研究生: |
高翊庭 Kao, Yi-Ting |
論文名稱: |
矛盾手法應用於網路群眾心理議題之海報創作研究 A Study of Applying Contradiction to the Creation of Accounts of the Characteristics of Online Crowds Poster Design |
指導教授: |
Liu, Chien-Cheng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 152 |
中文關鍵詞: | 矛盾 、群眾心理 、海報 |
英文關鍵詞: | Contradiction, Crowd Psychology, Poster |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001094 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:296 下載:59 |
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矛盾所代表著邏輯的不一致,是為辯證的起點,同時意味著思想上的自由,為社會帶來進步與繁榮。勒龐(Gustave Le Bon,1841-1931)將群眾形容為「矛盾的共同體」,凸顯群體對於個體的道德教化的重要性。然而個體容易受到群體的暗示,導致非理性的衝動行為一再的重演。視覺表現上的矛盾手法,是通過自身辯證闡明個人的思考,並藉由假設的建立,來視覺化矛盾圖像,藉此表達論點。本研究以當代社會為題,探討勒龐身處時代所未觸及的網路群眾心理,以設計的角度表現社會現象的觀察。在文獻探討階段,本研究由形式邏輯的矛盾作為切入點,延續到辯證邏輯的矛盾論述,並透過維根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein,1889-1951)「意義的圖像理論」,闡釋視覺形式之於藝術語言之間的關係。再藉由馬格利特(René Magritte,1898-1967)與超現實主義者們對於維根斯坦圖像與語言命題辯證過程中所產出的圖像作為依據,綜合過去學者研究,一系列脈絡化的討論,歸納出矛盾視覺化的手法。案例研究階段則取樣自國際平面設計聯盟(AGI)十位會員的一百件作品,分析矛盾手法類型表現的特色,作為後續創作之參考。本研究在創作實證階段,將歸納的矛盾手法對於網路群眾心理議題進行表現,由群眾的心理狀態與原因、對象等因素,創作五個系列共計15件作品。經由創作驗證後,本研究獲致結論為:(1)矛盾手法的表現形式在視覺傳達設計的領域相較於藝術表現更多樣;(2)矛盾手法的運用難易度由低至高依序為:物理型、認知型、空間型;而認知型矛盾手法的表現因效果顯著,故最廣為應用;(3)網路群眾議題經由矛盾手法的詮釋,喚起觀者過去的視覺經驗,能強化對議題的敘事力與表現力。
Contradiction represents a logical inconsistency, which is the starting point for dialectic; it also means freedom of thought and brings progress and prosperity to the society. Gustave Le Bon (1841-1931) described the crowds as “a community of contradictions”, highlighting the importance of groups for individual moral education. However, individuals are susceptible to group hints that lead to irrational impulsive behaviors repeatedly. The contradictory method of visual expression is to illustrate personal thinking by self-dialectics, and to visualize contradictory pictures through the creation of hypotheses, thereby expressing arguments. Based on the theme of contemporary society, this study examines the psychology of Internet crowds that Le Pon has never encountered in his era, and presents the observation of social phenomena from the perspective of design. At the literature review stage, this study takes the contradiction of formal logic as an entry point, and continues to the contradiction of dialectical logic, through Ludwig Wittgenstein’s (1889-1951) “Picture Theory of Language”, which explains the relationship between visual forms and artistic language. By using the pictures produced by René Magritte (1898-1967) and surrealists during the debate on Wittgenstein's picture and language proposition as a basis, it synthesized the researches of past scholars and a series of structured discussions to generalize the way to visualize contradictions. The case study phase sampled 100 pieces of works of ten members from the Alliance Graphique Internationale to analyze the characteristics of the contradictory patterns, as a reference for subsequent creation. In the empirical stage of the study, I present the contradictory approach to the psychology of the Internet crowds, by factors such as the mental state of the crowds, the cause, and the object to create a total of 15 works in five series. Upon validation of creation, this study concluded that: (1) contradictory forms of expression are more diverse in the field of visual communication design than in that of artistic expression; (2) The difficulty of using contradictory techniques in an increasing order: physical, cognitive, spatial; and cognitive contradictory techniques are most widely used due to their significant effect; (3) Internet issues are interpreted in contradictory ways to evoke past visual experiences of the viewers and enhance narrative and expressive power of issues.
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