Corpus as the source to explores the meanings of the color terms "black" and "white" based on prototype theory, conceptual metaphor and metonymy, and semantic network analysis. This study explore the meanings of the Chinese color terms "black" and "white" and observe the correlation between the meanings of the words.
      This study first collected all the vocabulary combinations of the Chinese color terms "black" and "white" using the Sinica Corpus, and then compared the corpus of the Sinica Corpus based on the Chinse Wordnet and the Revised Mandarin Chinese Dictionary. The scope establishes the types of meanings of the Chinese color terms "black" and "white". When discussing the meanings of Chinese color terms "black" and "white", we first observe the distribution of each word meaning in the Sinica Corpus, and then analyze the meaning of the prototype according to Evans (2005) to define the meaning of the prototype, and derive other meanings from the meaning of the prototype. Extended meanings and metaphorical meanings, in which the meaning extension mechanism of the extended meaning is metonymy, and the meaning extension mechanism of the metaphorical meaning is conceptual metaphor. This study explores the relevance of the development of various word meanings through corpus, and finally uses the radial category structure (Lakoff, 1987) Draw a network diagram of the meanings of Chinese color terms "black" and "white".
      This study comprehensively discusses the meaning tendency of the opposite meanings of Chinese color terms "black" and "white". It is observed that the meanings of Chinese color terms "black" and "white" are different due to the range and characteristics of the meanings. The meanings of the words are not completely opposite. In addition, by comparing the meaning network of the two color terms, this study found that although "black" and "white" in Chinese color terms are both the earliest color terms developed, the ability of word meaning expansion is different, even if the meanings of the opposite words are extended, There are also similarities and differences in the network. It is deduced from the research results that the development of the meaning of the color word category is universal, but due to the influence of the social environment and cognitive thinking, the internal development of the meaning of the word is also different.
      At the end of the study, this research designed Chinese color terms metaphor awareness teaching based on the research results, hoping to provide Chinese teachers with suggestions on Chinese color terms metaphor teaching, so that Chinese teachers can plan Chinese color terms metaphor teaching courses suitable for intermediate and advanced Chinese language learners.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景及動機 1 第二節 研究目的及議題 3 第三節 論文架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 認知語義學相關研究 7 第二節 漢語顏色詞相關研究 16 第三節 小結 27 第三章 研究方法 29 第一節 研究工具 29 第二節 語料來源與研究範圍 35 第三節 研究流程 36 第四章 顏色詞「黑」之詞義分析 39 第一節 顏色詞「黑」之詞義歸納與分布 39 第二節 顏色詞「黑」詞義分析結果 44 第三節 顏色詞「黑」詞義網絡圖 55 第四節 小結 56 第五章 顏色詞「白」之詞義分析 57 第一節 顏色詞「白」之詞義歸納與分布 57 第二節 顏色詞「白」詞義分析結果 63 第三節 顏色詞「白」詞義網絡圖 78 第四節 小結 79 第六章 顏色詞「黑」與「白」對立詞義綜合討論 81 第一節 對立詞義類型分布狀況 81 第二節 對立詞義類型綜合討論 84 第三節 詞義網絡綜合討論 90 第四節 小結 92 第七章 教學應用與建議 93 第一節 教學應用—顏色詞「黑」與「白」隱喻意識提升教學 93 第二節 顏色詞教學建議 104 第八章 結論與未來展望 107 第一節 研究結果 107 第二節 研究展望 111

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