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研究生: 方敏馨
Fang, Min-Hsin
論文名稱: 共享經濟探討 - 以Airbnb和傳統飯店價格為例
A Study on Sharing Economy – The Case of Airbnb
指導教授: 印永翔
Ying, Yung-Hsiang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 117
中文關鍵詞: 共享經濟共享住宿平台正負外部性相關係數線性回歸分析法
英文關鍵詞: Sharing economy, Airbnb, Positive and negative Eternity, Correlation coefficient, Linear regression analysis
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203143
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:270下載:0
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  • 共享經濟結合行動網路、社群媒體與行動支付而興起。自2008年經金融海嘯後逐漸興起到現在已是各行各業蓬勃發展的狀態。近年來,各國政府也將共享經濟議題當作國家發展重點項目之一。


    本文以共享經濟(Sharing Economy)為主題,探討其發展以及各國如何面對共享經濟這個不可擋的新興商業浪潮,其中,共享住宿平台Airbnb是共享經濟中的典範企業之一,且在全球191個國家皆有提供房源的服務;近年來Airbnb積極在各國家發展且尋求合法化,但因牽涉到安全、法規和賦稅等問題,各國或各地政府都有更新的的法規來迎接或是限制Airbnb在當地的發展。本研究旨在研究各國景點城市Airbnb與傳統飯店價格的差距,以及影響Airbnb價格的因素為何;透過51個國際城市相關資料的收集為研究樣本,研究結果發現,Airbnb與一般傳統飯店的價格有一倍以上的價差,此幅度的價差會影響許多人在旅遊時的住宿選擇;而租金指數和飯店價格也會影響Airbnb價格,故Airbnb的高度發展也會造成當地租金指數高升和衝擊傳統飯店業。


    Sharing economy prospers in conjunction with mobile networks, social media and mobile payments. It has been gradually developed from 2008 financial tsunami and is booming status in every industry nowadays. In recent years, many governments take share of sharing economic issues as one of the key national development projects.

    The purpose of this study is to explore the development of sharing economy, the positive and negative externality of Airbnb, and the price comparison between Airbnb and the traditional hotels. Firstly, the paper explores the status of the whole sharing economy industry, and then discusses the development of Airbnb and the Airbnb terms of each country. After confirming the research structure and collecting the relevant data, the collected data are quantitatively analyzed, and the conclusions and suggestions of this study are put forward according to the analysis results. In order to achieve the above purpose, this study takes the data collection from various network and the collected data is analyzed by STATA14.0 software. The research results are verified with, descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, linear interval regression analysis and other statistical verification analysis respectively, and finally put forward conclusions and suggestions for this study.

    This study is based on a sharing economy, exploring its development and how countries face such an irresistible business trend. Airbnb is one of the typical companies in the sharing economy and has extended its business scale in 191 countries around the world. In recent years, Airbnb tries to actively develop its business in various countries and seek for legalization locally, but because of security, regulations limitation, taxes and other social issues, countries or local governments have updated regulations to meet or limit Airbnb in the local development. This study aims to study price gap between Airbnb & the traditional hotel in those 51 destinations, and what factors will have impacts on Airbnb price level; through relevant data collection in those 51 destinations, the findings found the traditional hotel price is more than double Airbnb price. This price gap will affect many travelers’ accommodation choices. Moreover, rental index and hotel prices will also affect the Airbnb price level. Therefore, Airbnb’s high development will affect local rental index and have certain impact on the traditional hotel industry.

    Airbnb entered Taiwan in 2013 and launched a traditional Chinese interface in 2017; however, its business has not been legalized by Taiwan government yet. In response to the subsequent prosperous tourism and economic development, the government policy should have the concept to assist the development of such sharing economic enterprises locally. Furthermore, the government can update the out-of-date regulations to solve safety and tax issues for such new business models in order to create a win-win situation.

    誌 謝 II 中文摘要 III ABSTRACT IV 目 錄 VI 表目錄 VIII 圖目錄 IX 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 研究對象與範圍 7 第四節 研究架構 7 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 共享經濟之定義 11 第二節 共享經濟之興起 16 第三節 共享經濟之特性 19 第四節 參與共享經濟之動機 24 第五節 共享經濟未來發展與市場規模 25 第六節 共享經濟之商業模式與型態 30 第七節 共享經濟各行業之發展 34 第八節 共享經濟之正負外部性 42 第九節 各國發展共享經濟情況 51 第三章 Airbnb個案探討 60 第一節 Airbnb簡介 60 第二節 Airbnb創新與商業模式 62 第三節 Airbnb正負外部性與外部成本 66 第四節 各國之「Airbnb」條款 76 第四章 研究設計與實施 80 第二節 研究對象及研究方法 82 第三節 資料收集 90 第四節 統計分析方法 91 第五章 研究結果與分析 94 第一節 Airbnb與飯店價格分析 94 第二節 描述性統計分析 99 第三節 相關係數 99 第四節 多元回歸分析 100 第六章 研究結論與建議 103 第一節 研究結論 103 第二節 研究建議 107 第三節 研究限制與未來研究之建議 108 參考文獻 110 附錄 117

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