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研究生: 胡溪佳
Cassica Hutchins
論文名稱: Loafing in a Digital World: A Caribbean Perspective Examining Organizational Justice, Work Engagement and Cyberloafing
Loafing in a Digital World: A Caribbean Perspective Examining Organizational Justice, Work Engagement and Cyberloafing
指導教授: 葉俶禎
Yeh, Chu-Chen
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 90
英文關鍵詞: cyberloafing
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001646
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:69下載:6
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  • In today’s digital economy, the competitive advantages enjoyed by many organizations can be credited to internet connectivity. As such, the internet has been lauded to be one of the best tools of the 21st century. Nevertheless, this advancement of the internet has introduced a new type of counterproductive work behavior called cyberloafing which hampers overall productivity. Extant literature suggests that in order to minimize this issue organizations can try to create a fair working environment that may engender engaged and dedicated employees that are willing to invest their time and effort into the organization. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between organizational justice and cyberloafing, and the mediating effect of work engagement on this relationship. A convenience sampling approach was adopted and the study collected 236 valid responses from Caribbean employees in different organizations. The statistical methods used were Pearson’s correlation analysis, independent T-test and one-way ANOVA by means of IBM SPSS 23 and structural equation modeling using MPlus to test four main research hypotheses. The research revealed men engage in cyberloafing behavior more than women and respondents with a high school certificate engaged in cyberloafing behaviors more than respondents with a Sixth form certificate. In addition, there are no significant differences of cyberloafing behaviors amongst age, tenure and position. As it pertains to the main hypotheses, organizational justice and work engagement is positively related. Additionally, work engagement was not a significant mediator of the relationship between organizational justice and cyberloafing.

    ACKNOWLEDEMENT II ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS II LIST OF TABLES IV LIST OF FIGURES VI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Study Background 1 Statement of Problem 4 Research Purpose 4 Significance of the Study 5 Scope of the Study 5 Research Questions 6 Definitions of Terms 6 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 8 Overview of the Caribbean Region 8 Organizational Justice 10 Work Engagement 13 Cyberloafing 16 Theoretical Foundation and Hypotheses Development 20 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 26 Research Framework 26 Research Hypotheses 27 Research Procedure 28 Sample and Data Collection 29 Questionnaire Design 30 Measurement 31 Validity and Reliability 33 Pilot Test 33 Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) 34 Data Analysis 43 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS 45 Sample Demographics 45 Correlation Among Study Variables 59 Hypothesis Testing Results 62 Discussion 67 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 70 Conclusion 70 Theoretical Implications 71 Practical Implications 72 Limitations of the Study 72 Recommendations for Future Research 73 REFERENCES 75 APPENDIX A: INSTRUMENT 84

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