研究生: |
陳安琪 Chen, An-Chi |
論文名稱: |
以利害關係人理論探討臺灣籃球員運動經紀人合作關係之研究 Exploring the Cooperation Relationship for Taiwanese Basketball Player’s Agents from the Perspective of Stakeholder Theory |
指導教授: |
Chang, Shao-Hsi |
口試委員: |
Hsieh, Li-Wen 陳美燕 Chen, Mei-Yen 張少熙 Chang, Shao-Hsi |
口試日期: | 2023/06/08 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 119 |
中文關鍵詞: | 運動員經紀 、職業籃球 、利害關係人理論 、治理型態 |
英文關鍵詞: | players agents, professional basketball, stakeholder theory, governance form |
研究方法: | 深度訪談法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400061 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:337 下載:41 |
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本研究目的為釐清臺灣籃球員運動經紀人的合作關係與市場現況,瞭解臺灣籃球員經紀人與球員、球團、聯盟、中華籃協、贊助商等利害關係人互動的實際情形,並詮釋籃球員經紀人合作對象的重要程度與類型,最後歸納經紀人面對不同利害關係人時的行動策略,建構臺灣籃球員經紀人的利害關係人概念架構圖。研究方法首先透過文件分析法蒐集臺灣職業籃球概況、運動員經紀與利害關係人相關文獻,再以利害關係人分析矩陣建構訪談大綱,訪談對象包含六位有簽約臺灣職業籃球員之經紀人,透過三角查證、研究者省思日誌、研究參與者審核、立意取樣與深厚描述,加強本研究 信實度。研究結果發現,臺灣籃球員經紀人除了會與八種主要利害關係人,以及二種 其他利害關係人合作。本研究以資源、決策影響程度,以及對籃球員經紀事務的關心 程度,將八種主要利害關係人劃分為四類,分別對應四種行動策略,藉由比較理論與 實務之差異,呈現籃球員經紀人與利害關係人實際互動情形。本研究結論包含:1. 臺灣 籃球員經紀人會建立合作關係的對象,包含主要利害關係人的球員、球團、聯盟、中華籃協、球員工會、贊助商、媒體、政府,以及其他利害關係人的 FIBA 經紀人與法律、 財務、專項訓練團隊,而臺灣籃球員經紀人的市場現況,可以從經紀人與各利害關係人的合作項目瞭解;2. 臺灣籃球員經紀人之利害關係人類型與行動策略為被動接收資 訊或配合行事、尊重決策並給予正面評價、理解並接受現況、密切溝通並媒合需求;3. 以領導角色治理型態建構臺灣籃球員經紀人利害關係人概念架構。
This study aims to clarify the cooperative relationship and market status quo of Taiwanese basketball players agents, understand the actual interactions between basketball players agents and stakeholders such as players, franchises, leagues, the Chinese Taipei Basketball Association, sponsors, etc., and interpret the importance and types of cooperation partners for basketball player's agents; finally, the study summarizes the action strategies of agents when dealing with different stakeholders, and constructs a conceptual framework diagram of stakeholders for Taiwanese basketball player's agents. The research method first utilized document analysis collecting an overview of professional basketball in Taiwan, literature on athlete agents and stakeholders, and constructed an interview outline using a stakeholder analysis matrix. Participants included six agents who had signed Taiwanese professional basketball players. The triangulation, researcher's reflective journal, participants verification, purposive sampling, and thick description were used to enhance the rigor of this study. The research results found that Taiwanese basketball player's agents not only cooperated with the eight main stakeholders and two other stakeholders. This study categorized eight main stakeholders into four categories based on their resources, decision-making degree, and concern for basketball player agency affairs, and corresponding action strategies were proposed. Lastly, the study compared the differences between theory and practice, and then presented the actual interactions between basketball player's agents and stakeholders. The conclusions of this study include: 1. Taiwanese basketball player agents established cooperative relationships with main stakeholders, including players, franchises, leagues, the Chinese Taipei Basketball Association, player unions, sponsors, media, government, as well as other stakeholders like FIBA agents and legal, financial, and specialized training teams. The market status quo of Taiwanese basketball player agents could be understood via their collaborative projects with these stakeholders; 2. the types and action strategies of stakeholders for Taiwanese basketball player's agents were passive information reception or cooperation, respecting decisions and giving positive evaluations, understanding and accepting the current situation, and closely communicating and mediating needs; 3. the conceptual framework of the stakeholders of Taiwanese basketball player's agents was constructed based on the lead role governance form.
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