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研究生: 陳雪芬
Chen, Shueh-Fen
論文名稱: 社區長者預防跌倒信念與行動可能性預測模式驗證之研究
Fall-prevention model in community-dwelling older adults: A verification of beliefs and likelihood of action
指導教授: 郭鐘隆
Guo, Jong-Long
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 社區長者預防跌倒信念行動可能性模式驗證
英文關鍵詞: community-dwelling older adults, fall-prevention beliefs, likelihood of action, model validation
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203864
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:170下載:38
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  • 目的:本研究運用健康信念模式來探討社區長者之預防跌倒信念,並進一步發展適用於國內社區長者預防跌倒行動可能性之預測模式,以可靠且有效地測量臺灣社區長者採取預防跌倒行動之可能性。
    方法:本研究共分三階段進行,第一階段採用焦點團體訪談,以健康信念模式為架構設計訪談大綱,訪談逐字稿以直接內容分析法進行分析;第二階段採用Q方法,Q分類排序所得之資料以主成份分析(Principle Components Analysis)及最大變異轉軸法(Varimax Rotation)進行因素抽取及類型區分;第三階段採用量性問卷調查,以焦點團體訪談資料為基礎及參考相關文獻,建構量化測量工具及進行資料收集,再以結構方程模式(Structure Equation Modeling, SEM)進行預測模式驗證分析。
    結果:第一階段研究共辦理六場焦點團體訪談,每場各招募8位社區長者參與,逐字稿內容共整理出54個濃縮意義單位,25個編碼,上述編碼再依據健康信念模式之六個類別進行歸類結果如下:共有紀大反應差、慢性疾病頭暈、生理功能退化、情緒心情不佳及環境不安全等五個編碼歸類於自覺罹患性;共有身體不舒服、身體受傷、心理害怕及生活無法自理等四個編碼歸類於自覺嚴重性;共有個人身心健康、減少家人負擔及周遭人快樂等三個編碼歸類於自覺行動利益;共有個人身心因素、外在人為因素、生活環境因素及缺乏知識技能等四個編碼歸類於自覺行動障礙;共有自我提醒、個人經驗、他人經驗、知識分享及衛教宣導等五個編碼歸類於行動線索;共有經常提醒自己、成為生活習慣、使用輔具及注意安全等四個編碼歸類於自我效能。第二階段研究共招募42位社區長者參與Q-分類排序,根據Q分類結果之分析共歸納出四種因素類型社區長者,各因素命名如下:因素類型Ⅰ Considerate perspective、因素類型Ⅱ Promising perspective、因素類型Ⅲ Adaptable perspective、因素類型Ⅳ Ignorant perspective。第三階段研究共收回704份有效問卷,根據SEM分析整體模式適配性良好,路徑分析顯示自覺嚴重性、自覺行動利益、行動線索及自我效能對預防跌倒行動可能性均具有正向之顯著影響力,對整體模式的預測力為39.0%;自我效能是直接影響社區長者採取預防跌倒行動可能性之最強因子,同時在自覺行動利益與行動可能性之間具有部份中介作用,在自覺行動障礙與行動可能性之間則具有完全中介作用。

