研究生: |
薛家和 Hsueh, Chia-Ho |
論文名稱: |
以使用者中心探討跨裝置網站互動使用性研究與創作 A study and creation on the Interaction Design and Usability of cross-device websites focusing on the User-Centered Design |
指導教授: |
Teng, Cheng-Lein |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 159 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自適應網頁設計 、使用者中心設計 、使用性 、互動性 |
英文關鍵詞: | Web Design, User-Centered Design, Interaction design, Usability |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202932 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:348 下載:22 |
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摘 要
就多螢時代的網站而言必須能夠滿足使用者在跨裝置瀏覽體驗的需求。案例分析發現,企業網站案例均能符合「自適應網頁設計」:即(1) 內容適當對應呈現;(2)版面靈活自然流暢;(3)圖片彈性縮放調整;等三大特性。尤其在視埠較小的行動裝置更需要注意「行動裝置的友善性」:(1)首頁的導覽清晰簡潔;(2)站內搜尋容易;(3)輸入方式簡單方便;(4)維持內容體驗一致。等四項針對行動裝置的要求。
With the era of digital life, users get in touch with each other and enjoy their life through various kinds of devices and websites. No matter it be online shopping or finding a shop, watching a multi-media content, or interacting with a brand, the use of cross-device has become a daily behavior. Users have countless website browsing experiences. However, these experiences might not always be happy ones; some might even be worrying and frustrating. This study therefore aims to guide users to become more efficient, and making the experience easier, happier and more interesting for all when using cross-devices to browse websites.
This study has summed up the standards for “cross-device website design” and “cross-device website interaction usability”. It has also taken international enterprises’ websites as examples to analyze and synthesize the positive and negative aspects of the use of cross-device devices. Subsequently, it has applied the analysis of theories and case studies of the documents onto the making of this study.
In this multi-screen era, websites should satisfy users’ needs in cross-device browsing experiences. The analysis has found that corporate websites fit in with the three ideas of “adaptive website design”, which is (1) the synchronization of contents; (2) fluency of the website presentation; (3) the flexible adjustment of pictures’ size. Especially when the viewport has become smaller with mobile devices, it is notable to pay attention to “the friendliness of mobile devices”, including the following four principles regarding the needs for mobile devices: (1) The clean and clear presentation of the main page; (2) the search easiness in the website; (3) the convenience of input mode; (4) maintain the consistence of the content.
This study has discovered that a good cross-device website design has to focus on the user’s experience. It has to be user-friendly, which means (1) effective, (2) efficient, (3) delightful, (4) fault tolerant, (5) ability of learning. It also has to set enhancing interaction as a goal, therefore it should include (1) visibility, (2) consistence, (3) foresight, (4) coherence, (5) contribution. Such can provide users a consistent and enjoyable feeling when using cross-device websites. The cross-device website design used in this study is capable of bringing users a happy and consistent enjoyable experience. It can also serve as a reference for future cross-device website designers.
Keywords: Responsive Web Design, User-Centered Design, Interaction design, Usability
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