Author: |
莫爾東 Melton Morrison |
Thesis Title: |
檢測高等教育機構對實施知識管理系統的準備度:以貝里斯大學為例 Assessing the Readiness of Higher Education Institutions to Develop a Knowledge Management System: A Study in the University of Belize |
Advisor: |
Whang, Nai-Ying |
Degree: |
博士 Doctor |
Department: |
教育政策與行政研究所 Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2016 |
Academic Year: | 104 |
Language: | 英文 |
Number of pages: | 258 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 信息和通信技術 、人力資源 、策略及領導 、組織結構 、組織文化 、知識管理 、知識管理系統 |
Keywords (in English): | Information and communication technology, human resource, strategy and leadership, organizational structure, organization culture, knowledge management, knowledge management system |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 327 Downloads: 21 |
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在這研究中的兩個原型Web Model還有Star Model是被設計來確定知識管理系統的發展是否準備就緒。兩個原型都用了5個關鍵因素去評估:信息和通信技術,人力資源,策略及領導,組織結構,組織文化,其中組織文化是Star Model原型的核心。
Preservation of knowledge is probably one of the most important functions of an organization. Additionally, not only should organizations be preserving knowledge, but they should also find a way to generate, store, and disseminate this knowledge—this process is known as Knowledge Management (KM). Higher Education Institutions (HEI’s) should be engaging in KM practices as they should be the lead creators of knowledge. Thus, this research sought to assess the readiness of the University of Belize to develop a knowledge management system (KMS).
In this research two new models, the Web Model and the Star Model, were designed to assess the readiness to develop a knowledge management system. Both models used 5 critical factors to assess readiness: information and communication technology, human resource, strategy and leadership, organizational structure and organizational culture, with organizational culture being a mediator in the Star Model.
A convenient yet random sampling procedure was used to gather responses from approximately 3246 students and approximately 200 teaching and administrative staff combined who ranged from different departments in the University of Belize. The statistical sample required from this population was about 346 respondents. Instead, the researcher targeted 400 samples and was able to collect 384 responses; of these responses 379 were useful, thus giving a response rate of 94.75%, from the 400 targeted.
The results indicated that the human resource and the organizational culture dimensions are in the best conditions for the development of a KMS; whereas the strategy and leadership, the organizational structure and the ICT are in the worst conditions. Also, the human resource is the only factor that is ready to accept the development of a knowledge management system. Moreover, there is a significant difference between the views of the teachers, administrators and the students towards the readiness of each factor. The research also determined that both models were decent enough to assess readiness to develop a knowledge management system and that the five factors were indeed significant critical factors. Finally, this research offered suggestions for improvement of the five critical factors under scrutiny in this research and also suggestions for future research.
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