    Purpose: The aim of the present study was to explore fall-prevention beliefs in community-dwelling older adults with the application of health belief model (HBM). The prediction model was further developed for domestic community-dwelling older adults in order to reliably and effectively measures the likelihood of taking fall-prevention actions for community-dwelling older adults in Taiwan.
    Method: The study was conducted in three phases. In the first phase, focus group interviews were used. The interview outlines were constructed on HBM. The interview transcripts were analyzed using direct content analysis. In the second phase, Q method was adopted to investigate the pattern of perception on fall-prevention beliefs. Principal component analysis with Varimax rotation was conducted on the data retrieved from Q-sorting to extract relevant perspectives. In the third phase, quantitative questionnaire survey was adopted. The questionnaire was constructed on the results from focus group interviews and reference literature, and the collected data were used to verify the prediction model with the application of structure equation modeling (SEM).
    Results: Six focus group sessions were held in the first phase, with 8 community-dwelling older adults recruited in each. Transcripts were classified into 54 condensed meaning units and 25 codes. Referring to six dimensions in HBM, codes were distributed as follows. Perceived susceptibility consisted of five codes which were slow response due to aging, dizziness caused by chronic diseases, physical degeneration, poor emotion condition, and unsafe environment condition; perceived severity consisted of four codes which were physical wellness, physical injuries, mental fear, and inability of taking care of themselves; perceived benefits consisted of three codes which were personal physical wellness, burden relief for family, and happiness creation to surroundings; perceived barriers consisted of four codes which were personal physical and metal factors, external interpersonal factors, living environmental factors, and insufficiency of knowledge and skills; cues to action consisted of five codes which were self reminder, personal experiences, other’s experiences, knowledge sharing and promotion of health education; self-efficacy consisted of four codes which were frequent self-reminding, formation of habit, usage of assistive devices, and awareness of safety. In the second phase, Q-sorting was performed by the 42 recruited community-dwelling older adults. Four statistically independent perspectives were derived from the analysis and reflected distinct viewpoints on beliefs related to fall prevention. The correspondent names were: Considerate perspective (factor I), Promising perspective (factor II), Adaptable perspective (factor III), and Ignorant perspective (factor IV). In the third phase, 704 valid samples were collected. The new HBM demonstrated a good fit among the prediction model verified by SEM. Path analysis indicated that perceived severity, perceived benefits, clue to action and self-efficacy have significant positive effect on the likelihood of fall-prevention action, and the prediction model explained 39.0% of the variance in the likelihood of action. Self-efficacy was found to be the most effective factor which directly affected the likelihood of taking fall-prevention action in community-dwelling older adults. It had partial mediation effect on perceived benefits and the likelihood of action, and had complete mediation effect on perceived barriers and the likelihood of action.
    Conclusion: Both the theoretical concepts and the perspectives from the intervened (community-dwelling older adults) were incorporated to discover fall-prevention belief in elderly. Community-dwelling older adults were successfully classified into four distinct perspectives by Q method. A feasible measurement was developed for predicting the likelihood of fall-prevention action in community-dwelling older adults. It is recommended that future design of fall-prevention intervention programs adopt the developed measurement. Future interventions are expected to satisfy the mental and practical needs from community-dwelling older adults to improve their participation in and adherence to program activities.

    目 次 誌謝 .....................................................Ⅰ 中文摘要 ................................................. Ⅱ ABSTRACT ................................................ Ⅳ 目錄 ................... ................................ Ⅶ 表目錄 ................................................... Ⅸ 圖目錄 ................................................... Ⅹ 第一章 ................................................... 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 ................................ ... 1 第二節 研究目的 ......................................... 5 第三節 研究問題 ......................................... 5 第四節 名詞定義 ......................................... 6 第二章 文獻探討 ............................................ 8 第一節 社區老人跌倒之流行病學 ........................... 8 第二節 社區老人跌倒相關之傷害 ........................... 10 第三節 社區老人預防跌倒措施之評值 ........................ 15 第四節 健康信念模式在預防行為之應用 ...................... 19 第三章 研究方法 ........................................... 28 第一節 研究架構 ....................................... 29 第二節 研究對象 ....................................... 30 第三節 研究步驟 ....................................... 32 第四節 資料分析........................................ 42 第四章 研究結果 .......................................... 46 第一節 社區長者預防跌倒之經驗及看法 ..................... 46 第二節 不同類型社區長者之預防跌倒信念分析 ................ 54 第三節 社區長者預防跌倒行動可能性之測模式驗證 ............. 63 第四節 自我效能及行動線索對採取預防跌倒可性之中介效果分析... 73 第五章 討論 ...............................................75 第一節 社區長者之預防跌倒行為經驗及看法................... 75 第二節 不同類型社區長者預防跌倒信念之差異性. .............. 82 第三節 社區長者採取預防跌倒行動可能性之測模式... .......... 85 第四節 行動線索與自我效能對採取預防跌倒行動可能性之中介作用.. 88 第六章 結論............................................... 90 第一節 研究發現......................................... 90 第二節 研究貢獻 ........................................ 90 第三節 研究限制 ........................................ 91 參考文獻 ...................... .......................... 92 中文部分 .............................................. 92 英文部分 .............................................. 97


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