Author: |
呂宜臻 |
Thesis Title: |
第一代及非第一代大學生的校園經驗、學習成果與教育抱負之研究 |
Advisor: | 張雪梅 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
公民教育與活動領導學系 Department of Civic Education and Leadership |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2009 |
Academic Year: | 97 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 185 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 第一代大學生 、非第一代大學生 、校園經驗 、學習成果 、教育抱負 |
Keywords (in English): | first-generation college students, non first-generation college students, campus experience, learning outcomes, education aspiration |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 282 Downloads: 25 |
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1、 第一代與非第一代大學生的個人背景變項有顯著差異的變項為:性別、族群、父親工作類型、母親工作類型、家庭年收入、學校類型;校園經驗有顯著差異的變項為:課業投入、參與社團活動、師生互動、平均每週工作時數,而同儕關係與住宿狀況則無顯著差異;學習成果有顯著差異的變項為:心理社會發展、多元能力發展,前一學習的學業總平均成績則無顯著差異;在教育抱負方面,兩個群體之間有顯著差異。
2、 第一代大學生的校園經驗比個人背景更能解釋其心理社會發展,其中有顯著預測力的變項為:同儕關係、師生互動、參與社團活動、家庭年收入;校園經驗也比個人背景更能解釋多元能力發展,其中有顯著預測力的變項為:參與社團活動、同儕關係、家庭年收入、課業投入、師生互動、父親工作類型、平均每週工作時數;但個人背景、校園經驗不能預測「前一學期平均成績」。
3、 非第一代大學生的校園經驗比個人背景更能解釋其心理社會發展,其中有顯著預測力的變項為:同儕關係、參與社團活動、平均每週工作時數;校園經驗也比個人背景更能解釋其多元能力發展,其中有顯著預測力的變項為:參與社團活動、同儕關係、家庭年收入、課業投入、師生互動、住宿狀況、父親工作類型;但個人背景、校園經驗不能預測「前一學期平均成績」。
4、 第一代大學生的個人背景不能預測其教育抱負,但校園經驗、學習成果可以預測其教育抱負,其中有顯著預測力的變項為參與社團活動與學業成績。
5、 非第一代大學生的個人背景、校園經驗、學習成果都不能預測其教育抱負。
The purpose of this study is to understand the campus experience, learning outcomes, and education aspiration of the first-generation college (FGC) students and the non-first-generation college (NFGC) students. The research questions to be answered includes:
1. The contemporary status of the campus experience, learning outcomes, and education aspiration of FGC students and NFGC students.
2. The difference between FGC students and NFGC students of the personal background, campus experience, learning outcomes, and education aspiration.
3. The relationship between the learning outcomes and campus experience of FGC students and NFGC students.
4. The relationship between the education aspiration and campus experience, learning outcomes of FGC students and NFGC students.
The target group of this study are the juniors from 94th school year the Higher Education Database System in Taiwan. The number of students sampled is 49,609, and 26,307 replied. The number of FGC students is 20,336, and that of NFGC students is 4,644. The data is analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square test, hierarchical regression, and logistic regression. The major findings are summarized as followings:
1. Between FGC students and NFGC students, the variables of the personal background that show remarkable differences are: gender, ethnics, father’s occupation, mother’s occupation, family income, and school types; the variables of the school experience that show remarkable differences are: schoolwork involvement, school club participation, teacher-student interaction, and work hours per week; the variables of the learning outcomes that show remarkable differences are: psychosocial development, and multi-ability development. There is great difference in educational aspiration between the two groups.
2. For FGC students, school experience has more ability to predict psychosocial development than individual background;the variables that can predict FGC students’ psychosocial development includes: peer relationship, teacher-student interaction, school club participation, and family income. Also, school experience has more ability to predict multi-ability development than individual background; the variables that have the power of prediction include school club participation, peer relationship, family income, schoolwork involvement, teacher-student interaction, father’s occupation, and work hours per week. But individual background and school experience show no ability of prediction to learning outcomes.
3. For NFGC students, school experience has more ability to predict psychosocial development than individual background;the variables that can predict NFGC students’ psychosocial development include peer relationship, school club participation, and work hours per week. Also, school experience has more ability to predict multi-ability development than individual background; the variables that have the power of prediction include school club participation, peer relationship, family income, schoolwork involvement, teacher-student interaction, dormitory condition and father’s occupation. But individual background and school experience show no ability of prediction to learning outcomes.
4.For FGC students, school experience and learning outcomes can predict the educational aspiration;the remarkable variances are school club participation and schoolwork achievement.
5. For NFGC students, the personal background, school experience and learning outcome have no ability to predict the educational aspiration.
In the end, based on the findings above, recommendations are provided for practice and further research.
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