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研究生: 宋沛暘
論文名稱: 體驗式設計創作研究
A Study of Experiential-based Product Designing
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 89
中文關鍵詞: 經驗學習體驗式設計設計師體驗創意思考
英文關鍵詞: experiential design
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201947
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:150下載:0
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  • 中文摘要

    Tell me and I forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I will learn.這句諺語在西方國家廣為使用,其原本意思是『在口頭上跟我說,我會忘記;直接教導我,可能會讓我記得;讓我親身體驗其中,我將會徹底學會與了解。』這句話就是指我們時常說的「做中學習」。近年來網路的快速發展與電子產品的快速演進,讓創新的思維與模式產生了轉變,新創者與團隊在這個年代如雨後春筍般的冒出。要設計出好的產品需要很多不同專長領域的人才去構成,並且找到重要的切入點才能在這股浪潮中脫穎而出。當這群設計者長期直接面對使用者後,開始思考的不只是多美觀或多耐用的產品,而是使用者的感受及體驗,以人為中心的思想和使用者的體驗越來越受大家重視。Norman, D. A.(2013)一個好的產品,除了功能,也應該讓人愉悅及享受,這表示做一個產品,不僅要達到工程、製造、和人體工學的條件,也必須注意整體的使用者體驗。為了讓設計師能夠以同理心去設計相關產品,而達到與消費者有相同的深度體驗並且可以滿足消費者深層的心理需求。茂木健一郎(2007)提到創造力=體驗深度×熱情強度。從文獻了解設計端可藉由體驗激發出更多的創造力。本研究希望透過策略體驗模組導入經驗學習循環,找尋出新創者與設計師如何透過自我體驗並有系統性的找出使用者深層體驗與互動模式的交叉點,讓新創者或設計師可以藉由此方法進行設計創作。最終希望此套系統性的方法,可以讓相關新創人員參考使用。

    關鍵字: 經驗學習、體驗式設計、設計師體驗、創意思考

    “Tell me that I forgot. Show me, I might remember. Involve me, i will learn.” This proverb is widely used in Western countries and is meant to "speak to me in words, I will forget; direct teaching of me, may make me remember; let me experience it, I will learn and understand." This sentence refers to what we often say "learning by doing". In recent years, the rapid development of the network and the rapid evolution of electronic products have made innovative thinking and models changed, so the young innovators and teams are springing up in this era. To design a good product needs many talented experts from different areas of expertise, and to stand out from the normal norm needs to find a good point to cut in. When these designers face the user directly afterwards, rather than emphasizing on the appearance and the durability of products, they focus on the user's feelings and experiences. People-centered thinking and user experience catch more and more attention by everyone. Norman, D. A.(2013) mentioned that a good product, in addition to its functions, should also be pleasant and enjoyable, which means creating a product, not only to achieve the engineering, manufacturing, and ergonomic conditions, but also to pay attention to the overall user experiences.
    In order to let designers to create new product with empathy, to reach the same level of in-depth experiences of customers, and to satisfy the inner psychological needs of customers, Motegi Ichiro (2007) mentioned that creativity is equal to experiential depth plus enthusiastic intensity. From the literature, we can understand that the creativity of designers can be spurred immensely by experiencing an activity. This study aims to infuse Strategic experiential models (SEMs) into the experiential learning cycle, to discover how the innovators and designers systematically find out the crossing point between in-depth user experiences and interactive mode, so they can use this method for design creation. Ultimately, wishing the set of systematic methods can be a reference and benefit the relevant innovators.

    Strategic Experiential Models. (SEMs)
    Experiential Learning Cycle. (ELC)
    Keywords: Experience learning, experiential design, creative thinking.

    目 錄 摘要 I Abstract II 謝誌 III 目錄 IV 圖目錄 VI 表目錄 IX 第一章、緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 研究目的與重要性 3 1.3 研究範圍與限制 5 1.4 研究架構與步驟 6 第二章、文獻探討 7 2.1 經驗學習循環理論 7 2.2 體驗 10 2.2.1 體驗之定義 11 2.2.2 體驗之類型、層級與媒介 13 2.3 創造力 23 2.3.1 創新與創造 23 2.3.2 創意思考的策略與技法 25 2.4 小結 31 第三章、研究方法與流程 35 3.1 研究方法 35 3.2 體驗式設計架構與流程 37 3.3 體驗式設計創作流程案例驗證分析 42 3.5 案例分析小結 60 第四章、設計創作 61 4.1 本研究者執行體驗式設計創新流程 61 4.2 親身體驗後所得到之草圖發想與創作 68 4.3 精緻立體圖繪製 73 4.4 手機操控介面UI設計與展出平面設計 78 4.5 成果展示 81 第五章、結論與建議 84 5.1 體驗式設計思考研究結論 84 5.2 體驗式設計思考研究建議 84 參考文獻 86

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