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研究生: 張瑀宸
Chang, Yu-Chen
論文名稱: 無痕山林七大準則中尊重野生動植物之行為理論研究-以陽明山國家公園遊客為例
Respecting Wildlife within the Seven Principles of Leave No Trace: A Case Study of the Visitors’ Behaviors in Yangmingshan National Park
指導教授: 方偉達
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 無痕山林行為意圖計畫行為理論
英文關鍵詞: Leave No Trace, Behavioral Intention, Theory of Planned Behavior
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000073
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:171下載:30
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  • 有鑒於目前國內外的研究當中,專門探討特定親環境行爲,特別是戶外休閒遊憩方面的研究與相關文獻內容較少,本研究欲利用無痕山林(Leave No Trace, LNT)七大理論當中,尊重野生動植物(Respect Wildlife)的這一項特定行為作為研究基礎,以計畫行為理論驗證(Theory of Planned Behavior, TPB),探討造訪陽明山國家公園的遊客對於尊重野生動植物的行為意圖(Behavioral Intention)是受到哪些規範的影響。本研究以問卷調查法進行研究,主要以SPSS23系統進行資料分析,採用描述性統計(Descriptive Statistics)與推論性統計(Inferential Statistics),以及運用結構方程式模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)的方法,分析並整合問卷調查的結果。
    問卷調查之內容效度方面請三位專家學者進行審查,信度方面則是以項目分析法分析各個題目的p值,然而各題目p值皆小於0.05具有顯著性,並且各題目在極端組檢驗法的Cronbach Alpha皆大於0.7,因此調查題目皆適用。
    然而,進行路徑係數分析亦有其顯著性,t值就是路徑係數的顯著性。結果表明了態度直接影響行為意圖並呈現顯著(t = 2.17),主觀規範不影響行為意圖且兩者之間沒有顯著差異(t = 1.01),知覺行為控制直接影響行為意圖且兩者之間呈現極顯著(t = 9.33),知覺行為控制不影響行為且不具顯著差異(t = 1.49),行為意圖直接強烈地影響行為並呈現極顯著(t = 3.82)。因此,可以得知,遊客在尊重野生動植物的態度與知覺行為控制直接影響行為意圖,行為意圖將直接影響行為表現;主觀規範不直接影響行為意圖,知覺行為控制不直接影響行為。

    In view of the studies on environmental behaviors are quite much nowadays, there are few studies on the specific environmental behaviors of outdoor recreation. Therefore, this research was conveyed one of the particular behavior of the LNT’s seven rules, renowned as respecting wildlife to explore how visitors concern about respecting wildlife or their behavioral intention when they visited within the Yangmingshan National Park. This study was used questionnaire to conduct this survey, detecting correspondingly the data mainly analyzed by SPSS23 system. Such as descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and structural equation modeling were used to analyze the questionnaire.
    Before the issuance, the validity and reliability analyses of the questionnaire have conducted to be established. Three experts and scholars were asked to review the validity. The reliability analysis was based on the item-analysis and the p-values of each topic which was less than 0.05. The Cronbach alpha of each topic in comparisons of extreme groups was greater than 0.7, so the survey questions were applicable.
    However, the path analysis has its significance. The t-value is the significance of the path analysis. The results of path analysis showed that attitude and behavioral intentions were significant (t = 2.17), besides perceived behavioral control and behavioral intentions were significant (t = 9.33). The subjective norms and behavioral intentions were not significant (t = 1.01), indicating that there was no relationship between subjective norms and behavioral intentions. The perceived behavioral control and behavior could not be turned significant (t = 1.49), indicating that perceived behavioral control and behavior have no direct impact. Finally, behavioral intentions and behavior were significant (t = 3.82).
    In addition, the factors that influence tourists 'attitudes towards respecting wildlife may be related to tourists' believed that respecting wildlife was beneficial to the sustainable development and welfare of future generations; subjective norms were not the main reason that affects the performance of tourists; In terms of perceived behavioral control, behavioral intentions, and behavior performance, tourists had a high degree of recognition beyond disturbing, touching, feeding wildlife and also not trampling on the lawn. Although tourists can perceive how easy to conduct which they can respect wildlife, tourists may not be able to contribute this pro-environmental behavior. However, the attitude and perceived behavioral control of those who had previously learned of the LNT were better than that of who never heard of the LNT. Moreover, the female tourists ' behavior were better than the male tourist on respecting wildlife.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 4 第三節 研究目的 6 第四節 研究問題 6 第五節 名詞界定 7 第六節 研究限制 8 第二章 文獻回顧 9 第一節 無痕山林(Leave No Trace, LNT)的探討 9 第二節 環境行為模式(Environmental Behavior) 12 第三節 計畫行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior) 21 第四節 陽明山國家公園的生態旅遊之相關文獻蒐集 23 第五節 國內外生態旅遊以計畫行為理論佐證之相關文獻蒐集 23 第六節 國內外國家公園以計畫行為理論佐證之相關文獻蒐集 25 第七節 結構方程式相關文獻蒐集 26 第三章 研究方法 28 第一節 研究架構 28 第二節 研究設計與假設 30 第三節 研究流程 32 第四節 研究範圍與對象 33 第五節 研究工具與問卷設計發展 34 第六節 問卷預試與信效度分析 39 第七節 資料蒐集與分析 50 第四章 結果與分析 55 第一節 背景變項敘述性統計 55 第二節 不同變項的敘述性統計 58 第三節 推論性統計 67 第四節 結構方程式 79 第五章 結論與建議 87 第一節 研究目的之考驗 87 第二節 研究假設之考驗 92 第三節 探討個人背景影響尊重野生動植物表現的研究結論 93 第四節 探討以計畫行為理論為模型的路徑分析研究結論 94 第五節 研究結論 97 第六節 研究建議與改善 97 引用文獻 100 英文文獻 100 中文文獻 107 網路資料 109 附錄 110 附錄一、計畫行為理論建構問卷之中英文翻譯內容(概念與方法) 110 附錄二、正式發放之問卷調查 112 附錄三、針對我國造訪陽明山國家公園的遊客對於無痕山林準則中尊重野生動植物的行為與知識、態度與行為意圖的調查問卷之初稿 120 附錄四、針對我國造訪陽明山國家公園的遊客對於無痕山林準則中尊重野生動植物的行為與知識、態度與行為意圖的調查問卷之專家建議表。 129 附錄五、問卷編擬說明 143 附錄六、給專家學者審查問卷初稿之邀請函 153

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