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研究生: 高祺君
Kao Chi-Chun
論文名稱: 網路FLASH卡通動畫在視覺傳達應用之研究
The Role of Online Flash Animation In The Application Of Visual Communication
指導教授: 張柏舟
Chang, Po-Chou
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 90
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 網路Flash卡通動畫視覺傳達
英文關鍵詞: Internet, Online Flash Animation, Visual Communication
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:380下載:12
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  • 網路Flash 卡通動畫在視覺傳達應用之研究
    1. 藉由各類市場調查與文獻探討,整合、歸納、分析台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫的發跡過程與生存型態。
    2. 分析現存台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫不同的造型、風格與傳達的內在個性所帶給閱聽人的身、心、靈的感受,甚至改變其基本行為模式的原因與魅力。
    3. 分析現存的台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫如何影響視覺傳達設計作品的產出過程與紀錄。
    4. 綜合前三項探討內容,規劃未來台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫的發展動向與變數,並提出研究結論。

    The Role of Online Flash Animation In The Application Of Visual Communication
    While human beings leap from “the age of ten-time speed” to “the age of digital”, the development of technology in twenty-first century makes it difficult to calculate its own speed. Along with personal computers becoming the basic equipment, the convenience made by Internet walks out from colleges and into our daily life. The plain text transferring systems added in dynamic performance. Because the software packages for editing web pages and web animations are presented in the market, to build a website is not a privilege to programmers. Every industry has its own show on Internet; interesting small animations penetrate into every corner, like famous “A-kuei” (from Spring House Entertainment Inc., Taiwan), “MashiMaro” and “Pucca Couple” (from Korea), and the spokesman for a Japanese drink “Qoo”. A variety of new animations break the barrier between countries, religions, culture and locations, propel into our field of view, and more or less change our visual or auditory senses. Furthermore, animations manipulate the spiritual experience of fans and directly or indirectly alter their life styles and behaviors. This research plan is based on online Flash animations arising in Taiwan during 1999 to 2002 and focuses on the subtle interaction through the virtual t space, Internet, between users and visual designers. This research also opened a wider view of online Flash animations and its role in the application of visual communication. It is expected that the discussion in the research pushes the works of visual designers closer to the need of users and promote the aesthetic cognition of users as well when they enjoy the visual impacts. Therefore users and designers both take advantage from the interaction.
    Following the issues mentioned above, the major content of this research is:
    1. To discuss and analyze the rising and survival of online Flash animation in Taiwan by surveys and documents.
    2. To analyze physical and mental feels of audience brought by the appearances, styles and personality of characters in online Flash animations and the reason and attraction that alter the mode of behaviors of some users.
    3. To analyze the influence of online Flash animations on the process and results of visual design.
    4. To make a conclusion based on the three topics above and to plan the directions and to predict the conditions in the future development of online Flash animations in Taiwan.
    Design theories tell us: “There is need, so there is design.” As the top one rich person in the world Bill Gate said, the meaning of “Internet” is “information at your fingertips”. In the same way, this marketing channel forms at your fingertip. It acts like a promotion trick, first making viewers love it and then making them want to own it. In a short time this channel not only transfers these cute animation characters into best-sold products but also changes the tradition of visual communication. Based on the research, it is suggested: First, the appearance of animation characters is the foundation of online Flash animation; second, the creation of personality of characters and content of the stories make more influence on the minds and daily behaviors of Internet Audience than appearance does. Finally, audience has the desire to understand or possess the related products of visual design. Therefore it is suggested that to raise the attraction of animation characters, content and connotation are the points that animation designer must emphasize. They significantly build the long-term positive interaction between users and characters.

    目 錄 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 壹、 研究動機 貳、 研究目的 第二節 研究範圍與內容 壹、 重要概念說明 貳、 研究範圍 參、 研究內容 第三節 研究方法與流程 壹、 研究方法 貳、 研究流程圖 第二章 相關文獻回顧 第一節 網際網路概說 第二節 網路內容探討 壹、 網際網路的歷史概敘 貳、 全球資訊網﹝W.W.W﹞ 參、 網際網路的架構與服務 肆、 網際網路的媒體特性 伍、 網際網路多媒體設計與溝通藝術 第三節 卡通動畫之定義與認知 壹、 什麼是動畫 貳、 卡通動畫發展史 參、 台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫慨述 第四節 FLASH軟體特性介紹 壹、 Flash軟體介紹 貳、 Flash的特色 第三章 台灣網路FLASH卡通動畫案例分析 第一節 台灣地區網路使用者分析 第二節 台灣地區網路脈動 第三節 1999-2001年台灣地區網路FLASH卡通動畫個案分析 壹、 造形分析 貳、 潛在形象分析 參、 視覺傳達設計應用上之分析 肆、 網頁風格比較 伍、 問卷調查結果 第四節 FLASH卡通動畫製作方法簡介 第四章 研究創作之探討與作品解析 第一節 研究創作之理念與架構 壹、 研究創作理念 貳、 研究創作架構 參、 個人Flash卡通動畫創作經驗 第二節 創作技巧說明 壹、 創作技巧與說明 貳、 主角人物造形分析 參、 色彩運用 肆、 劇情分析 伍、 作品實例與說明 1. 童書 2. 網頁設計 3. 多媒體學習光碟 4. 宣傳海報 第五章 結論 第一節 結論 參考書目 中文書目 外文書目 附錄 附錄一 問卷調查表

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    3.《The Web Design Annual1999》
    4.《Navigation Volume2》
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    7.Rodney Matthews, 1985,《In Search of Forever》, Paper Tiger.
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    9.The Greenwich WorkshopChristopher Hart, 1988, 《How to Draw CARTOONS for COMIC STRIPS》, New York by Watson-Guptill Publications