研究生: |
論文名稱: |
台灣中小型補教業經營轉策略探討 A Study of Transformation Strategies of Small and Medium Cram Schools in Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Chen, Wun-Hwa |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 65 |
中文關鍵詞: | 補教業 、經營商業模式 、轉型策略 、競爭優勢 |
英文關鍵詞: | Cram School, Business Model, Transformation Strategy, Competitive Advantage |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204668 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:421 下載:71 |
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查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
摘 要
補教業者在現代 少子化趨勢、競爭激烈的 環境下找出 未來成長 轉型 策略, 找到 具差異化 競爭優勢已經是在必行 ,本研究則擬 針對 國內 為數眾多的中小型補 教不同類型之代表 業者深入探討, 例如 業者 如何導入相關新興資通訊技術配合 師資環境 升級轉型以提產業競爭力等為主要探討 主軸 。相關研究目的包含:
一、 探討目前國內補教業者之產業發展現況及競爭情形。
二、 探討國內補教業者之經營商業模式關鍵考量因素。
三、 國內補教業者面臨強烈競爭下成長轉型策略為何,以維持生存優勢來源。
四、 探討未來國內補教業者之整體產業發展趨勢為何。
本研究經相關文獻資料探討及個案分析結果,彙整重要發現如 下:
一、 補教產業面臨少子化及整體教育政策影響,面臨生存競爭環境下得思考轉型策略並從中發掘藍海市場方向
二、 補教業者可從商業模式九宮格面向思考策略意涵,擬定清楚價值主張取向與市場區隔,聚焦關鍵資源及活動提供顧客具差異化附加價值
三、 補教業者可藉由低成本、差異化以及集中化等不同面向擬定整體集團轉型策略走向,以爭取競爭優勢來源。
四、 未來補教業的整體市場發展仍具龐大發展商機,惟業者應建立己身核心競爭能力來源以期永續發展經營
關鍵字: 補教業、經營商模式轉型策略競爭優勢
In recent years, facing a highly low birth rate trends and very competitive
environment, the cram schools must to make the transformation strategies and to find
a competitive differentiation in the future. The study are aimed at different types of
domestic small and medium cram schools, trying to explore how the cram schools to
import the right emerging ICT technologies with teachers and management
advantages in order to enhance the overall competitiveness of the industry. The main
purposes of this study are as followings:
1. To discuss the development and competition situation of the current domestic
cram school industry.
2. To explore the key factors of business model in the domestic cram school industry.
3. To find out what are the transformation strategies of the domestic cram school
industry when facing the strongly competitive circumstances to maintain the
survival advantages.
4. To discuss the future development trend of the domestic cram school industry.
Through the relevant literatures and cases study analysis, the study has some
important findings as followings:
1. When facing the declining birth rate trends and the changing educational policies,
the cram school must think about the transformation strategies and to find the
Blue Ocean market in the future.
2. The cram schools could make strategies from nine aspects of business model to
develop a clear managing value and market segmentation, focusing the key
resources and activities to provide the differentiated value-added service contents
to their customers.
3. The cram schools could gain a competitive advantage sources from making
strategies of low-cost, differentiation and centralization for a successful
transformation or growth.
4. The overall cram school market still has huge development opportunities, and the
entrepreneurs should establish the source of the core competitiveness of business
to sustainable development in the future.
Keywords: Cram School, Business Model, Transformation Strategy, Competitive
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