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研究生: 陳巧芸
Chen, Chiao-Yun
論文名稱: 希望類型對保險產品恐懼型廣告的說服效果:以調節焦點與自我建構為干擾變數
Persuasive Effectiveness of Hope Types in Fear-Appealing Insurance Advertising: The Moderating Effect of Regulatory Focus and Self-Construal
指導教授: 王仕茹
Wang, Shih-Ju
口試委員: 黃恆獎 洪秀瑜 王仕茹
口試日期: 2021/08/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 82
中文關鍵詞: 保險廣告恐懼訴求希望類型調節焦點理論自我建構產品態度
英文關鍵詞: Insurance advertisements, Fear-Appealing, The types of hope, Regulatory focus theory, Self-construal, Product attitude
研究方法: 實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101322
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:80下載:19
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  • 隨著國內整體經濟環境的發展以及金融市場的蓬勃發展,近年來國人對風險意識與保險觀念日益提升,保險有效契約投保率與普及率分別提升。有鑑於此,保險公司更致力於廣告行銷,其最常使用具有恐懼訴求之行銷廣告,並在廣告中將保險商品設計為在面對這些風險恐懼時的一種希望選擇,本研究旨在面對恐懼訴求廣告,將保險商品設計成何種希望能有較好的說服效果。

    With the flourishing financial market, people's awareness of risk and insurance concept have promoted. Besides, the insurance coverage ratio and ratio of insurance prevalence have increased. Based on this phenomenon, insurance companies are more engaging in advertising marketing. They use advertisements with fear appealing most frequently and take insurance product as a kind of hope of facing their fears. Therefore, this study aims at how to design the insurance products to achieve the best persuasive effectiveness for fear-appealing insurance advertising.
    This study explores different types of hope (promotion hope/prevention hope) and related people (themselves/themselves and their families), targeting consumers with different personalities (regulatory focus/self-construal). There may be differences between the product attitude toward insurance products in advertising and the willingness of understanding more about those products. This study uses between-subject method to manipulate the types of hope and related people.
    The results show that designing insurance products as prevention hope can avoid a negative result. Consumers' willingness of understanding insurance products can increase when those related people take it from their own perspective. Prevention-focused people, at this time, do not focus on the relationship with other groups but focus on the risk of themselves while facing fear. To sum up, consumers have better willingness of understanding those insurance products which can prevent them from the risk of fear.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究流程5 第二章 文獻探討6 第一節 恐懼訴求6 第二節 因應恐懼的希望類型7 第三節 希望類型與調節焦點8 第四節 希望相關人士與自我建構10 第五節 調節焦點與自我建構12 第六節 廣告說服效果13 第三章 研究方法15 第一節 研究架構15 第二節 研究變數定義15 第三節 實驗設計17 第四章 研究結果23 第一節 樣本結構23 第二節 信度分析26 第三節 變數操弄檢定27 第四節 假設檢定29 第五章 結論與建議36 第一節 研究結果與討論36 第二節 行銷實務與管理意涵37 第三節 研究限制37 第四節 未來研究方向38 參考文獻39 附錄一:前測問卷(促進希望與自己) 49 附錄二:前測問卷(促進希望與自己家人) 55 附錄三:前測問卷(預防希望與自己) 61 附錄四:前測問卷(預防希望與自己家人) 67 附錄五:正式問卷73

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