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Author: 林易昇
Lin, Yi-Sheng
Thesis Title: 探究語言使用環境、歧義和語境對華語學習者慣用語理解之影響
The Impact of Authentic Language Environment, Ambiguity, and Context on Mandarin-learners' Comprehension of Idiomatic Expressions
Advisor: 洪嘉馡
Hong, Jia-Fei
Committee: 洪嘉馡
Hong, Jia-Fei
Wang, Pin-Yun
Hsu, Chan-Chia
Approval Date: 2024/06/21
Degree: 碩士
Department: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
Thesis Publication Year: 2024
Academic Year: 112
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 162
Keywords (in Chinese): 慣用語歧義隱喻與轉喻詞彙理解語境
Keywords (in English): idiomatic expressions, ambiguity, metaphor and metonymy, lexical comprehension, context
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 241Downloads: 22
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依照華語學習者慣用語推測能力問卷之結果,母語者的常用度與華語學習者理解慣用語之程度,未達顯著相關性,符合VanPatten & William (2007) 提及頻率對於二語習得的影響有限的觀察,可能是華語學習者未注意到真實語言環境中的慣用語或是未成為可理解輸入(Krashen, 1982;Gass, 1988)。此外,慣用語的歧義程度與正確率,亦未達顯著相關性,與學習者原本就不知慣用語有歧義有關。最後,在語境影響性與正確率方面,兩者達顯著正相關,表示語境對多數華語學習者在理解慣用語上有幫助性。

Chinese idiomatic expressions are one of the commonly used forms of expression by native speakers. These expressions often form new meanings through metaphor and metonymy, resulting in multiple meanings (Chen Yafang, 2022) and cultural connotations (Xu Anni, 2008). Due to usage differences in regions, learning Chinese idioms poses greater difficulty for Chinese learners. Moreover, whether context can help Chinese learners understand idiomatic expressions is also a topic worth discussing in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (Wang Yanfang, 2009; Zhao Jiao, 2013; Peng Nisi, 2013).
To understand the impact of the authentic language environment, ambiguity, and context on the Chinese learners’ comprehension of idiomatic expressions, this study first conducted a survey on the idiomatic usage habits of native speakers to select commonly used idioms and understand their characteristics. Then, based on the frequency of use by native speakers and the ambiguity of the idioms, 20 idioms were selected to design a questionnaire on the Chinese learners’ inferential ability of idioms. Finally, the collected data from the questionnaire was analyzed.
According to the data from the survey on the idiomatic usage habits of native speakers, this study found that idiomatic expressions commonly used by Taiwanese native speakers are mostly formed metaphorically, often using concrete objects as the source domain to achieve clear and vivid expression. Additionally, in terms of semantic use, extended idiomatic meanings are predominant, which often carry negative emotional connotations. The indirect way of expression also aligns with the purpose of euphemistic expression in traditional Chinese culture, reducing the linguistic impact (Kaplan, 1966; Qiu Xiangyun, 2007).
Based on the results of the questionnaire on the Chinese learners' inferential ability of idioms, there was no significant correlation between the frequency of use by native speakers and the understanding of idioms by Chinese learners. This is compatible with VanPatten & William's (2007) observation that frequency has limited impact on second language acquisition, possibly because Chinese learners did not notice idiomatic expressions in the environment or the expression in the environment did not become learners’ comprehensible input (Krashen, 1982; Gass, 1988). Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the idiomatic ambiguity and the correctness rate. This might be related to the learners' initial unawareness of the idioms’ other meanings. Lastly, there was a significant positive correlation between the influence of context and the correctness rate, indicating that context is helpful for most Chinese learners in understanding idiomatic expressions.

謝辭 I 中文摘要 III ABSTRACT V 目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 3 第三節 研究議題 4 第四節 論文架構 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 華語慣用語相關研究 5 第二節 多義詞與歧義相關研究 20 第三節 詞彙理解相關研究 25 第四節 小結 29 第三章 研究方法 31 第一節 研究工具 31 第二節 語料來源及篩選方式 38 第三節 問卷設計與實驗對象 47 第四節 分析步驟 60 第五節 研究流程 63 第四章 母語者慣用語使用習慣問卷分析 65 第一節 受試者背景分析 65 第二節 慣用語分類與分析 67 第三節 慣用語使用度與常用度分析 92 第四節 慣用語歧義分析 101 第五節 小結 104 第五章 華語學習者慣用語推測問卷分析 107 第一節 受試者背景 107 第二節 受試者及試題穩定性分析 111 第三節 慣用語常用度影響之答題分析 113 第四節 慣用語歧義度影響之答題分析 117 第五節 語境影響性分析 122 第六節 小結 127 第六章 結論 129 第一節 研究成果 129 第二節 教學建議 131 第三節 未來發展 134 參考文獻 135 附錄一 143 附錄二 149


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