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研究生: 周澄巽
Chou, Cheng-Hsun
論文名稱: 行行重行行:雙性戀者父母的生命地景
A journey to another journey: The landscape of lives of parents who have bisexual children
指導教授: 潘淑滿
Pan, Shu-Man
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會工作學研究所
Graduate Institute of Social Work
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: 雙性戀者雙性戀者父母出雙櫃生命歷程
英文關鍵詞: bisexual people, the parents of bisexual children, disclosure of bisexuality, life history
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GSW.019.2018.F04
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:195下載:0
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  • 國內外雙性戀原生家庭的研究極少,以雙性戀者父母為主體的研究趨近於零,使這塊領域長期難以被看見。因此,本研究以我做為同志機構的原生家庭領域志工開始,探討雙性戀者的父母認知脈絡、生命歷程,以及家庭內部互動狀態,於子女出櫃前後如何變化。本研究使用質性研究方法,採解釋互動論 (Interpretive Interactionism) 資料分析,深度訪談八位居住於北中南三地的雙性戀者父母。
    本研究主要發現如下:一、子女出雙櫃前,父母採以單性戀框架,依照子女當時單戀、交往或結婚對象的性別,將子女視為異性戀或同性戀;當子女不只喜歡一種性別,父母仍採以單性戀視角,猜測子女究竟是同性戀還是異性戀。二、子女出雙櫃時,父母呈現五種狀態:1. 以為子女是同性戀;2. 懷疑子女實為同性戀;3. 認為每個人都可能是雙性戀;4. 自責為何無法接納雙性戀子女;5. 平順接納子女的雙性戀身分。所有子女出雙櫃期間,恰逢交往期間或更換新伴侶,子女自此之後的每次感情變化,也都是父母思考子女性傾向的重要轉折點。家庭關係中,雙性戀子女的其他手足皆願意支持子女性傾向,多數父母表示安慰;另外,除了夫妻皆受訪的家庭以外,其他受訪父母家庭內部對子女雙性戀傾向的討論並未有太多衝突。三、雖然多數父母期待子女結婚生子,但全部父母都不反對子女的雙性戀傾向,也無意要求子女和異性交往,全任由子女發展。

    Studies on the families of origin of bisexual people are rare both domestically and internationally, and there is almost no study particularly focusing on the parents of bisexual children as the main research subject, making them a long-neglected group to the public and to the researchers. On this account, starting with my volunteer work dealing with the matters concerning the family of origin in an LGBT organization, this study intends to explore the cognitive context and life history of the parents of bisexual children, and the changes in family interactions before and after their children’s disclosure of sexual orientation. By adopting the qualitative research method, this study used the Interpretive Interactionism for data analysis, and conducted in-depth interviews with eight parents of bisexual children from the northern, central and southern areas of Taiwan for data collection.
    The main research findings are as follows: 1. Before the children’s disclosure of bisexuality, parents tend to adopt a monosexual framework on viewing their children’s sexual orientation as heterosexual or homosexual according to the gender of their children’s crush/date/spouse. However, even when their children have showed sexual interest in more than one gender, parents still use a monosexual perspective to guess whether their children are homosexual or heterosexual. 2. Parents tend to have five reactions when learning their children’s disclosure of bisexuality: (1) They thought their children were homosexual; (2) They suspect that their children are actually homosexual; (3) They think everyone could be bisexual; (4) They blame themselves for being unable to accept their bisexual children; (5) They calmly accept their children’s bisexual identity. If the children are in a relationship or meeting a new date during their disclosure of bisexuality, then the parents would encounter a major turning point at rethinking about their children’s sexual orientation whenever their children have a new relationship after the disclosure. Among the family relationships, other siblings all show willingness to support their siblings’ bisexuality, which comforts most of the parents. Moreover, besides the families that both parents were interviewed, the rest interviewees indicated that there were no serious conflicts when discussing their children’s bisexual orientation within their families. 3. Although most parents expect their children to marry and have children, all of the interviewees do not oppose their children’s bisexual orientation nor want to ask their children to date with the opposite sex. All things can be determined by their bisexual children.
    Finally, this study provides suggestions not only for the parents of bisexual children and their families, but also for educators and helping workers. Furthermore, this study extends the discussions over whether the parents’ education, religious beliefs, and other personal information have additional influence on facing their bisexual children.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起 1 第二節 研究問題與研究目的 9 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 雙性戀:汙名的擁抱與厭棄 11 第二節 同志子女/父母幾多難 24 第三節 浮動流轉的臺灣社會/運動/文化場域 43 第三章 研究方法 57 第一節 質性研究 57 第二節 資料分析 58 第三節 資料蒐集方式 61 第四節 研究嚴謹度 65 第五節 資料分析方法 68 第六節 研究倫理 68 第四章 走過來時路──父母與雙性戀子女的互動 71 第一節 雙性戀者父母的生命脈絡 71 第二節 父母得知雙性戀子女身分前的生活跡象 81 第三節 父母得知雙性戀子女身分後的家庭樣態 96 第五章 結論與建議 135 第一節 結論  135 第二節 研究討論與建議  138 第三節 研究限制 140 參考文獻 141 附錄一 研究邀請函 151  附錄二 知情同意書 153 附錄三 訪談大綱 155

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