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研究生: 吳適佐
Shih-Tso Wu
論文名稱: 結合設計式學習與密鋪圖形設計於多點觸控 平台之系統建置
The Development of a Multi-Touch System for Design-Based Learning of Tessellation
指導教授: 邱瓊慧
Chiu, Chiung-Hui
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 多點觸控設計式學習密鋪圖形
英文關鍵詞: multi-touch, design-based learning, tessellation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:146下載:4
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  • 本研究目的為開發一個以密鋪圖形設計為主題的多點觸控支援設計式學習系統,並於系統建置完成後進行系統評估以瞭解其易用性以及將系統用於實際課堂中的可能性。本研究系統開發環境選在Windows系統上進行開發,以C#以及XAML 為系統開發語言,Visual Studio為開發工具,並以系統開發生命週期中修改版瀑布式模型為系統開發方法,分別為系統規劃、系統分析、系統設計、系統建置、及系統評估五個主要步驟,且於開發過程中邀請國小高年級學生針對系統功能及介面進行測試與偵測系統錯誤,待建置完成以台北市某國小16位五年級學生為實驗對象進行學習活動,並於活動後針對系統易用性進行評估測試,藉此完成一能結合設計式學習與密鋪圖形設計於多點觸控平台之系統。經由使用者多次的測試以及系統評估的結果,得知本系統功能符合設計式學習各階段要素及密鋪圖形設計之需求,可實際用於課堂中,並能提供建議予未來支援設計式學習的多點觸控系統研究參考。

    The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a multi-touch enhanced collaborative design-based learning system, and tessellations used to be the topic of the design-based learning. Also it’s based on Windows, which was coded in C# (C sharp) and XAML using Visual Studio, and we utilizes the modified waterfall models in software development processes, which model including the five phases of requirements, analysis, design, implementation and evaluation. During development processes, there are totally 8 students who participated voluntarily in a series of testing and debugging, also we conducted the experiment that in a local school, who invited 16 students to assess the usability of the system. The evaluation of the system which via testing, debugging and the experiment concluded that (1) the design of the system on user interface and learning functions for design-based learning and tessellation are acceptable; (2) our system has the potential for school use.

    第一章 研究背景及目的............................................................................................. 1 壹、前言................................................................................................................. 1 貳、研究目的......................................................................................................... 3 參、研究方法與流程............................................................................................. 3 肆、論文架構......................................................................................................... 4 第二章 文獻探討......................................................................................................... 6 壹、設計式學習..................................................................................................... 6 貳、多點觸控技術................................................................................................. 8 一、多點觸控技術的特性及用途................................................................. 9 二、多點觸控技術使用案例與相關研究..................................................... 9 三、多點觸控技術小結............................................................................... 15 參、密鋪圖形....................................................................................................... 15 第三章 系統分析....................................................................................................... 17 壹、可行性分析................................................................................................... 17 一、硬體設備............................................................................................... 17 二、軟體技術............................................................................................... 19 貳、使用者分析................................................................................................... 19 參、系統功能分析............................................................................................... 20 一、設計式學習功能分析........................................................................... 20 二、多點觸控功能分析............................................................................... 23 三、密鋪圖形功能分析............................................................................... 23 四、使用者案例圖....................................................................................... 28 第四章 系統設計....................................................................................................... 29 壹、系統開發工具簡介....................................................................................... 29 貳、系統模組設計............................................................................................... 29 一、個人工作區模組................................................................................... 29 二、共同工作區模組................................................................................... 29 三、問題呈現模組....................................................................................... 30 四、資源工具模組....................................................................................... 30五、塗鴉板模組........................................................................................... 30 六、歷程檔案模組....................................................................................... 30 七、密鋪工具模組....................................................................................... 30 八、指導語提示模組................................................................................... 31 第五章 系統建置....................................................................................................... 32 壹、系統操作空間............................................................................................... 32 一、確認問題階段....................................................................................... 32 二、蒐集資訊階段....................................................................................... 33 三、設計與建構作品................................................................................... 33 四、評估檢討............................................................................................... 34 貳、系統模組功能............................................................................................... 35 一、個人工作區模組................................................................................... 36 二、共同工作區模組................................................................................... 37 三、問題呈現模組....................................................................................... 38 四、資源工具模組....................................................................................... 38 五、塗鴉板模組........................................................................................... 38 六、歷程檔案模組....................................................................................... 39 七、密鋪工具模組....................................................................................... 39 八、指導與提示模組................................................................................... 41 第六章 系統測試與評估........................................................................................... 42 壹、系統測試....................................................................................................... 42 一、第一次系統測試................................................................................... 42 二、第二次系統測試................................................................................... 44 貳、系統評估....................................................................................................... 46 一、活動參與者........................................................................................... 46 二、研究活動............................................................................................... 46 三、評估資料的收集與結果....................................................................... 50 第七章 結論與建議................................................................................................... 52 參考文獻....................................................................................................................... 54

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