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研究生: 洪郁璇
Hung, Yu-hsuan
論文名稱: 二個教育層級間英語為外語讀者的策略使用與焦慮之關聯
The Relationship Between Strategy Use and Anxiety in Foreign Language Readers Across Two Educational Levels
指導教授: 程玉秀
Cheng, Yuh-Show
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 閱讀策略閱讀焦慮教育層級
英文關鍵詞: reading strategy, reading anxiety, educational level
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:163下載:28
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  • 本研究主要的目的在比較台灣國中生和高中生英文閱讀策略使用情形和英文閱讀焦慮程度,共有251位國中生及235位高中生參與此研究。



    The purpose of this study was to compare learners’ English reading strategy use and English reading anxiety level across two educational levels in Taiwan: junior high school and senior high school. Two hundred and fifty-one junior high school students and 235 senior high school students were recruited as the participants.
    Four major research questions were proposed in this study. The first research question inquired the differences between junior high school students and senior high school students in English reading strategy use. The second concerned the differences between junior high school students and senior high school students in English reading anxiety. The third question was to investigate the relationship between English reading anxiety and English reading strategy use. The fourth concerned the interaction effect of English reading anxiety level and educational level on English reading strategy use.
    The findings of this study were as follows. First, junior and senior high school students differed significantly in their English reading strategy use. Second, junior and senior high school students differed significantly in their English reading anxiety. Third, for both educational levels, English reading anxiety was negatively and significantly associated with English reading strategy use at a moderate level. Fourth, English reading anxiety and educational level did not have a significant interaction effect on overall English reading strategy use and general English reading strategy use. However, there was a significant interaction effect of English reading anxiety and educational level on non-general English reading strategy use.

    ABSTRACT (CHINESE) i ABSTRACT (ENGLISH) ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES vii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 Background 1 Research Questions of the Study 4 Definition of Terms 5 Reading Strategy 5 Reading Anxiety 5 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 7 Reading Comprehension Models 7 Factors Affecting L2 Reading Comprehension 10 L2 Reading Strategy Research 12 L2 Reading Anxiety Research 17 The Relationship Between Reading Strategy and Reading Anxiety 20 CHAPTER THREE: METHOD 23 Participants 23 Instruments 23 English Reading Strategy Questionnaire 23 The English Reading Anxiety Scale 25 Data Collection Procedures 27 Pilot Study 27 Formal Study 27 Data Analysis Procedures 28 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS 30 Analyses of the Background Questionnaire 30 Demographic Information of the Participants 30 Participants’ Responses to the Open-ended Questions 34 Reading Strategy Use of Junior and Senior High School Students 36 Reading Anxiety Level of Junior and Senior High School Students 46 The Relationship Between Reading Strategy Use and Reading Anxiety 49 The Interaction Effects of Reading Anxiety and Educational Levels on Reading Strategy Use 53 CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSION 64 Summary of the Study 64 Pedagogical Implications 65 Implications for Future Research 68 References 71 Appendix A: The Background Questionnaire 93 Appendix B: The Background Questionnaire (Chinese version) 95 Appendix C: English Reading Strategy Questionnaire 97 Appendix D: English Reading Strategy Questionnaire (Chinese version) 100 Appendix E: Strategy Classification Scheme 102 Appendix F: The English Reading Anxiety Scale 103 Appendix G: The English Reading Anxiety Scale (Chinese version) 104

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