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研究生: 羅心妤
Lo, Hsin-Shu
論文名稱: Facebook 原生廣告之社交資訊、品牌知名度與識別重合對廣告反應的影響
Facebook Native Advertising: The Influence of Social Information, Brand Awareness and Identity Fusion on Advertising Response
指導教授: 王仕茹
Wang, Shih-Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 管理研究所
Graduate Institute of Management
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 56
中文關鍵詞: Facebook原生廣告社群網站關係緊密度識別重合品牌知名度涉入程度
英文關鍵詞: Facebook native advertising, Social Media, Relationship closeness, Identity fusion, Brand awareness, Involvement
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203050
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:147下載:0
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  • 本文探討促發Facebook用戶對Facebook原生廣告產生反應之原因。Facebook原生廣告指:經由Facebook朋友推薦而顯示在個人Facebook動態時報中的廣告,Facebook猿聲廣告以不中斷用戶瀏覽動態時報的顯示模式,以降低其對廣告曝光的厭惡感。此外,本研究並以關係緊密度、識別重和、品牌知名度及涉入程度作為衡量變數,關係緊密度為Facebook用戶與推薦原生廣告的朋友之間互動緊密的程度、識別重合為Facebook用戶判斷推薦原生廣告的朋友與原生廣告相互特徵的重合程度、品牌知名度為Facebook原生廣告能讓Facebook用戶感知到的品牌知覺、涉入程度為Facebook用戶對Facebook原生廣告所宣傳的產品原先所具備的資訊量,以上述四項衡量構面,透過發放網路問卷,總共獲得有效問卷數量409份。


    This paper explores the reasons why Facebook users make response to Facebook native advertising. Facebook native advertising means that ads revealed on personal Facebook news feed and recommended by friends. This revealing pattern provide a new form of advertising that allows promotional information exposed to users without interrupting their online experience. And there are four constructs: Relationship closeness、Identity fusion、Brand awareness and Involvement.

      Relationship closeness means the closeness between Facebook users and the friends who recommended native advertising. Identity fusion means a construct that relies on the distinction between the friends and native advertising. Brand awareness means the extent to which a brand recognized by potential customers, and is correctly associated with a particular product. Involvement means the level of a Facebook user interest in a certain product type. This paper takes advantage of the four constructs and receives 409 valid online questionnaires.

      The results conclude that Identity fusion and Involvement have significant positive impact on Facebook native advertising. On the contrary, Relationship closeness and Brand awareness have no significant impact on Facebook native advertising. The results also show that Relationship closeness and Identity fusion、Involvement and Identity fusion have significant positive Interaction on Facebook native advertising. Managerial implications and recommendations for future research are provided.

    Table of Content 摘要 3 Abstract 4 1. Introduction 5 2. Literature Review 9 2.1 Native Advertising and Its Use on Facebook 9 2.2 Behaviors toward Facebook Native Advertising 12 2.3 Identity Fusion 12 2.4 Relationship Closeness 14 2.5 Number of Friends’ Recommendation 16 2.6 Brand Awareness 17 2.7 Sponsorship Transparency 18 2.8 Involvement 20 2.9 Moderating Role of Involvement on behavior toward native advertising 21 2.10 Moderating Role of relationship closeness on behavior toward native advertising 22 3. Method 23 3.1 Model Development and Hypotheses 23 3.2 Sample and Procedure 25 3.3 Measure 25 4. Results 33 4.1 Descriptive Statistics 33 4.1.1 Sample characteristics 33 4.1.2 Sample characteristics: Facebook Usage 36 4.1.3 Sample characteristics: Facebook Friends Recommendation 38 4.2 Measurement model 40 4.2.1 Factor Analysis 40 4.2.2 Hypothesis Testing 45 4.2.3 Moderating Effect 45 5. Discussion 48 5.1 Research Contributions 48 5.2 Managerial Implications 51 5.3 Future Research 52 References 53

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