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研究生: 彭怡寧
I-ning Peng
論文名稱: 台灣高中生英語學習動機與學習策略的使用
EFL Motivation and Strategy Use Among Taiwanese Senior High School Learners
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 高中生英語學習學習動機學習策略內在動機外在動機
英文關鍵詞: Senior high school students, English learning, learning motivation, language learning strategies, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:680下載:157
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本研究以326名高中生為施測對象,參與學生所填寫的問卷為改編自Gardner(1985)的動機強度問卷、Schmidt et al.(1999)、Noels et al.(2000)的動機問卷及Oxford (1990)的語言學習策略問卷,另外有一些根據台灣的學習情境而設計的項目。問卷的結果採用皮爾遜相關分析、逐步多元迴歸分析及變異數分析進行統計分析。結果顯示學生之學習策略的使用及各種動機型態(包括動機強度、內在動機、外在動機及被要求學習的動機)間有顯著相關;各項社會心理因素(包括各動機型態、策略知識、策略效果及策略使用困難度)中,以「知識」最能預測學習策略的使用;學生的學習成就與學習動機及策略間皆有顯著相關,然而,性別對學習策略的使用並無顯著影響。值得注意的是,被要求學習的動機不論與學習策略的使用或學習成就之間皆呈現顯著負相關。本研究建議教師加強培養學生的學習動機但要避免使學生只因被要求而學習英文,同時,教師應灌輸學生關於學習策略的知識、鼓勵學生適當而有效的使用學習策略。

The current study is aimed to investigate language learning motivation and strategy use amongst Taiwanese senior high school EFL students. The focus is to examine the relationship between strategy use and motivation as well as two individual variables, i.e., achievement and gender. Social-psychological factors proposed by MacIntyre (1994) as important predictors of the strategy use were also explored.
A total of 326 students took part in the current study. The participants completed a questionnaire adapted from the Motivational Intensity Questionnaire (Gardner, 1985), the Motivational Questionnaire (Schmidt et al., 1999; Noels et al., 2000), the modified Strategy Inventory for Language Learning based on MacIntyre’s model (Oxford, 1990; MacIntyre & Noels, 1996). Some additional motivation items were constructed according to Taiwan’s language learning context, as suggested by Warden and Lin (2000). The collected data were analyzed using Pearson product-moment correlation analyses, stepwise multiple regression analyses, and one-way analysis of variance. The results show significant correlations between the use of strategies and each motivation type, namely motivational intensity, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and requirement motivation. Among the social-psychological factors, including motivation types, knowledge, perceived effectiveness and perceived difficulty, knowledge emerged as a very important factor in predicting strategy use. In terms of the two individual variables, learners’ achievement was significantly correlated with their strategy use and with motivation, while gender did not have a significant effect on their strategy use. It is important to mention that requirement motivation was significantly but negatively correlated with the strategy use as well as learners’ achievement. Pedagogically, the findings suggest the importance of enhancing learners’ motivation without over-emphasizing their obligation in learning. More importantly, EFL instructors should inculcate learners with the knowledge of language learning strategies, guiding them to employ learning strategies appropriately and effectively. Further educational implications and suggestions for future research are discussed at the end of the thesis.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Introduction……… 1 Background…………………………2 Major Research Questions…………… 4 Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Taiwan……… 5 Significance of the Study…………………………………… 7 Definition of Terms…………………………………………… 7 Organization of the Chapters………………………………… 9 Chapter 2 Literature Review………………………………… 10 Language Learning Motivation…………………………… 10 Definition…………………………………………………………… 10 Gardner’s Socio-educational Model…………………… 12 Expansion of Motivational Construct…………………… 14 Self–Determination Theory……………………………… 15 Motivation and Achievements……………………………… 17 Language Learning Strategies…………………………………18 Definition of Language Learning Strategies………… 18 Taxonomy of Language Learning Strategies…………… 19 The Use of Language Learning Strategies……………… 22 Factors influencing the choice of L2 learning strategies…… 22 MacIntyre’s Social Psychological Model………………23 Motivation and Learning Strategies.………………… 24 Achievement and Strategy Use…………………………… 26 Gender and Strategy Use…………………………………… 28 Cultural Background and Strategy Use…………………. 28 Studies on Taiwanese EFL Learners’ Motivation and Strategy Use … 29 Studies on EFL Learners’ Motivation………………… 29 Studies on Strategy Use…………………………………… 30 Studies on the Link Between Motivation and Strategy Use……… 32 Chapter 3 Methodology………………………………………… 34 Participants…………………………………………………… 34 Instruments…………………………………………………… 35 Procedures……………………………………………………… 39 Pilot Study………………………………………………… 39 Formal Study………………………………………………… 40 Data Analysis…………………………………………………… 40 Chapter 4 Results………………………………………………… 42 Language Learning Motivation………………………………… 42 Relationship Between Motivation Types……………… 42 Motivation and Achievement……………………………… 43 Language Learning Strategies………………………………… 45 Variables Predicting the Use of Language Learning Strategies.............. 47 Motivation and Language Learning Strategies…………… 53 The Effects of Achievement and Gender on Strategy Use………… 55 Achievement and Language Learning Strategy Use…… 55 Gender Difference and Language Learning Strategy Use……………57 Chapter 5 Discussion…………………………………………………… 59 Language Learning Motivation……………………………… 59 Motivation Types…………………………………………59 Relationship Between Motivation Types……………… 60 Motivation and Achievement…………………………… 62 Use of Language Learning Strategies……………………… 63 Social-psychological Variables Predicting Strategy Use 69 Knowledge as an Important Predictor of Strategy Use…………… 69 Knowledge and the Use of Memory, Compensation, and Affective Strategies…………………… 71 Perceived Difficulty and the Use of Cognitive Strategies, Metacognitive Strategies, and Social Strategies…… 71 Motivation and Strategy Use………………………………72 Relationship Between Overall Strategy Use and Different Motivation Types……………………………………… 72 Relationship Between Different Strategy Types and Motivation Types……………………………………………… 73 The Effects of Achievement and Gender on Strategy Use………………… 74 Achievement and Strategy Use………………………… 74 Gender and Strategy Use…………………………………76 Chapter 6 Summary and Conclusions………………………… 77 Summary……………………………………………………………77 Limitations of the Study…………………………………… 78 Suggestions For Future Research……………………………79 Pedagogical Implications…………………………………… 81 References………………………………………………………… 84 Appendices………………………………………………………… 97 Appendix A Language Learning Motivation and Language Learning Strategies Questionnaire (English version)………………… 97 Appendix B Questionnaire for Formal Study………………… 101 Appendix C Descriptive Statistics for Motivation and Strategy Use……… 111

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